Arina Solenko - biography, personal life, photo, news, tennis, Konstantin Koltsov, matches, "VKontakte", "Instagram" 2021



Over the years, a young and talented tennis player Arina Sobolenko managed to win the title of the first racket of Belarus, but did not stop at the achieved and continued the path to the heights. The athlete is compared with Tigritz, and she herself says that coaches created a killer car in her face.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Arina Sergeyevna Solenko began on May 5, 1998 in the capital of Belarus - Minsk. She was born in the family of the former hockey player, so it is not surprising that the father decided to acquaint her daughter to sport. The choice fell on the tennis section.

While as a child, Arina was different from the peers in physical power, endurance and will to victory. At first occupations, when Elena Vergeenko coach gave the assignment to challenge the ball because of the head, the majority managed to dock only half the hall, and Solenko almost moved him.

In training, the girl quickly got into the number of leaders, but it was not easy to work with her. Arina barely managed to cope with emotions, because of what conflicts with a coach began to arise. As a result, Elena Mikhailovna realized that, continuing cooperation, they would not achieve results and advised the parents of Solenko to find a male mentor. Soon it became clear that it was the best solution.


It was not possible to achieve heights on the youth level Arine, so she soon began to prepare for the transition to an adult. In 2016, Khalil Ibrahimov became coaching stars, under the leadership of which she won several bright victories at international tournaments and rapidly rose to the steps of the world ranking of tennis players.

But to attract the attention of Sobolenko's sports experts only in 2017. In October, she for the first time in his career reached the final of the WTA tournament held in Tianjin. Tennis player lost to the famous Russian Maria Sharapova, which did not prevent her to enter the top 100 women's ranking and become the first racket of Belarus.

The next year was fruitful for Belarusian. At the beginning of the summer, she began working with the Russian coach Dmitry Tursunov, which has positively affected its results. Already in August, the 1st Title WTA appeared in the film Arina. She won him at the tournament in New Heaven, where he defeated Spaniard Karl Suarez-Navarro.

Success inspired an athlete to new accomplishments, and in September she pleased the fans with another achievement. Beating Estonka Annette Contavaist, Solenko won the 2nd title WTA. The tournament was held in the Chinese Uhana.

2019 I remember the tennis lovers not only with the bright victories of the stars, but also her conflicts with a coach. Since Dmitry and Arina are both emotional, it was often difficult for them to restrain themselves during failures, because of which they exchanged offended words and mutual reproach. After the tournament in the United States, it was even announced to terminate cooperation, but later they managed to negotiate.

The intense atmosphere in the team did not interfere with Solenko become the owner of several more trophies. She won the Shenzhen Open Championship, and then defended the WTA title in Uhana. In the fall of Beloruska, the triumph was celebrated on WTA Elite Trophy.

At the end of February 2020, Arina became the winner of the Premier 5 tournament in Doha, where he beat Peter Kvitov in the final. After that, she added two titles of Ostrava Open into the piggy bank - in solitary and paired discharge. The partner of the star was Eliz Monts, which she later overwhelmed in the WTA tournament finale in Linz.

In the same year, the athlete stopped working with Tursunov and became the ward of Dieter Kindlman - the former Sparring partner Maria Sharapova. With him the star managed to get into the top 10 world ranking of tennis players.

Personal life

Arina does not hide information about personal life. In the past, she was in relations with the Belarusian hockey player Matvey God, but soon they broke up with a guy. After that, the tennis player was attributed to the novel with its coach Dmitry Tursunov, with whom she exchanged emotional posts in social networks during the conflict.

The star hurried to disprove rumors and in 2019 unexpectedly announced that he was engaged. The wedding did not take place, and the chosen name remains secret. But later Solenko began to mention the headlines of scandalous articles in connection with the divorce of the hockey player Konstantin Koltsov and his wife of Julia.

In the spring of 2020, the former chosen name of the athlete published a post in which Konstantin hinted on the treason. As an illustration for the record, she chose a romantic photo with a man, but for some reason noted Arina on it. Then the Web began to spread in the network that Solenko became the culprit of the decay of the family.

Koltsov hurried to protect the tennis player and stated that it was not related to his decision to divorce. For some time, Belarusian appeared in the public one, and at the beginning of 2021 again forced fans to build guesses about her personal life when he published a photo with a bare belly. Subscribers decided that it hints at pregnancy.

Rumors about it managed to forget, like a scandal with Koltsov, but in the summer of the same year, Arina unexpectedly announced that it was not alone again. In instagram account athletes, several romantic pictures appeared with Konstantin, which did not doubt their novel. Fans remained only to guess, he began to divorce a hockey player or after.

In early June, Koltsov devoted the beloved touching post, where he described it as a gentle and vane. He stressed that Arina is impossible not to love.

Arina Sobolenko now

Now Solenko remains tennis star. At the beginning of 2021, she marked victory at the WTA tournament in Abu Dhabi, from which President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko himself congratulated her. After that, Arina again united with Mercerts to win Australian Open in a paired discharge.

The victories conquered in the future allowed Belarusian to rise to 4th place in the world ranking, which became the best result in her career. Fans did not hide the delight, which was expressed on the athlete page in "Instagram" and on fan pages in VKontakte.

In early summer, Solenko took part in the matches of the 3rd round of Roland Garros, where he lost to the Russian woman Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova. She lost and Madison Kiz, who met at the WTA tournament in Berlin. The star had a chance to rehabilitate in Eastbourne, where she defeated Bernarda Pier in the 1st Circle. But in the 1/4 finals, Arina knocked Camila Georgie.

But later, Arina showed himself at the start of Wimbledon. In the 1st Round, she beat Romanka Monica Nikulzka, which made it possible to continue the struggle for the victory.

Awards and achievements

  • 2017 - Heart Award
  • 2017 - Finalist of the Federation Cup in the national team of Belarus
  • 2018 - "Newbie of the Year"
  • 2019, 2021 - The winner of the two tournaments of the Big Helmet in the steam discharge
  • Winner 16 WTA Tournaments

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