Valeria Verbinina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Modern writer Valeria Vorbinina began as a fiction author, but over time he switched to detective stories, of which historical retrogesses like others. The most successful works considers the cycle about the Amalie Tamarina-Corf and the novel "The Knight of the Dark Sun", in which it is narrating about the times of the Tuton Order.

Childhood and youth

Valeria was born in November 1975. About the children's ages of the author knows little. After School, Verbinina entered the Moscow State Linguistic University in Moscow.

Lives in the Moscow region. How it began to pass the writer, which turned into a profession, is unknown. A woman does not allow an interview and is generally trying not to devote outsiders to life that does not concern her books.


The first publication appeared in the biographies of Vibinina in 2000. The author creates novels, stories and stories. Valeria began to write under the impression of previously read works in the style of fantasy, so its first work also wore elements of this genre. Over the years in the stories, women began to appear more confusing plots with a long junction and an unexpected end, so she finally switched to writing detectives.

Now in the bibliography of Vibinina, not one dozen works, and each of them finds his own reader. Critics highly appreciated the reception, which Valeria applied when writing a cycle of retrojectives, where Amalia Tamarin-Corf is performed by the main heroine.

Each book of this series has its own prejudger. For example, the "traveler from nowhere" demonstrates the reader the style of a spy novel, "Poisoned Mask" is a thriller, and "Lady and Lone Arrows" - Western. Among other applied by the readers of the works of the author is worth noting the novel of 2007 "In Search of Leonardo", which was included in the "Amalia" cycle. Secret Agent Empire.

The plot unfolds around the girl who has a task - to get a masterpiece Leonardo da Vinci for the Hermitage collection. A difficult task leads her to a ship departing into a new light. There are many agents among passengers, they are also entrusted to find a picture, now Amalia needs to be inflicted everyone to arrive at the place of the first.

Not less than the readers of Valeria remember the plot of the novel "Brilliant Fortune", published in 2011. He entered the series about Alexei Cavery, Polina Sumina and the Tireless Detective Voca.

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Speech again is about the secret agent, which works for the Russian emperor and must kill the duel of the annoying fan of the princesses of Alexandra Mikhailovna. Inappropriate acquaintance with him, she started in Nice when he was treated there. The surprise of the special price was not the limit, when in Freillan Princess, he recognized a colleague in service and eternal rival.

Fans of Valeria celebrate the author's possession of the author, the Verbinina works in detail every unique plot and to the last page holds readers in tension. Today, she cooperates with the Publishing House "Eksmo", also its works publish the magazines "The World of Fiction", "Magic PC" and others.

Personal life

Nothing is known about the personal life of the writer. Valeria maintains pages in "Instagram" and "Facebook", where it periodically presents new books, laying out photos of the covers. Instead of personal pictures, a woman prefers to publish photos taken in nature.

Valeria Verbinina now

The writer and now continues to compose stories with confusing plots. In 2018, Valeria began a new cycle with the main hero of Ivan Optic. Then the book was published about it called Moscow Time.
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And already in 2019, Verbinina introduced readers to continue the series and released 2 more publications: "Theater Square" and "Swallow Nest". Also, her novel "Kazus Engineer Guseva" entered the collection "Petersburg Detective", where the action of all represented stories occurs in the cultural capital of Russia.


  • 2003 - "Dark Sun"
  • 2005 - "Amalia and Shadow in Mask"
  • 2007 - "In Search of Leonardo"
  • 2008 - "Sewage Dinner in English Style"
  • 2010 - "Million in the air"
  • 2012 - "Broken Heart of Goddess"
  • 2014 - "Story of one marriage"
  • 2015 - "Wizard from Storms"
  • 2017 - "Veil from sunlight"
  • 2018 - "Moscow time"
  • 2018 - "Snow Rose"
  • 2019 - "Theater Square"
  • 2019 - "Swallow Nest"

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