Elena Arsenieva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Elena Arsenyevna Pereshko, more familiar readers under the creative pseudonym Elena Arsenyev, - Russian writer, journalist, publisher, philologist, author of detectives, love and historical novels.

On the way to success, the writer from the Far East has tried different genres - historical miniatures, fantasy, spy detectives, but stopped at the "Ladies" novels. Fans call it the author of the Russian "Angelica."

Childhood and youth

The first pages of the novelist biography are written in Khabarovsk, where Elena Grushko appeared in September 1952. Her childhood and youth were held here, the first lines were written. According to the writer, the debut took place in the 2nd grade: the girl wrote an essay about the life of sailors, which he knew not to be obsteed.

After graduation, Elena did not leave his hometown and chose the Faculty of Philology in the local university for further study. In parallel, the girl studied at the Scenic Faculty of Vgika, but in absentia.

Elena Arsenieva in youth

Having received a diploma of higher education, I found a job on Khabarovsk television: the graduate was offered to edit children's and youth. But Elena Grushko attracted work with the texts, so it got a journalist in the literary and art journal "Far East". Then worked in the book publishing house.

In the 1980s, the future novelist moved to Nizhny Novgorod, where he worked as the regional representative of the "Young Guard".


The first publication for Elena Arsenyeva (such a pseudonym the writer took in honor of the Father) turned out to be a "komom": the novel "not a wife", which appeared on the pages of the "Far East", was a derogatory criticism in the newspaper "Literary Russia", where the author placed an overview of the creativity of young Siberian writers. Fortunately, Arsenyev did not leave writing and reacted to a tough review of philosophically.

In 1984, Elena gave readers a collection of stories "The Last Snow April", which in the publisher met favorably and decided to print.

The first literary experiments Arsenyeva are made in documentary. But, giving tribute to realism, the young prose dipped in the world of fiction, fairy tales and folklore. Her story "Blue Cedar" and "constellation of visions" are inhabited by people and fabulous characters, speaking flowers and herbs, good magicians and evil sorcerers.

1989 became a landmark year in the life of Elena Arsenyeva: Sibiryachka was presented by a membership ticket of the Russian Writers Union. She became an active participant in the activities of the All-Union Association of Young Fortist Writers formed under the Publishing House "Young Guard". Arsenyeva visited international films in Europe.

In the late 1990s, the writer made a steep turn, switched from fiction for detectives. Then there were historical and love novels. The books of Elena Arsenyeva - the permanent author of the Publishing House "Eksmo" - enjoy success. In the 2000s, the bibliography was replenished with a series "Russian Family Saga". Prosaik's fans with joy met the novels of the cycle "Saga about the family of Rusanov" "a year in life", "Winter in Paradise" and "Last Summer".

Personal life

A little known about the personal life of the author of the author of the Russian "Angelica". The writer reluctantly operates family secrets and does not indulge fans a photo of her husband and children. In one interview, Arsenyev shared that the young daughter was redeemed by the famous Roman Ann and Serzh Golon, Netua that "we have nothing like that." Mom decided to fill the gap and wrote something similar, but in Russian manner.

Elena Arsenieva

Having been in France, Elena Arsenyevna fell in love with the Argentine Tango. She says:

"This is so beautiful dance that is just a" roof demolitions "."

Soon the Dance School of Arsenyeva "Atango" appeared in Nizhny Novgorod.

Elena Arsenieva now

In 2018, Prosais gave fans a detective thriller "Love Koldun" about the conspiracy of the occultists, intending to kill Stalin, and the love romance "An inadequate Wedding".

Writer Elena Arsenieva

In the spring of 2019, Arsenyev pleased the readers by detective novels "Personal Winker of the Queen" and "Magic Relief of Faith Cold". Both are filled with mystic, fantastic events and love adventures. The writer again confirmed that she was a master of exciting plots and unexpected turns, so her books are read on one breath, not allowing to break away and keeping up to the last page.

Now the popular author works above the new novel, whose name holds in the Security.


  • 1987 - "Hello, city!" (Book first. Hard start)
  • 1995 - "Dictionary of Slavic mythology" (co-author Yu. M. Medvedev)
  • 2005 - "The first among the best anthemistry of a detective story" (Collection)
  • 2007 - "Newest Detective Stories"
  • 2008 - "Witch from the apple orchard"
  • 2008 - "Christmas Detective" (assembly with other authors)
  • 2009 - "Beautiful adventurers"
  • 2010 - "Last Summer"
  • 2010 - "Winter in Paradise"
  • 2010 - "Autumn on the edge"
  • 2010 - "Walking Necklace"
  • 2011 - "Detective for Christmas"
  • 2011 - "Unnecessary Spring"
  • 2011 - "Unnecessary love of the emperor"
  • 2014 - School Heter
  • 2017 - "Your enemy in darkness"
  • 2019 - "Magic Relief of Faith Cold"
  • 2019 - "Personal Werewolf Queen"

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