Larra - character biography, character, appearance, quotes


Character History

The work of Maxim Gorky "Old Man Izergil" is a romantic story in which there is a narrative of three legends. From the mouth of an elderly woman, the author learns about two mythical characters: Danko and Larre. Poetic images convey edification and morality that the author broadcasts the public by writing.

History of creation

Writer Maxim Gorky

The old woman iszergil enters the cycle of romantic stories written by bitter. This work was created in 1891 during the trip on Bessarabia. Literary criticists consider him an example of the early creativity of the author. The main motives and distinguishing features of Gorky are viewed in this essay. It includes three novels, combined with a common idea. Through three legends, the author describes the value of human life. Images of heroes - Izergil, Danko and Larra - help to understand the attitude of the writer to human freedom.

The legend of Larre presents the reader the characteristic of the egoist with a mass of negative qualities. To achieve the goal of the young man goes to any actions, demonstrating, which gives permissiveness. In this regard, he is opposed to Danko, choosing self-sacrifice, as the only correct decision in life. Older Izergil personifies reality, to judge which bitter allows readers. The meaning of human life is the main theme of the work that the author talks to, knowing the audience with heroes.

"Old Isergil"

Illustration for book

The story is typical of romantic works. The action takes place in nature. The story leads an elderly Moldavian, whose life is based on its own laws. The legend of Larre resembles an old woman swimming past the cloud.

Hero's biography is extraordinary. He was the son of an eagle and a simple woman. His father stole a girl at a young age and made his wife. The mother of Larra returned to the seven twenty years later, when the narrowed died, crashing about the rock. The son of a courageous eagle was with her. Loneliness and life outside of society are prepared by the hero, which the rules of Pride. He put himself above the surrounding. The psychology of the hero was distinguished from the psychology of the tribesmen, which made him excess among them.

Sobating from the total mass, Larra allowed himself to commit a crime, the punishment for which was inevitable. He became interested in the daughter of the elder, and when she refused the young man, killed the girl from everyone in sight. The son of Eagle did not lose self-control at this moment. The act remained unsolved people. Proud and selfish Larra could not forgive failure. The decisions of the hero dictated its origin. The eagle genes appealed to exceeding themselves. The elders were looking for a punishment of the young man for a long time. One of the judges decided that freedom would fully fully.


The first among all, he could not be so alone. "Overhead" was the meaning of Larra since then. He wandered on the ground alone. At first, such an existence was like a hero. But one day the young man appeared again in the tribe, and it became clear that he would eager for death. No one decided to give Larre such redemption. The young man tried to kill himself with a knife, but the weapon did not succumb to him, since his body turned into a shadow. To this day, he walks on earthly expanses, not finding peace.

Gorky raised the ministry to people above all, therefore Larra in his representation - anti-mode, which is not found excuse. The son of Eagle cannot live in human laws. But he is not a bird, but a man. This is the tragedy of the hero predicted by its appearance.

Illustration for book

Larra personifies the confusion, posing itself as an ideal and violating the laws of human society. In the absence of human destiny, he does not find a rest and is doomed to eternal wanderings. Larra's eyes, which described in detail the oldest isergil, symbolize his character. Cold and complete pride, they distinguish the young man from all. The endless pride permeates the image of Larra and is visible in his actions.


"It was even scary to all, when they realized how loneliness he commocated himself. He had no tribe, nor mother, no cattle, no wife, and he did not want anything of it. "" And now he walks, walks everywhere ... See, he has already become like a shadow and so will be forever! He does not understand the speech of people nor their actions - nothing. And everything is looking for, walks, walks ... he has no life, and death does not smile at him. And there is no place among people ... That's how a person was struck for pride! "

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