Kirill Sarychev - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Powerlifter 2021



Powerlifer Kirill Sarychev rightly refers to the strongest person in the world. He is a real bogatyr, which conquered the planet with a record in the bench press Lyzh. For these incredible achievements, a man became a legend among athletes and received a nickname Russian giant.

Childhood and youth

Athlete was born in early 1989 in the provincial city of Pugachev, Saratov region. His young years spent there, did not differ in a variety of sections visited. But the genes took their own: Father Sarychev had the physical parameters of the world-class athlete. Therefore, already in childhood, yielding to the influence of the father and elder brother, Kirill joined the sport. Together with them I shook the press and pressed. At first it was done from under the stick, but over time, exercise became part of his life.

Attending the gym Kirill began at a young age. He belonged to the local correctional colony, worked only for her employees. But the compassional guards of the order were allowed and local guys who came to raise iron. However, after changing the head of the colony, after the hall ceased to follow, and in the end it closed.

Soon in his hometown, Kirill signed up in another room, the room belonged to school No. 1. Then at the age of 15 his life has changed cool. Confident, he appeared to the training session and demonstrated his skills.

Subsequently, Viktor Mikheev became coach, who laid the base of sports discipline and purposefulness in it. Shortly thereafter, the first significant results began to appear in the biography of Sarychev.

Personal life

About Kirill's personal life is known. At the official website athlete is that he is not married, but among its values ​​and priorities - a big friendly family and a strong homemade hearth.

The Internet often discusses the appearance of a man, in particular his beard, clothes, are interested in growth and weight (197 cm, 180 kg). And it is not surprising, after all, the life of the Russian Bogatyr is saturated with the bright events that he covers through "Instagram", regularly publishing fresh photos and videos there.


Over the years, Powerlifting has reached Kirill's career for a professional level. 3 months after the start of training under the leadership of Viktor Mikheev, he managed to pull the power indicators and increased its own weight to almost 90 kg. The coach chose a special tact for him, in which every 3 months increased by the young athlete of weight increased. So a year later, Sarychev "Grown" to 160 kg, did the press lying and easily raised the rod weighing the corresponding indicators of the Sports Master.

Turn the spirit of the athlete helped and the conditions in which workouts took place. It was an old building, from the walls of which plaster crept on, the premises were not heated. And to get to the hall, daily Cyrill overcomed the path of 5 km on foot.

Professional competitions began under the auspices of the International Powerlifting Federation. At first, the young man performed without equipment, but when I realized that his results were unsatisfactory, changed tactics and put on a hatred for athletes "Equipment".

By 17 years in equipment, he could already pull 260-270 kg, press lying the same weight and squat with a bar of 300 kg. At the Eurasian Championship in 2007, which was held in Kursk, put a couple of new records, which still failed to beat anyone.

In the same year, Togliatti took place at the World Championships, where Kirill met Andrei Fedoseev, the organizer of the Tournament "Battle of Champions". The man just engaged in the search for the strongest athletes of the world.

In his youth, Sarychev actively trained and in 2014 decided to put the world record for the press lying. With a porch weighing 326 kg, he became a world record holder, and in a year, increasing weight up to 335 kg, ahead of his own result. The fame of the record holder in the force of the federal went far beyond Russia, from now on the name of the Russian athlete knew millions and compared with the legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger. Cyril began to invite into different programs, including the "fitness hour", where the athlete gave advice to those who wish to increase strength.

And in 2016, Sarychev showed the best result in the braid line at the World Championships. Already then, the volume of his biceps exceeded 60 cm. Being a heavy athlete, he did not have muscle relief peculiar, for example, Bodybuilder Ivan Vododanov, in the athletes-Powerlifter, all muscle mass is hiding behind a fat layer.

At about the same time, Kirill met with the actor and athlete Haftor Bjørnsson, who arrived in the Russian capital to the competition, and before that he had a joint training session with a guy. Boris Sheiko, with which an athlete is engaged since 2011, has developed a special training program for him. Sarychev does not use doping, and a balanced diet and good health helps to achieve incredible results.

The new chapter appeared in the life of Cyril with moving to Moscow. In the WRPF Federation, he took the presidency. And in 2017, together with Sergei Dulzhnevsky, created the WAF Army Armynifting Federation, under the auspices of which the first championship took place in the same year.

In addition to her, now Sarychev is busy in other projects, the popularity of the athlete makes fans to follow his life through social networks, and therefore the number of subscribers in the Instagram accounts and VKontakte regularly increases, as well as the number of views on the Youtyub Channel.

In 2018, the athlete removed the video along with the legendary Andrei Malanichev and at the amateur level, he held competitions with Turnipman Igor Voithetko. Then, on his Youtyub-channel, power exercises showed a popular blogger Alexey Stolyarov and an athlete Victor Blud. And later on the Body Mania channel, he gave a comment relative to the trash current between Mikhail Cockley and Brother Fedor Emelianenko, Alexandra, who, before the fight, the opponent's eyebrow, throwing a cap.

Also, Kirill is called that a person who brought to Russia the idea of ​​holding market tournaments and for the first time organized such a competition in his homeland in 2018. In the video format, this project translated Amira Sardarov, who began to organize such events with "volunteers" and publish them on Yutubeub. The project was called "Stone Persons". Sarychev, as a famous athlete, invited him to behave.

Kirill Sarychev now

Cyril and now continues to regularly train and participates in different projects. In May 2018, he appeared on the Yutiub-Channel "Gavs Brothers" in the hope of helping Victoria Buris after the death of her husband Artem on the operating table, which was also engaged in sports.

In early 2020, when a coronavirus infection began to spread around the country, Kirill did not remain indifferent to the problems of therapeutic institutions. The record holder sent the mask of his own brand in hospitals, in which the protection facilities lacked doctors.


  • 2010 - 1st place on the "Champions Battle"
  • 2011 - 2nd place on the "Battle of Champions"
  • 2012 - 1st place on the "Battle of Champions"
  • 2014 - 1st place on the "Battle of Champions"
  • 2015 - 1st place in the open Cup SN Pro on the press and craft
  • 2016 - 1st place at the WRPF World Cup for Powerlifting
  • 2017 - 1st place at the Russian Powerlifting Championship
  • 2018 - 1st place at Thor's Powerlifting Challenge and Open Event Competitions: BP Raw

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