Natalize Cofoff - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



At the end of July 2019, the Russian writer, creating under the pseudonym of Nataliya Coff, pleased with the admirers of their work with the release of the second novel from the "Gangster Love" cycle. Those who first managed to get acquainted with "Isaam", poured his creator enthusiastic comments and words of gratitude for a worthy continuation of the history of the relationship between young main characters - Felix and squirrels.

Childhood and youth

Natalia Neakhova (such is the real name and surname of the author) - Woman secretive. For details, she does not rush in a hurry, not a ballet of curious journalists with comprehensive information about the personal biography and preferring to disclose in the work.

It is known only that the writer was born in the ninth April day of 1984, although, from her words, she often forgets how old she was, and if she had not been on a literary way, then it would be worked by the profession - a translator. To read the Cofoff always, but to take the pen and the paper pushed it by chance that the book was pushed.

"Once I read the book, where the main characters in the epilogue die in the car accident. I was very upset because I liked the novel. But the ending ... And I decided that you need to write my story, where all the heroes would be such as I want, will love each other, and eternity, and maybe more, will be together, "she confessed.

So the debut product "just believed me" appeared on the light in 2011, which put the beginning of the cycle of the "Fairy Tales about Love", after which Natalia could no longer stop.


The Bibliography of Coff grew a year from the year, faster than new cycles - "Romanov's novels", "Lonely Snipers Club", "Dragons" ("Brave Heart of the Dragon" and "Fire Heart of the Dragon"), "Pyatigorsi" club, consisting of "Cappuccins", "Birthdays and heroes", "the light of the morning star" and others.

There is also a separate "verb series", which entered the novels "to tighten the hurricane" and "re-educating the coolant" by the young readers of the novels.

In a rare interview, Nataliza reported that its inspiration lies in a good film or book, and also able to harm during dinner or walking with daughters.

Personal life

On the own page, the faction on the portal "Samizdat" contains only a few proposals that spill the light on her personal life:

"I have two little muses, a husband and some free time. Here, in such a funny company, my works appear, in no case applying for a masterpiece. I just write about what I would like to read at your leisure. "
Natalize Cuff With Family

However, with the exception of the only family photo in VKontakte by August 2019 and the name of the beloved wife Eugene (whose hometown is Karaganda), there are no other details about loved ones. The account in the social network "Instagram" is now completely given exclusively under work pictures.

As for the nature of the woman, he, according to her, she is a non-conflict person, in the dispute prefers to give the opponent, while remaining with his opinion.

Natalia Coffee now

In 2018, regular book novelties came out from Natalia Coff, among which - the "risk zone", the "risk limit" and the "risk illusion". The following year, the same fate waited for love Romance "Payback for Risk", "Fuller", "Courier on Pol Power" and already mentioned "Isai".
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In the official group of the author, VKontakte contains useful information for readers: In which online stores you can find it on a pleasant discount, on which sites are drawn, when to expect the continuation of a series of this or that series. In the same way, it personally responds to questions of users in a special section of discussions, explaining controversial moments and talking about creative plans for the future.


  • 2011 - "Just believe me"
  • 2012 - "Love your laws, or be my miracle"
  • 2013 - "Ricochet from the Past"
  • 2014 - "Love me"
  • 2015 - "tiny miracle"
  • 2017 - "Take a hurricane"
  • 2017 - "Cappuccination"
  • 2017 - "re-educating the coolant"
  • 2017 - "Spiny and Bogatyr"
  • 2018 - "Risk Limit"
  • 2018 - "Risk Zone"
  • 2019 - "Payback for Risk"
  • 2019 - "Courier on Polish"
  • 2019 - Fuller
  • 2019 - "Isai"

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