Gingerbile - character biography, character, appearance, quotes


Character History

The work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol "The Auditor" denies the characters inherent in any era. The characters who described the author are found in modern times. Therefore, the comedy remains popular for almost two centuries. The composition presents colorful images of officials. He heads the company to power the government of the city.

History of creation

Portrait of Nicholas Gogol

Work on the auditor began in the thirties of the 19th century. During this period, Gogol worked on the writing "Dead Souls", carefully working out images of heroes. The writer has accumulated material that prompted him to reflect Russian reality in a separate work. Gogol did not consider a comedy "his" genre. Nevertheless, by this time the public has already read published "marriage" and assumed which techniques are characteristic of the author.

In the creation of the plot of the play, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin participated. He retold the friend anecdote, who found out from the publisher of the Journal "Public Notes". The incident that happened at the meeting of a government official was described by the poet in the colors. As well as the case that happened to him himself: Pushkin accepted the auditor in Nizhny Novgorod, where the writer collected the material for the next work.

Pushkin in Gogol

Such situations were not uncommon for county towns, so Gogol involved the idea and two months later presented the "auditor" on the evening in the evening of Zhukovsky. According to the author, he was going to demonstrate that bad that there is in the management office of the state, and from the soul to laugh at it. Satira, ridicule, reason to fight flaws and injustice - such was the purpose of the play. The premiere of the comedy in the theater took place in 1836.

Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky had to personally ask the emperor about the tolerance of the play to the production. The performance created in the Alexandrinsky Theater was not impressed by Gogol: the actors were afraid to pass the sharpness of the work and softened the tone by making a comedy Waterville. Only granted performed by Ivan Sosnitsky passed the plan of playwright.

Gogol, Pushkin and Zhukovsky

Nicholas I, who saw the premiere, appreciated the mock. The play fell sovereign to taste, and she was continued to put on the theatrical stage of Russia. Focusing on the acting, Gogol has repeatedly ruled the text. The final version was presented in 1842.


Anton Antonovich Justopter-DMUKHANOVSKY - a gray-haired man with sharp features of the face, continuous and fat. His soul looked for thirty-year-old stay in the service. The heavy path of building a career, which allowed to buy a house and get the benefits corresponding to the status, made a guest of a soulless and selfish person. He managed to break away from the lowest ranks, having mastered the subtleties of movement from office and nuances to address management issues.

Gingerbile B.

Gingerbile imagined terrible features that demonstrated officials in public service. Everyone was managed with the people as he wanted and peak off, taking advantage of the post and status. A welcome, situations in which one employee gives a bribe, and the other accepts it, immorality - here is the moral town of the district, which described Gogol.

Anton Antonovich was not worried about his duties and entrusted urban economy, but his own fate. And the latter stood above all. Gingerbile knows the problem areas, hesitates how it can be stated in mistakes, and great concern overthrows the managerial in moments threatening his future. The character's cowardice is fully manifested when Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky say that the auditor has been in the town of Bobchinsky. Anton Antonovich understands that it is necessary to establish contact with the bosses, and in this case he has no equal.

Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky

The first person in the city, he takes bribes, and skillfully distributes them. Knowing what kind of larva should be put on, he creates the image of a pious leader. Khleshtakov seems to be the city cares about others and his attitude towards others is trembling. It seems that Anton Antonovich is advancing for the benefit of the state and the benefit of his people. The comical looks as the hero defines the reward, claiming the title of benefactor. Attending the scene in the first, second and third acts, in the fourth character is absent. But the conversations do not subside about him.

The characteristic of the Gogol Hero receives from the mouth of colleagues and citizens. Grubian and cynic, the egoist and the greedy buyer call him visitors to the horstakov who came to ask for help. Representatives of different estates come to the pseudoevisor, asking for protection. The scene of receiving appeals draws a full-fledged picture of the life of the city. Bribery, borestolubia, family overall and greed flourish here.


The final of the description of the image of Gully becomes the fifth act, in which the hero, ascended by the podium, is in the center of events. At the beginning of the work, he anticipates exposure. Then takes second breathing, realizing that he is under the protection of the leadership, and dreams how with his wife will live in St. Petersburg as a relative of the auditor. The profitable marriage of his daughter promised the successful completion of the career of the city.

At that moment, the philosophy of the hero is distinctly drawn, whose biography was built on rejecting the surrounding and elevation of his own personality, exaggeration of its significance. The arrogance and contempt begin to be viewed in each word, and officials are almost bowed to Anton Antonovich. Hope Hero is treated when dramatic recognition occurs: the auditor turned out to be unreal. The scam is striking the city, who was Mastaka in matters of deception. The essence of the hero appears before the public in all its glory.

The main characters of the play

The monologue of the hero demonstrates his petty and insignificance. The implicit of the dirty habits of officials, self-confidence and faith in impunity, Gogol makes a rude funny, emphasizing the typicity of this image and its prevalence in the country's control apparatus.


Yuri Tollauyev as Governing

The works of Gogol is a rich theatrical history. The auditor is among the plays that make up the basis of the repertoire of the dramatic theater. At the same time, the product does not have a wide potential for the adaptation. Although, the directors used the plot of the play for a movie film.

In 1949, Henry Bone shot the film based on the work, where the plot is thoroughly recycled, and many heroes are omitted. Vladimir Petrov in 1952 presented the classic reading of the play, in which Yuri Tollauyev played. In Lente Leonid Gaida "Incognito from St. Petersburg", shot in 1977, Anatoly Papanov spoke in this role.

Anatoly Papanov as Governing

The film of Valentine Polek 1982 is a performance of the Moscow Satira Theater, where the image of the official masterly embodied by Anatoly Papanov. Sergey Gazarov in 1996 invited Nikita Mikhalkov to cooperate, depicting the city chapter. Alexander Baranov in the tape "Day of Fool", where the plot was postponed in the reality of the early 2000s, invited the role of Goverling, or rather, mayor, Alexander Vorobyeva.


"There is no man who would have had any sins for himself," he confidently declares the gingerbread, justifying his actions. Trying to seem a decent manager and creating an image of a benefactor manager, he reveals nature. "Listen, Ivan Kuzmich, you can not, for the common our use, any letter that comes to you in the post office, incoming and outgoing, you know, say a little to print a little Read: Doesn't contain any report or simply correspondence, "so the city is trying to track information about the arrival of the auditor. Using the power, the hero goes to the trick, so that he was not caught by surprise. Anton Antonovich pre-prepares subordinate to the arrival of the inspection, demonstrating unconditional power and self-government. He warns officials about how he should behave, walking the web of deception and non-pieces: "Yes, if the passing official will ask the service, are pleased with whether they were answered:" Everyone is pleased, your wellness! " And which will be dissatisfied, then after the ladies of such displeasure! .. "

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