Karina Demin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Karina Demin, Ekaterina Vorontsova, Anton Lick and Anna Turn - this is all the fictional names of the writer Catherine Natuts, preferring to create in the genre of fantasy. However, this surname came to a woman after marriage, she was Lesin. Not only by changing and an impressive number of aliases are able to surprise the author, but also by the intricant fantastic plot, in which the unchanged love and detective line are harmoniously included.

Childhood and youth

In the 13th May Day of 1981 in the Belarusian city, the lead in the family of the Lesin was replenished - the daughter of Katya was born. At the time limit, the girl went to the humanitarian class of the local gymnasium number 1, after which he received in GRGH named after Yankee Kupala in Grodno.

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7 stars with the most unexpected diplomas

In 2003, a student was awarded a diploma confirming that she became a specialist-ecologist, but from his native university, the girl did not leave immediately, but continued to study in the magistracy and work at the Department of Biology.

Periodically the facts of personal biography, a woman shared in the official group in Vkontakte, dedicated to her work, as well as on its own page. Among other posts here there is a record, dated 2016, about household affairs and maternal joys, which reported how the younger child transfers vaccinations, and the senior is preparing for admission to kindergarten.


A year after the release from the university, Catherine Methanvovna, since childhood, he spent on the literature, wrote a debut novel solely for himself, without thinking about the placement of him for everyone.

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10 celebrities speaking under pseudonyms

But the process of creating literary works subsequently so delayed the girl that she decided not to hide them from an extraneous eye and published on the portal "Samizdat".

Gradually, the author's work attracted the attention of readers, and in 2008, the "King's" mask, the "Ruby Heart of the Goddess", "Ring of Prince-Werewood", "Curse of two Madonn" and "Cross of the Dead Gods" came out in the printed version. The truths appreciated and harsh critics, giving the Golden Feather.

In the Olympiad 2014, the writer combined 3 books in the "World of Stone and Iron" in the "Bride", the "sparks of the extinguished" and "Black Prince".

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7 stars that could work at school

The two latter entered the subsection "Mechanical Heart", and the later "Mistress of the Big House" and "Royal Stones" appeared - in "Seven minutes before Spring."

"I am writing as I can. I do not sit, thinking hours of the next verbal curl. The text is simply born as it is. True, later, edited is brought to a clear and readable state, when part of the verbal fintyflushki goes to the trash can. But what remains, it remains, "she confessed in an interview.

Personal life

On June 27, 2018, Karina Demin placed in VKontakte ("Instagram" by August 2019 she did not complain) a short certificate concerning personal life and a new kind of activity:

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7 stars hiding the name of the father of her child

"The present my name is Catherine Nut. I have 37 years old. Already 13 years old as married. Two children. Cat-infection and almost a hundred orchids. I love gently everyone. I am writing, embroider with cross and south. I reached the understanding that the soul craves for change. For example, changing work. Therefore, I chose a new path and I comprehend web design. "

The author's big passion is now always - orchids. These gentle flowers are collecting, patiently breed, cares, "raises" and refers to both living beings, calling girls and under the photograph of each plant describing the features of its character.

Karina Demina now

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7 Russian stars fighting for ecology

In 2018, Karina supplemented a series of "granddaughter of Berendeva" the fourth book "Summer Practice".

Then the Light saw the Light of Butterflies, and the 2nd part of the "Lady and Necromancer", and "Sleep the Word about the poor orpank," and "my mother-in-law and other animals", and the story "not everyone loves weddings." In 2019, the bibliography was replenished with a novel "On the other side of life" and the "Last Hope House".


  • 2008 - "King's Mask"
  • 2008 - "Ruby heart of the goddess"
  • 2010 - "Cotoforery"
  • 2012 - "Sign of His Love"
  • 2013 - "Isolde Magnificent"
  • 2014 - "The World of Stone and Iron. Bride"
  • 2015 - "The World of Stone and Iron. Mistress of the Big House "
  • 2015 - "granddaughter of Berendeva in the Jury Academy"
  • 2017 - "Grandeadian granddaughter. Second term"
  • 2017 - "Grandeadian granddaughter. Third wheel"
  • 2018 - "Grandeadian granddaughter. Summer practise"
  • 2018 - "Helmovy Games. Butterfly Catcher
  • 2018 - "Sleep the word about poor lipstock"
  • 2019 - "On the other side of life"
  • 2019 - "House of Last Hope"

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