Dark matter - what is it, energy, galaxy, universe, mass, stars, black, is, ordinary


The Universe is a lot of riddles, and one of the most attractive - dark matter, which no one has seen, but scientists are confident that it exists. This intangible substance fills 85% of space. The editorial office of 24cmi collected information on the latest research of the main secret in the world of astrophysics.

What is the dark matter

Dark matter in astronomy is called the combination of incomparable astronomical objects. This form of the cosmic substance is not observed, because it does not interact with electromagnetic reactions. Modern devices have not yet been fixed neutrine or electromagnetic radiation. According to the latest research of astronomers, this combination is a quarter of the mass-energy of the Universe and manifests itself in gravitational interaction - it is five times more visible substances.

Photo located in the Constellation of China and removed by 30 million light years from the land of the Galaxy UGC 695, whose dull color of the astronomer explains the predominance of dark matter (https://esahubble.org/images/potw1936a/)

Dark matter, like any substance, participates in gravitational interactions and is assembled into huge clots in outer space with galaxy or galaxies system. Astrophysics believe that the composition of this mass includes particles that have not yet been found on earthly conditions.

The problem of hidden mass

The set of inaccessible to the study of objects in space is also called a hidden mass. The existence of this invisible substance has not yet been proven, but researchers have made this term postulate. Astrophysics are used to search for different methods that give different results - the behavior objects predicted in the framework of the heavenly mechanics varies with the actual.

It is known that the accumulations of the stars rotate in the universe around one center. When calculating the masses, the researchers learned that these objects are too easy to move with such a huge speed in space - this "carousel" would collapse. Then astronomers introduced the concept of hidden mass so that from the point of view of the theory to explain the discrepancies in contradictory studies. The essence of the hypothesis is that the space objects "envelops" an invisible substance with gravity, consisting of unknown particles.

The task of proof of the existence of dark matter is called the problem of the hidden mass, which contains two subparagraphs. The first, astrophysical, that is, discrepancies in the studies of the observed mass of systems of gravitationally related objects (accumulation of galaxies), with observed parameters that determine the gravitational effects. The second problem of the existence of the hidden mass is called cosmological - these are the contradictions of the observed cosmological indicators identified according to astrophysical parameters of the middle density of the universe.

Study history

The first theories about the existence of an invisible substance in space did in 1906, Henri Poincare, when he developed the hypothesis of Lord Kelvin on assessing the mass of stars, taking into account the development of the velocities of objects. His follower from Estonia Ernst Epic came to the conclusion that there is no hidden mass, or this amount is not so large as a visible substance. After him, the Dutch researcher Jacobus Karttein put forward the hypothesis about the presence of dark matter interacting with the accumulation of stars. The scientist first used this term.

In the 1930s, Fritz Zwickki explored the constellation of Veronica's hair and revealed a large group of galaxies there. During the observations, the Swiss astronomer noticed that the visible cluster is less than that in fact. Similar discovery made American Sinclair Smith during the study of the constellation of the Virgin. He calculated the average mass of one part of the Galaxy group and learned that it was equal to 2⋅1011 the mass of the sun. This paradox he explained by the presence of a space substance in the cluster.

Scientists believed that the discrepancy in the speeds of the observed systems of the interstellar gas and dust accumulations indicates the presence of an invisible substance. At the time of opening Zwick and Smith, the Astronomer community was skeptical to these conclusions, because the hypothesis about the existence of an invisible substance in space was not seriously considered.

The faithfulness of the theory of the presence of invisible matter, nominated by the Swiss researcher, confirmed Vera Rubin after 40 years. The researcher received spectrographic indicators of the speed of rotation of the galaxy m 31 galaxy. A astronomer noticed that the matter is located there, which cannot be revealed by optical or radio frequencies.

At the same time, Jan Einoso suggested the presence of halo dark matter. This is a hypothetical component that extends outside the visible part of the star cluster. The mass of halo is the main component of the masses of the galaxy. This phenomenon can not be observed directly. Astrophysics find halo on the influence of gas and stars in galaxies.

What is dark matter

The composition of the cosmic substance scientists did not study. Astronomers believe that the main component, from which dark matter, - WIPEs. The mass of these particles is ten times more than the protons. The substance exhibits the only property - obeys the law of global gravity.

Astronomers are looking for "applicants" for the role of Wimpers. Theoretically, the substance includes axions - hypothetically neutral particles, light and heavy neutrinos - are endowed with a small mass, but their number affects the dynamics of space. Scientists believe that neutrinos in the universe as much as photons. The existence of these particles in nature researchers have proven.

In 2020, scholars of the University of York offered a new "candidate" for the role of Wimpers - Hxakvarkov. These particles are connected to each other in different ways and act as a large atom. British researchers believe that hexakvarka created matter immediately after a large explosion.

Scientists are looking for an invisible substance in space and on Earth. After a number of experiments, the researchers suggested that the signature of the substance can be a X-ray radiation of galaxies. Also, X-rays are used to search, which appear next to neutron stars, or outbreaks of light in these areas.

Made by the Hubble telescope Photo of the cluster of Galaxies CL 0024 + 17, on which a dark matter ring can be seen (https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/hubble/news/dark_matter_ring_feature.html)

In 2020, scientists of the University of Chicago offered devices capable of catching the signals of axion and hidden photons. Researchers are confident that these technologies will promote the study of the outer substance.

Dark energy

The ratio of masses of ordinary matter and dark inhomogeneously. In the energy-mass of the Universe, 5% occupies a baryon substance - ordinary matter, from which stars and planets are, including the Earth, and 25% of the dark matter. The remaining 70% occupies the dark energy that opposes the force of gravity. This substance is so higher than the global gravity, which causes an accelerated expansion of the universe since the greater explosion.

The red bias indicator is needed by scientists to calculate the speed and removal of galaxies. Initially, the researchers accepted the model of the Universe, according to which the expansion slowed down. However, the discovery of dark energy has changed this presentation. In 1998, astrophysicists found that star clusters do not slow down over time, but only accelerate movement - some force contributed to this, "inflating" space. Theoretically, with the help of the assumption about the presence of dark energy in the Universe, you can solve the problem of hidden mass.

Dark stars

Astrophysics put forward the hypothesis that dark stars consisted of dark matter existed at the dawn of the formation of the Universe. Objects are represented as hydrogen clouds and helium with a diameter of 4 to 2000 astronomical units. The radiation of these stars cannot be fixed due to the low surface temperature. Researchers believe that the objects of this species have been preserved to our days and it is possible to detect them using gamma radiation. Scientists do not exclude that dark stars are mistaken for conventional clouds of cold molecular hydrogen.

An employee of the Livermorsk National Laboratory George Cheeplin suggested that there are dark energy stars. These objects researcher considers theoretical alternative to black holes. According to the Ceplin hypothesis, the incident substance passes through the horizon of events and is converted into the energy of the vacuum. Singularity disappears from the event horizon, because the space that remains there is struggling with gravity power. Investigate a suggestion about dark holes and stated that there were no.

Map of dark matter

In 2021, scientists have created the most detailed card of the distribution of dark matter in space today. The result made a sensation in the world of physics and astronomy. Based on studies, scientists concluded that the substance is distributed evenly than was supposed on the theory of relativity of Albert Einstein. And this means that the great physicist was wrong.

So looks like a new distribution map of dark matter (eta-int.ru)

Using artificial intelligence, the researchers analyzed the light, which emitted hundreds of millions of interstellar gas and dust clusters, and studied the form for stretching. White areas are dark matter, where there is a reality acquaintance of humanity. Dark spots - void areas, or enjoyment. Scientists think that there are other laws of physics. This work proved that the matter under consideration is distributed evenly than Einstein assumed, and the galaxies belong to the invisible eye to large structures. Astronomers declare that this discovery will change the understanding of the space.

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