Rosalia Ryson - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "House-2" 2021



Despite the young age, the biography of the "House-2" participants by the name Raison is worthy of the plot of the Ladies of the Criminal Roman. Passions, fights, a change in appearance, Italian mafiosi and public clarification of relationships attract girls of new subscribers to "instagram" and contribute to the publication of news about it on the first bands of newspapers.

Childhood and youth

The future star of the scandalous TV project was born in the capital of Ukraine in late autumn of 1997.

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Journalists have suspicions that Rosalia Ryson is just a keen pseudonym, harmonizing with the color of the hair of miniature Kiev and hinting at the paradise pleasure from communication with her. However, the real surname of Beauty has not yet leaked to the press.

From 4 years, Rosalia grew without his father. The girl with her mother lived in need and accustomed to count only on themselves. The last time the father's voice of Kyivanka heard on the day of his 7th anniversary - Dad congratulated her daughter happy birthday and disappeared from the life of the hear forever.

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Then a man lived at the Appenne Peninsula, but when Rosa was in Italy, she did not cross and suspect that the misfortune happened to his parent.

In June 2019, the girl shook TV viewers of education information: it turns out that Rayson is a philologist-translator and, in addition to Russian and Ukrainian languages, owns five other adverbs - four European and Turkish. When Rosalia received a profession, remains a mystery, but she was going to teach colleagues with both girls and guys.

Personal life

Before joining the project, Ryson managed to be married to the Italian. The groom conquered her heart not only with beautiful courtships, but also nationality. However, under respectable appearance, as in Hashbera Alla Pugacheva, a criminal was hidden - a spouse Rosalia was arrested for drug trafficking.

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The girl hastily left the country of Spaghetti, while the tentacles of the mafia spruit did not reach her and her family members. To establish a personal life, Rosalia became the participant of "House-2". Even when she was a viewer, her, despite the 14-year-old difference, was interested in a dark-haired Lovelace Andrei Shabarin.

Evil languages ​​argue that Rasison has changed the appearance with plastics. Journalists found a photo of a girl to the project, on which Rosalia looks fading and naturally than now. The changes affected not only the figure, but also the face of Rayson: the nose of Kiev decreased, and the lips increased.

"House 2"

On the project Rosalia appeared in September 2018. Participants and viewers first skeptically belonged to the prospects for "taming" of loving Andrei. Young people swear, put up and quarreled again. However, gradually plans Rason began to be implemented, and Shabarin said that in the face of Kiev, met love of life.

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When Rosalia was expelled from the project, Andrei followed the beloved. In numerous interviews, Ryson told about the cunning of the show leaders, an attempt to bribe Shabarin and the tests that they had experienced to reunite.

The couple submitted an application to the registry office, defending the wedding on September 14, 2019 to marry the anniversary of the first kiss. In May 2019, Andrei and Rosalia became the participants of the project "Save their love" and the contenders for winning the show "Wedding by a million". TNT even removed the rehearsal of the celebration. "We have nothing to save," Rysonus boasted, "we want to demonstrate the result that the example of love and loyalty to the viewers were reached."

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How the thunder was called a message in the "Instagram" Rosalia - "The trouble happened in our family." Ryson's fans decided that the dog district was died, named after the last name Andrei Shaboch. Clarity in the situation was introduced by the participant of the project Konstantin Ivanov, who said that Shabarin changed Ryson in a drunken form. In the direction of Alina Nikonova.

Andrei said that he was repent and was ready to pay Rosalia to Rosalia to increase the breast. However, Ryson terminated the engagement and, despite the little growth, broke his forehead to a traitor, so the former groom went with the bandaged head.

Rosalia Ryson now

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On August 7, 2019, Rosalia said that he bought a ticket to Turkey, where her girlfriend and sister live. Already on August 10, the girl bathed in the warmth of the sea, and instead of his wedding, it stops in autumn on the marriage of relatives (about the presence of Sister Rayson had not previously said).

Fans hopes that the Southern Sun will heal the spiritual wounds of beauty, and the tasty Turkish kitchen will help the girl to gain weight, because, according to Rosalia, now it weighs less than 40 kg. The symbol of the new stage in the life of Rasison was the change in the color of the hair - now she has a blond lame with spectacular melting.

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