Veronica Tushnova - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, poems



7 Soviet poets with tragic fate

7 Soviet poets with tragic fate

Veroniki's love lyrics lagged on the basis of songs and romances. At one time, her strings were rewritten from the hands of the girl's notebooks - so alive the subtle and piercing word of poetess in the souls of readers responded.

In the Soviet art, permeated collective enthusiasm, confessional and deeply personal work of Veronica Mikhailovna could not become mainstream. However, years later, when many prominent writers of that era went to the shadow, the name of the tushhnova rightfully took its place in a number of masters of Russian poetry of the 20th century.

Childhood and youth

In Kazan, where Veronica was born on March 14, 1911, the masturbation family was respected. Father Mikhail Pavlovich was a prominent scientist, a professor at the Kazan Veterinary Institute.

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Mom Alexander Georgievna, having received an education at the top Bestuzhev courses, was engaged in raising children. With the year of birth, a long time was confused, even on the grave monument there is another date - 1915.

Back in school, the girl was in depth studied foreign languages ​​and, graduating from 1928, spoke freely in English and French. The choice of profession was influenced by a strict father, who insisted, so that the daughter went to learn to the doctor.

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The girl did not disobey, although in school years a serious literary talent showed. Tushnova became a student of the medical faculty of the University of Kazan, but the diploma received already in Leningrad, where the family moved after his father's enhancement.

After graduating from the institute, Veronica continued his studies in graduate school - this time in Moscow. Despite the fact that the mastery of a serious profession took a lot of strength, the girl found time for passion from poetry and painting. She herself begins to write the first poems that approve of her comrades from poetic circles. In 1941, Tushnov even decides to start studying in the literary institute, but the war began to confuse all the plans.


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The first verses of Tushchov are published in 1938, and since that time Veronika Mikhailovna leaves the pen until the last day. She integrates all his experiences and facts of biography in lyrical heat: romantic feelings, parting, daughter's birth, rides around the country, the hardest war years - everything becomes material for the poet. However, the main verses of the author is still love.

In 1945, the collection of "First Book" comes out, which makes talking about the tumbler as a word master. Subsequent editions of the "path-road" (1954), "Heart Memory" (1958) only enshrine this fame.

Personal life

Veronica Tushnova first married in 1938. The chosen is the chief of the high gloomy beauty, Yuri Rosinsky, who worked as a psychiatrist. It was he who was devoted to the woman that the famous lines "Loving" do not repent. "

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In this marriage, Natalia's daughter was born, with whom a woman at the beginning of the war went to evacuation in Kazan, where he sentenced himself in a military hospital.

The husband left Veronica, she painfully experienced parting, but was able to accept and forgive Yuri when he returned to her during severe illness. Like all your patients, the woman cared for him, despite the condemnation and indulgence sympathy around.

In the early 1950s, Tushmanov married the second time. Yuri Timofeev was a writer and editor. Having lived together for 10 years, the spouses painfully broke up.

And Tuschov was waiting for the main happiness and grief of the whole personal life - a meeting with the poet Alexander Yashin, who became her last love. Despite the strong response, Yashin was unable to leave a big family, and this passion remained bitter and hopeless. She resulted in hundreds of piercing poems, including the last death "I stand at the open door."


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Veronica Mikhailovna died on July 7, 1965, having lived 54 years. The cause of death was a cancer tumor. But those who knew tustling and who watched her last days they said that she was dying from unfortunate love.

Bearing from the impossibility to reunite with your beloved man I exchering this still young, emitting light and beauty of a woman she appears in all photos. The chronicle of the last bitter love was based on the poetic book "One hundred o'clock happiness", released in 1965. The grave of poetess is located on the 20th plot of the Vagankovsky cemetery of Moscow.


  • 1945 - "First Book"
  • 1954 - "Roads-Roads"
  • 1956 - "Road to Cloud"
  • 1958 - "Heart Memory"
  • 1961 - "Second Breath"
  • 1963 - "Lyrics"
  • 1969 - "Lyrics"
  • 1965 - "One hundred hours of happiness"

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