Anna Bryanskaya - biography, personal life, photo, news, "house-2", "instagram", to plastics 2021



Anna Bryanskaya - Natura versatile and multifaceted. The former participant of the popular project "Dom-2" did not cease to amaze and pin the audience show. Numerous girl novels caused a lot of controversy from fans and at the same time contributed to the growth of interest in her person. Engaged in creativity, tries in the role of leading various events.

Childhood and youth

About children's years, Bryansk is not known much. The girl was born in Dnepropetrovsk on May 8, 1991 (Zodiac sign - Taurus). With the mother, Anna had a warm and trusting relationship.

As for the father of the participating "House-2", it prefers not to tell about it in the biography. From the young age, the girl was engaged in dancing and athletics. It has a discharge master of sports.

At the end of the school, Bryansk decided to seriously engage in education. In 2013, the girl acted at the Faculty of Management in Rudn, then continued to education in the Kiev Academy of Style and Design Andre Tana. In 2017, returned to Moscow and became a student of the Ostankino school.

"House 2"

In 2017, the girl decided to become a participant in the popular project "Dom-2". Then Anna appeared on the set under the last name Malko and stated that she would seek Love Andrei Cherkasov. He showed sympathy for a new participant, but the current pair existed for a long time. Soon the heroine left the construction site.
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The second parish on the Anna project carried out 2 years later. In early January 2019, the Bryansk athlete appeared under the name of other participants of the "House-2" under the last name. The beauty of the beauties attracted the football player Max Evrasov. Before the arrival of the new guest, the guy supported the relationship with Arina Utemman. But the spectacular slender brunette managed to immediately switch the attention of Max. The rapidly broken romance ended no less quickly.

The girl did not lose hope to build love in a perimeter. Many young people provided the Bryansk marks of attention, but Anna's heart remained closed. So it was with Nikita Fedulov, in love with her. After having achieved from the girl reciprocity, the guy left the project. Soon, it turned out, during communication with Nikita heroin, a reality show was a correspondence with an ex-participant of the project Alessandro Materazzo.

Without finding a worthy chosen on the site "House-2", Anna decided to resume relationships in correspondence with another former hero of the construction of Nikita Schelyukov. This virtual novel eventually did not lead to anything, and the girl began to build relationships with Sergey Zakhane.

The guy liked the brunette long ago, and soon the couple had gained happiness. Fans with interest watched the development of the novel. However, conflicts and quarrels began in a pair. After talking for a while, Anna and Sergey declared a break. A B. December 2019, the girl left the telestroy.

However, after, Bryanskaya, once again, decided to try happiness in the amournless affairs under the sight of the TV game. True, the third return lasts a little - just a week.

In Instagram-Account, Bryanskaya responded to the news on the closure of the project with great regret. The heroine "House-2" wrote that for her he became a real school of life, where she was able to survive all the life moments, ranging from love and friendship, ending with betrayal and disappointment. By the way, after restarting the show, she decided not to return, preferred life without 24-hour shooting.

Personal life

In an interview with the Editor "House-2", Anton Bekcuzhev, Bryanskaya reported that he had managed to be married to the project.

With her husband, the girl had wonderful relationships until she began to suspect him in insincerity. Not wanting to put up with the deceptions of the spouse, the participant of the show was submitted for divorce.

Now Anna is alone and devotes all his free time career. A significant place in the life of the girl takes her pet Valerie. The dog's mistress constantly exposes posts about his favorite, sharing with subscribers of animal health problems.

In "Instagram", the ex-participant of the construction is lays out a photo where it appears in candid images. The bright appearance of the girl causes rumors about plastic - nose correction and increasing lips, but Bryanskaya does not comment on them. Girl growth - 168 cm, weight - 50 kg.

Anna Bryanskaya now

At the end of 2020, the girl fell into an accident. The fans learned about Kokhno that happened from Maria, which promptly arrived at the place of the accident and made several frames of a broken girlfriend.

According to Cohno, Anna received serious damage. True, Bryansk hurried to reassure subscribers, putting video reconciliation with the coming 2021. The former participant of Telestroika reported that the ton of the tonal cream helped hide bruises. In general, she did not have any fractures: the consequences of the accident became hematomas and abrasions.

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