Tararaj Henson - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Tarajie Henson is unique in every role. Popular American actress, Nominee for Oscar, does not cease to surprise fans with bright and unforgettable reincarnations on the screen. A woman with ease plays both in comedies and in dramas, both in TV shows and in feature films. Actress growth - 165 cm, weight - 60 kg.

Childhood and youth

The star of Hollywood was born on September 11, 1970 in Washington, Columbia District. The girl was the only child in the family. In his youth, Henson had no thoughts to become an actress.

After school, Taraji became a student of the agricultural university, where he studied the electrical engineering.

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7 stars with the most unexpected diplomas

However, soon the girl realized that he wanted to professionally engage in theatrical art. The money for study in a prestigious institution has lacked young Henson.

To assemble the sum of study at the University of Howard, the actress is arranged for two works - in the morning performs the duties of the secretary, in the evening he is working as a waitress. Work is given hard, but dreams of prestigious education help the girl to cope with difficulties. As a result, the efforts of Taraji are justified - the artist entered the desired university and received a degree in theatrical art.


Henson debut on the screen took place in 2001. Then the actress fulfilled the role in the film "Kid". A year later, the girl starred in the police serial "Women's Brigade". Dramatic talent, she opened in the 2005th Picture of 2005.

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7 stars, which are impossible to meet without makeup

In the film, Taraji showed excellent vocal data by performing the composition "IT's Hard Out Here for a Pimp". The actress became popular in the series, hit the team "Lawyers of Boston".

A new round in the career of the Hollywood Star occurred in 2008. Tarajie performed the role of the foster mother of the chief hero in the film of David Fincher's "Mysterious History of Benjamin Batton". A bright acting game, deep sensation of the character of the heroine highly appreciated film critics. At the Oscar ceremony for this work, the woman turned out to be a nominee in the category "The Best Women's Role of the Second Plan."

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The potential of the actress shown in the picture of the Fincher, noticed other directors. In a short time, the creative biography of the performer was replenished with a large number of interesting works. Henson received the main roles in the independent movie and the minor, filmed on the leading studios of Hollywood.

From 2011 to 2013, he was filmed in the popular TV series "In the field of view". In subsequent years, the American managed to play in many cult series of different years, among whom were "ambulance", "Dr. House" and others.

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In 2015, the actress received a nomination for the AMMI premium for the image of Cook Lyon in the melodramatic series "Empire". According to Taraji, the role was given to her easily, because the character of the heroine was similar to her own. The Game of the Hollywood Star liked both film crimits and viewers.

Over the years, the actress has honed the skill, which allowed her to take for the role of a different plan. So, among the paintings in which Henson played, there were musicals ("all or nothing"), horror films (Satan School for Girls), comedies ("Think as a man"), drama ("hidden figures"). In addition, the performer starred in the COMMON Raper clip, creating a memorable image of a woman accused of murder in a short video.

Personal life

The actress does not hide family secrets from the press. It is known that she had an affair with William Lamar Johnson, a famous American actor and a musician.

In 1994, the Couple was born the son of Marseille. In 2003, the beloved Taraji was killed. For several years, the Hollywood Star did not have serious novels. Only in May 2018, the actress decided to conclude a marriage - Kelvin Hayden became her husband, a player of American football.

Tarajie Henson now

Currently, the artist continues to film. In 2019, films "What Men want" and "The Best Enemies" with Henson came to the screen.

Also, a woman plays in the new TV series "Tuka and Berti". Instagram artists are constantly updated with bright, colorful photos, including swimsuits, emphasizing the advantages of the figure, and in dresses for the red carpet.


  • 2000 - "The Adventures of Rocky and Bullinkla"
  • 2001 - "Kid"
  • 2005 - "Just and Movement"
  • 2006 - "Trump Touches"
  • 2008 - "Family of Hunters"
  • 2008 - "Mysterious History of Benjamin Batton"
  • 2009 - "My own mistakes"
  • 2010 - "Mad Date"
  • 2011 - "Larry Kraun"
  • 2012 - "Think as a man"
  • 2016 - "Hidden Figures"
  • 2018 - "Gordaya Mary"
  • 2019 - "What do men want"
  • 2019 - "The Best Enemies"

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