Schender - character history, image and characteristic, screening


Character History

Mutant Schredder - the main opponent of Ninja Turtles. In his image, the Orchi Saki is usually speaking - a character invented for comics. Kevin Eastman and Peter Lard created a hero in 1984. Young people took money and created the first release of comics, in which mutants presented. Superslode Schredder appeared in the first issue and entered the fight with the main characters. Today he is included in the top 100 recognized villains of a global scale in fantastic projects.

History of creation

Kevin Eastman and Peter Lard

The first volume of comics was produced 8 years. Several people connected to work on the publication. The interest of the public was so great that the creators of the project were surprised at how profitably they invested a debit money. In 1984, the release of comic about turtles cost a half dollar. The same release in 1988 was sold for $ 150, and by 2010 the collectors acquired the publication for 5,000 dollars.

It is curious that in 1986, Marvel tried to smash the project with the condition of granting 50% of its making creators, but they refused to offer.

The biography of the hero is curious. He was one of the singles and did not give warm feelings to his family. Schredder was a representative of the aristocratic estate and an old kind. His mother is alive, but has an unpleasant character. One of the brothers died, and the second is a policeman in Japan, for which the contempt of Schirdra.


The young man entered the "Legs" clan, where thanks to the power became popular. By 18 years he got the opportunity to lead his own branch of the clan in New York. During this period, he came up with a nickname Schirdder.

The history of the death of Brother Saki is connected with the love of both young men in the same girl. Following Hamato Yoshi and Tan Shen Hero leaves for America, where he makes an attempt on murder. It turned out to be successful, but Joshi managed to survive and mutate. Attacking the enemy, Yoshu leaves deep wounds on his face. From this point on, the shredder does not appear without a mask in humans.

Shredder without mask

In New York, the hero builds his own criminal empire. I once served good and justice, now the "legs" clan chose the dark side. He sells drugs, transport illegal goods and kills people. For a long 15 years, Schredder did not know the competition. During this time, he started the novel, the fruit of which was the daughter of Pimico.

The appearance of Ninja Turtles laid an end to the prosperity of the Schredder's Empire. Pupil with a mutant spinner, they fought in the name of decency and right things. For the battle with mutants, Shredder created the rockey mutants and the bibopa, warriors, whose triumph was postponed all the time: the hero was constantly missing a moment that was convenient for revenge, and his subordinates were losing in the fights.

Teng Schredder

In the morning, the Kreng from the measurement of X was the new Swedder friend. The Fortress Tekhnodris has thrilled high hopes for world domination. But the ninja turtles also won the top, so the shredder completely switched to their destruction, forgotten about business. The Shredder died during the battle on the roof from the explosion of the charge, which he prepared for enemies.

The clan "Feet" put a lot of effort to return the master. They managed to clone Schirdra. Rezy, the villain began to build plans for the destruction of the turtles, and Leo almost became his first victim. Schiedder warriors and the test samples created by them were destroyed by ninja turtles. Leonardo managed to take revenge for an unequal battle, in which he almost died. The shredder was killed through head chopping. His body burned.

The clan warriors again revived the owner. His body mutated, and the hero became a monster. Schredder reiterated vile attacks on his antagonists. The clan, however, returned the mutant to life in his own interests. The villain understood the mistake and prevented former comrades to kill the turtles. Then the shredder gained peace.

Turtles ninja

Schredder was a competent strategist, knew the mass of the techniques of oriental martial arts. The unconditional leader, he demonstrated a record strength and speed, practiced levitation and surprised by an extensive intelligence.

The negative hero of the shredder did not gain popularity from the fans of the mutant turtles. Being their main rival, the hero is an integral part of art fan fiction and creative projects dedicated to the stories from comics.


Schredder (1987)

In 1987, the first cycle of cartoons came out about the adventures of Ninja Turtles. It consisted of 120 episodes. Schiedder voiced actor James Avery. In Russia, Evgeny Fishov presented his own voice.

In 2003, new episodes were released on TV screens. The animated series was called "Ninja Turtles. New Adventures". In the morning, tenge and cyber became embodiments of Schirdra in this version. In 2012, the Nickelodeon canal launched the broadcast of a new animated series dedicated to the favorite heroes of children.

Schredder (2003)

In 2014, the premiere of the full-length film dedicated to comic books took place. The director of the picture Jonathan Libesman invited the role of Schröder actor Tahore Masamun.

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