Group of Jaro & Hans - Photo, History of Creation and Composition, News, Songs 2021



Hip-hop performers speaking under the names of Jaro & Hans, began the way to glory in 2017. Since then, they have managed to assemble the army of fans, which goes to concerts and is looking forward to the appearance of an album. Guys call themselves kings of the dance floor and gradually begin to implement the stated ambitions.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the creation of a group began to be written in Armenia, where both participants in the composition of the composition - Orhahan Orujov (Jaro) and Khan Avakian (Hans). Guys are different on temperament, but it did not prevent them from becoming best friends in school. Being classmates, the guys communicated a lot, and then united on the basis of creativity, because both visited a music school. At first, Orhan and Khan simply shared songs with comrades, but then decided to create a serious project.

Despite Armenian nationality, the texts of the guys began to write in Russian, and therefore the main audience of the duet is Russian. For her, the musicians have brought the official public in Vkontakte, where the first creative experiments began to post.

In the duet there was a division of labor: Oruzhov turned out to be stronger in the texts, and Avakian - in writing music. The performers write rap, but to stand out from the crowd in the genre, with which only lazy is not working, you need to really have something to say.

It seems that the guys did it: their tracks began to collect huskies and reposity, the attention was followed by producers. Beginners of rappers are invited to Moscow to write material at a more professional level. Here they form a full-fledged playlist, which includes the first hits.


The first step towards success was the record of the song "MASTA", which the duet in 2017 laid out on Youtube and gathered a solid portion of views in one week. Having moved to Moscow, the guys recorded the main hit "Belladonna", released in 2018 the Soyuz Studio together with the label "A +". The premiere of the first official clip of the team took place on October 18, 2018. Video on the Trek "Damalove" does not produce a furor, but thousands of views on YouTube picks up.

Much beyrea is the next clip, which goes to the song "Queen of the Dance Plan" on July 26, 2019 and in a couple of weeks, more than 3 million views are recruited. By the time Jaro & Hanza managed to release the singles "cocktail", "illusion", "centimeters", which allowed a tightly equipped a tour of the tour. Musicians cooperate with Farpet Records label, and also independently engage in producing and write tracks for other musicians.

Meanwhile, a debut album is expected from rappers, since their discography is still a clean sheet.

Jaro & Hans now

The popularity of Jaro & Hans is gaining momentum. Tens of thousands of people are signed on the official public in Vkontakte, who track new songs, clips and a tour of the musicians. The group supports communication with fans and through "Instagram", where the latest photos, announcements of tracks and speeches.

And in 2019, they are issued a lot: guys perform in clubs throughout the country - from Kaliningrad to Tyumen. The song "Ai Ai Ai" became a satellite of the summer, sprinkling on the evening and in the courtyards and secured in the charts of social networks.

The performers are open to the dialogue with the audience, August 9, 2019, Orhan and Khan became the guests of Trend Chart on Like FM, where they answered questions of listeners about creativity and personal life.

Both rapper is not yet married, adore out active rest and extreme. Motor races, jumping with cliff and high-speed boats are about them. Jaro & Hans plan to settle in Moscow and acquire their own housing there, while often come to their homeland where families remain.


  • 2018 - "Damalove"
  • 2019 - "Queen of the dance floor"

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