Elena Beautiful - Heroine Biography, Character, Appearance, Empty


Character History

Character of ancient Greek mythology, the wife of the Spartan Tsar Menel. Elena's abduction by Trojan Paris was the cause of the Trojan War, which ended with a drop in Troy. Elena is also a character of Russian fairy tales.

History of creation

About Elena beautiful writes an ancient Greek poet Homer in Iliad and Odyssey. The heroine also appears in the works of Euripid "Trojanka" and "Elena", in Sophokla in the tragedies "Elena wedding" and "Elena's abduction" and other Greek authors.

Elena the beautiful

In Russian fairy tales, Elena is a great usually passive character - the girl "Unwritten Beauty", which goes to the award of the hero along with the throne, grailtwork and public recognition. The same function is performed by Vasilisa Revision, Tsarevna Nesmeyana and other similar characters.

In the folk fairy tale "Squa-Burk" Elena is a beautiful - royal daughter, which is sitting by the window in a high terme. Those who wish to get a princess in his wife should dare to the window on horseback and take a ring from the finger the ring. The "prize" wins Ivanushka, which darkens before Elena on the magic horse Sivka-Bourke.

In the play of Alexander Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden" Elena Lovely - Wife Boyari Bermates, an approximate king Berendeya.

Ancient Greek mythology

Trojan War

Elena was the wife of Menel, the King Sparta. The heroine was the most beautiful of women, so even the goddess envied her beauty. The twelve-year-old girl Elena kidnapped the hero of Tesheus, when he saw how she dances in the temple of Artemis. Then Elena liberated the brothers, and the girl returned to the house of the Father, the Spartan king Tyndaray.

When the groom began to ware in Elena, the father of the heroine fell into indecision. Having preference to one candidate for his daughter's hand, Tendarere could configure against himself other powerful Greek leaders. In the end, the Father gave Elena the opportunity to choose the groom on his own, and the girl chose the Micsensky Tsarevich Menel, the son of Atreya, the younger brother Agamemnon. When Tendgerey died, Elena's husband became the new King of Sparta.

Agamemnon and Iphigence

Despite the fact that Elena's father was considered Ting Tyndarey, his birth of a heroine is obliged to God-throat Zeus. God listened to passion for the ice, the wife of the Spartan Tsar and the future mother of the heroine, and masted the swan. From this union and was born Elena.

Later, Elena stole the Trojan Tsarevich Paris, when the Tsar Menel was not in Sparta. This act laid the beginning of the Trojan War, which ended with a drop in Troy. According to Homer, Elena spent on three twenty years. And Euripid wrote that the heroine tried to flee from Troy, but she failed.


In the unleashing of the Trojan war, the Goddess of Aphrodite and the episode with an apple of discord is to blame. This golden apple with the inscription "the most beautiful" threw the goddess of the Erid's goddess. As a result, between the three goddesses - Aphrodite, Athena and the hero - the spore broke out, which was allowed Paris. The hero was awarded an Aphrodite apple, because she promised to reward Paris with the love of the most beautiful of women, and Paris chose Elena.

It is not exactly known how Elena looked beautiful, but, for example, the English artist Evelin de Morgan painted the heroine of red-haired.


The classic image of Elena is beautiful from Greek myths is embodied in several films. In 1971, Greek director Mikhalis Chochannis removed the shielding of the tragedy of Euripid Trojan. The film came out with the support of Great Britain and the United States, the shooting took place in Spain. The role of Elena is beautiful in this film performed Greek actress Iren Papas.

Diana Kruger as Elena

In 2003, the dramatic mini-series "Elena Beautiful" came out in the USA, where the main role was performed by the British actress Sienna Gillory. The plot focuses on the biographies of Elena, the youngest daughter of the Spartan king, starting with the young years of heroine and ending with the final of the Trojan War.

In 2004, a historic fighter "Troy" directed by Wolfgang Peterson with actor Brad Pitt as Achilles. The role of Helen there was a German actress Diana Kruger.

The image of Elena has repeatedly inspired musicians and composers. Christoph Glitch in 1770 wrote Opera "Paris and Elena" ("Paride Ed Elena") in five actions to the Libretto of the Italian Calcanji. And in 1864, the French composer Jacques Offenbach wrote the "Beautiful Elena" operetta, where the characters of the ancient Greek myths are used to create a cheerful parody of the modern author society with his problems.

From time to time, the image of Elena is beautiful inspiring and writers. For example, the heroine appears in the Faust book of Johann Goethe and in the story of Henry Lion Oldi from the "Ahasey cycle".

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