Ani Vardanyan (Anianv) - biography, personal life, photo, news, clips, husband Karen, "Instagram", singer 2021



The scenic pseudonym Ani Vardanyan - Anivar, numerous fans know under this name. She became famous as the author and performer who conquered the public with a magical voice and a charming smile.

Childhood and youth

Vardanyan was born in the spring of 1996 in the capital of North Ossetia. She grew up in a big and friendly Armenian family. Celebrity parents got married at all very young, the father was 20 years old, and Mom was barely 17. 3 daughters were born in marriage, Ani is the oldest of them.

Creativity was interested in Anivar since childhood, she loved to sing and dreamed of becoming an artist. But the grandmother insisted that his granddaughter was sent to vocal lessons, but to music school. There Vardanyan taught playing on the violin, and later she mastered the piano and guitar. In the early years, the biographies of a young star often acquired to creative amateur.

When studying at school was behind, under the pressure of the parents of Ani entered the local college of the arts. They did not leave hope that she would be a great violinist, but the girl wanted to sing on stage. As early as adolescence, she began to write the author's compositions, but at first did not decide to lay out them in the network.


The path to the popularity of Vardanyan began with the publication of Caveres. The actress registered pages in VKontakte and on Yutubee to shoot the video on which she sings tracks such popular performers, like Egor Creed, Polina Gagarin and Timati. At first, Ani's listeners were only familiar and close friends, but over time the number of connoisseurs of her work began to grow rapidly.

According to Ani, because of personal experiences, she repeatedly removed accounts, but she managed to recruit the audience in a short time. Especially loved to users of the network of her variation of Hit Julianna Karaulova "You are not like that".

Soon the singer decided to move to Moscow, where there were more opportunities for creative development. She created a page in "Instagram", for which Nick Anivar invented, connecting the name and beginning of the surname. Under it, she gained popularity and began to perform on stage. In an interview for the "Russian Radio", Vardanyan shared: some fans are confident that her actually names Anvar by analogy with the male name Anvar.

The first wave of popularity came to the star after she recorded Caver on the song of the Mushrooms group "Melting ice." This allowed her to gain an audience of 1 million in an instagram account, the singer decided to start sharing his own songs. In 2017, het "You still remember", who did not leave listeners indifferent. I liked the clip to the track "We met with you again."

In the future, the Ani repertoire continued to be replenished, the compositions "Summer" and My Half "appeared. And the remix made by D & M even came to the song "Stream". On the "Youtyube" video came to him even more views than the original, but Vardanyan admitted that he was not worried about this, because the number of her subscribers had just increased. Deserved recognition and track "Falls Star".

During this period, the artist has already performed with concerts, collecting the full halls of loyal fans. No attention was left without attention and musical critics, in 2020 Anivar awarded the Golden Gramophone premium for the song "Favorite Man".

But the main event of that year was the release of the debut album of the star, called the "New Dawn". It was overshadowed by Ani's statement that she decided to take a career pause. Many considered that it is associated with changes in personal life, but the singer assured them in the opposite. She admitted that the popularity began to have a negative impact on it. Later Vardanyan managed to cope with the experiences, and she returned to work. In December, EP came out "High".

Personal life

Happing at a young age, Ani faced a negative side of popularity. Many men wrote to her in social networks, laid down and even waited at the entrance. Since the singer rose in North Ossetia, she was seriously feared that one day it was stolen, because it is part of an old marriage tradition.

To find peace Wardanyan could only after the future chosen one appeared in her life. Karen's husband older almost 8 years old. They were familiar with children, because parents were friends, but then did not see each other for a long time. After the meeting between young people, feelings broke out.

In 2017, lovers played a wedding. During the solemn ceremony, Ani performed a song "Hold me stronger" for her husband. The video of this touching point was published on the network.

The spouses did not postpone the birth of children, and in the fall of next year the family was replenished with Son Ivan. And in July 2021, the boy had a younger sister. The singer published the photo of the daughter in the instagram account, which was called Daniela.

Ani Vardanyan now

Now the performer continues to create, recording new musical works and speaking with concerts. At the beginning of 2021, she pleased the fans with the release of the clip to the song "Without You Wheel." And in April, the presentation of the "Crystal Hearts" composition was held, recorded in collaboration with Andrei Reznikov.


  • 2020 - "New Dawn"
  • 2020 - "High"

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