Oliver Ridel - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Group Rammstein 2021



The German musician Oliver Ridel is known primarily as the Rammstein bass guitarist. The team belongs to those rare groups, the composition of which did not change from the very foundation, and the bassist, despite the incident differences, never left his comrades. The man was famous for not only a virtuoso game on the instrument, but also an explosive character, which often delivered his trouble.

Childhood and youth

Oliver was born in 1971 in the city of Schwerin, which is located in East Germany. Ridel's parents were young enough, and therefore the relationship with them was more friendly, they shared the musical preferences of the Son.

"We were more like friends than family," the musician confessed in an interview.

The father died when the guy was turned 17, and then he began to live with his mother, with which he applied little to that moment.

With the performance of Oliver had problems, and he says he was able to finish school only with Mom. The future guitarist grew modest and never had a star party. Having received a certificate, the readel learned to the plaster and even managed to work as a profession. In addition, he was engaged in the design of shop windows. However, even at this time, the guy did not leave a passion for music, which gradually turned into passion and became a matter of life.


Oliver began playing the guitar from 17 years old, and 2 years later became the participant of The Inchtabokatables team, playing folk-punk rock. From the 1994th, the guy united with Tilel Lindemann, Richard Kruspe and Christoph Schneider, and together the musicians founded the Rammstein group, which was destined to become a legend. Later, Paul Landers and Christian Lorenz joined them.

Oliver in the team became the youngest participant, and even the highest with a height of 2 meters. The character of the guy called questions, since he often gave a yareth exit, entering into fights, because the teammates are trying once again not to touch the bassist.

This fact does not affect the coherence of the collective and his creative longevity. The player participated in the record of all Rammstein albums, and some songs - the whole fruit of his creativity, for example, "Seeman".

It is known that after the release of the plate "Mutter" in 2001, the musicians seriously discussed the issue of termination of collaboration. However, in 2003, they began recording the 4th album "Reise, Reise", a year later.

Personal life

Oliver still stated in his youth, which was not created for a serious relationship. The guy realized that it was barely able to bear responsibility for himself, not to mention his wife and children. However, time passed everything in its place. Now the player is the father of two children, Alexander and Emma, ​​and married on the designer and stylist Marie, with whom he lives in his own home in Berlin.

Musician Skupo talks about his personal life and does not lead the page in "Instagram", where the inquisitive fans could view new photos and look for their facts of biography. The bassist adores extreme, especially skateboarding, snowboarding and surfing. Balassize emotions The musician has learned with the help of yogic practices and classes in the Tsygun technique. He is interested in photography and takes pictures at a professional level.

Oliver Ridel now

The player continues to engage in music, speaking with the Rammstein group. In May 2019, Germans had a studio album, which became seventh in discography. The disk was preceded by the Singles "Ausländer", "Radio" and "Deutschland", which belongs to all participants of the composition, including bass guitarist.

In the summer of 2019, the ability to see a live of Ridel and his comrades was issued in the inhabitants of Russia. In July and August, as part of a tour in support of the new album, the musicians gave concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Oliver in the Northern capital managed to visit the Hermitage. The team then continued the tour, going to Europe. The Germans do not lose popularity, as evidenced by the fact that their touring schedule is known ahead.


  • 1995 - Herzeleid
  • 1997 - Sehnsucht
  • 2001 - Mutter.
  • 2004 - Reise, Reise
  • 2005 - Rosenrot.
  • 2009 - Liebe IST Für Alle Da
  • 2019 - Rammstein.

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