John Belushi - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films



Actor John Belosha remembered the audience as a bright comedian. He quickly achieved love fans not only in the United States, but also in other countries of the world. Critics celebrated its plausible game on the screens and in the theater, and his creative duet with Dan Eicroyd was especially successful. The artist left life early, but remained in the memory of fans forever.

Childhood and youth

John was born in early 1949 in the American city of Chicago, Illinois. The parents of the boy were engaged in a restaurant business, but he did not show interest in childhood or in his youth. In addition to him, three more children were brought up in the family, the younger brother James Belushi later became the actor, the Russian audience he is known for the tapes "Red Heat", "K-9" and "Kudryashka Sue".

As a child, John was interested in sports and even planned to associate a future life with this, spending all the time on the football stadium. He was given a nickname killer for rude attacks on the field. Belushi filed great hopes, was the captain of the team, but then it did not go. After graduating from school in 1967, he did not succeed in the selected university, and in another athlete refused scholarships. Then he moved to another state and still received a diploma of higher education.


The first auditions appeared in the biography of John at 22, when he tried to break through the comedy theater. The brothers fully supported Belushi in his endeavor, and the guy was lucky. He became the youngest member of the troupe and longly delayed in secondary roles.

The talent of the young man noted and regularly began to appoint him leading characters. Already then he began to use drugs. Judging by the revelations of the artist in an interview, he considered the scene of the theater with his refuge and salvation, because only there was distracted from evil thoughts.

Belushi debut in the movie took place in 24 years. Then the young man first appeared on TV screens in the film "Lemminings", but the takeoff of his acting career occurred later, in 29 years. In that year, a man appeared immediately in 4 films - "Ratles: Everything you need is - grandmother", "Wisther", "What we did last summer" and "heading to the south". The latter even nominated for the Golden Globe Prize. And after a year, John appears in the lead's "long-standing boyfriend" drama.

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The takeoff of the actor helped him in the year becoming a Hollywood star. In 1979, together with Dan Eikroom, the comedian performs the role in the comedy Stephen Spielberg "Thousand Nine hundred forty-first", and another year later, John's filmography is replenished with the Blues Brothers Tape.

Posters with photos of Belushi were decorated with many cinemas, and the demand for movies to films did not stop with him for a long time. Another picture "Continental watershed", which also became a successful work of Belushi, reached the television screens in 1981. The last work in which the artist appeared was the comedy feature film John Evidsen "Restless neighbors."


Music played in the life of Belushi not the last role. It began to get involved in her man after acquaintance with Dan Eikroyd, they very quickly got together and became inseparable friends. In the creative union, not one good composition was born.

So the team called the Blues Brothers, its composition was constantly changing, but in the group there was always a large number of musicians playing the drums, bass guitar, thrombone, saxophone and keyboards. Many of them starred in the "Blues Brothers" filter under their own names. "

For 4 years, during which John came into the Blues Brothers, 4 albums were released. After the death of the artist, the existing then the team did not leave the common cause, but continued to produce new songs. In total until 2003, the musicians recorded 14 disks.

Personal life

Despite the permanent employment on the shooting, the actor managed to build a happy personal life. The wife of Belushi became Judith Belushi-written, she also worked in the film industry, he herself and produced films. Due to lack of time or for another reason, there were no children in the family.


In March 1982, it became known that the star John Belushi died in the room of the Los Angeles Hotel. The cause of death was a heart attack, which happened due to the overdose of narcotic substances.

Many of the environments of the men knew about his addiction to drugs, so it did not cause a strong surprise. On the day of the funeral, all America was grieving, because John reached the peak of popularity, and large queues were always going to the films with him.


  • 1973 - "Lemming"
  • 1978 - "Rattles: All you need is grandmother"
  • 1978 - "Wisther"
  • 1979 - "Old Friends"
  • 1979 - "Thousand nine hundred forty first"
  • 1981 - "Continental watershed"
  • 1981 - "Restless neighbors"

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