Don Cheml - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Filmography, Series, Avengers, Poker, Warrior 2021



Don Chidl is an American artist, the talent of which is not limited to shooting in the cinema, he plays a saxophone, produces movies and never ceases to improve in hystication. The actor puts the soul not only in his characters, but also in charity, speaking a fighter with environmental issues in the world.

Childhood and youth

In the penultimate November Day of 1964 in Kansas City, Betty teacher and psychologist Donald Frank had a replenishment: a son appeared on the world, a full father of his father - Donald Frank Chedl - Jr. It is known that his sister Cindy went in the footsteps of the mother and dedicated to the life of pedagogy, and Brother Colin worked at the Denver City Hall and tried himself in acting.

To participate in the Ribbon African American Lives 2, where the Chidel family history was shown, Don passed the DNA test, which it turned out that he had Cameroonian origin. His blood showed the presence of a pedigree from the Senegal regions, Western Nigeria and the Congo River Basin.

When the future warriol was quite small, his parents often moved, the family changed the place of residence. As a result, the primary education boy received Nebraska in the educational institution, and he graduated from high school in Colorado. In his youth in the sphere of interests, the music was hit by the music - the guy "served" a saxophonist in the local jazz team, solired in the choir and did not get out of the theater circle.

"In the 5th grade I was a rat Templton in the" Poutine Charlotte "formulation. I remember I had a friend who worked in a donut store. I came, took a baking and sat there with my scenario, moved the strings and made the mark on the fields. I was serious! ", I remembered a celebrity.

When it was time to be determined with the university, the Don chose the California Institute of Arts, after which he received a bachelor's degree. Subsequently, inspired by the example of friends enthusiastically fascinated by cinema, he became a frequent guest of listening and casting. As a result, this gave his fruits - he was noticed and invited to shoot in the series "Glory".


The debut role in the full-length film was the character of Johnny Voshburn in the "Height" Hamburger ", based on real events. Following her, Don starred in Dennis Hopper Drama, along with Sean Penn and Robert Duval. For the role in the future "devil in a blue dress", Cheidl received the approval of the harsh critics and the well-deserved nomination "Best Actor of the Second Plan" award of the Guild of Film Actors.

In zero, the artist filmography was replenished with a number of paintings. He was engaged in the 1960 criminal film remotem "11 Owen Friends", shot by Stephen Godberg. By the way, Henry Silva and Angie Dickinson took part in the episode - actors from the original tape.

In the thriller, the "traitor" donu got the main role of Samir Horn - the officer of the CIA, deciding a complex dilemma: how to be realized in the profession and remain faithful to its religion - Islam. The artist intrigued the complexity of the task of creating the character of the character, he tried to find real people who were in the same situation, but they were extremely small, therefore the gaps had to fill out with the help of acting skills.

In 2010, in the creative biography of Chidela, the first appearance in the film release of Marvel comics was accomplished. Since then, DON, which has a beautiful figure (height 172 cm with a weight of 74 kg), successfully reincarnated in the "Warrior" - Colonel James Roads in the 2nd and 3rd parts of the "Iron Man" and "Avengers". Interestingly, at the dawn of acting career, the Chidle has already appeared in the episode of tapes about superhero called "Meteor Man", now his role was much more significant.

One of the most notable works was the "Hotel Rwanda", "for which the performer of the main character was able to compete for prestigious awards - Oscar and Golden Globe. But the last statist of Donald received already for the "abode of lies".

In 2011, at the Sandex Film Festival, John Michael McDonakh presented the tragicomedia "one day in Ireland", where the Chidl divided the main party with Brendan Glison. The picture was nominated for the festival Grand Prix, but did not benefit the award, but this was compensated by the commercial success due to high cash gatherings.

As for his own relationship of the actor to the matter of all life, he touched in detail this issue once in an interview. The man stated that, although he had tried different roles from 10 years old and reincarnated in all sorts of characters, but now everything is still excitement, getting acquainted with the new scenario.

"I am very critical about myself. I have not seen my excellent game until it is not enough. I hate to observe myself. You do not like when you hear your voice in voice mail, imagine that you see yourself 30 feet in width and 30 feet in height, "he added.

In addition to filming a movie, Chedl tried himself as a producer. For 10 years, he worked on the creation of a picture dedicated to the biography of the jazz legend of Miles Davis.

The artist was engaged in and sounding animated films. In 2018, "Duck stories" came out on the screens, where the actor presented his voice Donald Daca.

The next year, the premieres of "Captain Marvel", the "Avengers" final. After the exit of the ribbon, the foreign publication Independent recognized the iron patriot of Don the most optional Character "Marvel". The artist did not come delight from such a statement and was enough sterns in an interview, noting that without Ruds, an iron man would lose the background and humor.

Among the fans of the Marvel Universe, there was an opinion that between Breek Larson, the executor of the role of Captain Marvel, and its colleagues there is a conflict. The popular video interview published on the "Yutiub" by video interview called "Greek Bree-Larson", where Chris Hemsworth (Tor) and Don Cheml react very tensely to the comments of the actress, and the Chidla phrase "I asked not to touch", after Bree Elmraft, became meme.

The main role of Maurice Monroe Artist was the chance in the comedy TV series "Black Monday", based on the real historical episode of the collapse of stock markets on October 19, 1987.

Personal life

In the personal life of the celebrity all harmoniously. Since 1992, his heart belongs to the only woman - Bridzhid Coulter, who gave the favorite two daughters. In 1995, Ayana Tai appeared in 1995, in two years - Imani. The couple officially issued a relationship in 2020, their strong alliance can only be envied.

In the past, Bridzhid was filmed in the cinema ("Shameless", "the abode of lies", "she wrote the murder"), and now engaged in interior design.

Together with his spouse, Coulter willingly attend secular events, goes on travel, goes to political elections. The same don in his women does not have a soul - his page in the "Instagram" Pespit with joint photos with them accompanied by touching signatures.

Don Cheml now

Now the actor is still devoted to his profession, as evidenced by the loaded schedule of his work.

In 2021, a criminal detective "without sharp movements" was released on the screens, where Donu got the main role. Stephen Goluborg has already collaborated with an artist in the ribbons about friends of Osuhen and not thinking to invited Chidel and George Clooney to the new project, but the second was forced to refuse the wires associated with the coronavirus pandemic. As a result, the company donu amounted to Benicio del Toro and Ray Liotta.

The actor decided to return to the image of the Warrior, agreed on the shooting in the series "War of Bronet".


  • 1987 - "Height" Hamburger "
  • 2001 - "Rush Hour - 2"
  • 2001 - "11 Friends of Owen"
  • 2004 - "Hotel" Rwanda "
  • 2004 - "12 Friends of Owen"
  • 2007 - "13 Friends of Owen"
  • 2010 - "Iron Man - 2"
  • 2013 - "Iron Man - 3"
  • 2012-2016 - "Abode of Lie"
  • 2015 - "Avengers: Era Altron"
  • 2016 - "First Avenger: confrontation"
  • 2018 - "Avengers: the war of infinity"
  • 2019 - "Captain Marvel"
  • 2019 - "Avengers: Final"
  • 2019 - "Black Monday"
  • 2020 - Sister Ratched
  • 2021 - "Without sharp movements"
  • 2021 - "Space Jam: New Generation"

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