Snow - character history, photo, film, actors and roles


Character History

Character Kinoshai "Star Wars". The Supreme Leader of the first order is a galactic state created from the fragments of the Empire. Mentor Kaylo Rena, belongs to the dark side of power.

History of creation

Snow - character history, photo, film, actors and roles 1110_1

The character appears in the episode VII film "Star Wars: Awakening of Power" (2015) and in the episode of the VIII "Star Wars: the last Jedi" (2017). Snowka's role is performed by actor Andy Serkis, who is also known as Hollum's role in the trilogy of Peter Jackson "The Lord of the Rings" and the film "Hobbit: an unexpected journey." And also - the role is not in moderation of the developed chimpanzee named Caesar from the films of the series "Planet Monkeys". In the Russian dubble, Snowka is voiced by actor Arthur Waha.

In the "awakening force", Snoak warns Kaylo Rena, which is to be faced with the father, Khan Solo, and then the power and limits of the Ren authorities will be subject to testing. Snooch believes that Ren can succumb to the influence of a light side of force. Ren, who was previously called Ben Solo, switched to the dark side under the influence of the snout and became his student.

Snowboard appearance

At the end of the film, Kaylo faces Ray and turns out to be defeated. Planet, where the action unfolds, begins to collapse, and the Snoch orders evacuate from there the wounded Rena, who should now complete his studies at Snowka.

At the beginning of the film "Recent Jedi", the audience see how the Snooker will pronounce General Haksus for allowing the fleet of resistance to leave. Renh Supreme Leader is also unhappy, because he could not cope with Ray. Later, Rana manages to undergo confidence in Ray and lure that on the ship of the supreme leader. Ren leads a girl to snow and he is tormented by heroine to find out where Luke Skywalker is.

Kylo Ren.

Snoak says that manipulated both characters, and requires Kaylo Ren to kill Ray. However, the Supreme Leader overtakes a stick in his gloating and confidence that Ren is under its complete control. Kylos manages the distance with a light sword of Ray and, instead of killing a girl, destroys snow in half. That overtakes inglorious death. After that, Ren declares herself with the Supreme Leader of the first order, and General Haksu Lies, that with snow and guards - the elite Pretorian Guard - Ray had dealt with, which by that time had already escaped.

The relationship between the snowy and Kaylo Rena is more described in the novel "The Awakens The Force", which came out in 2017. From the story of Lei Authorities, the reader learns how the Snoch manipulated the events to influence Ben solo and make that go to the dark side of power.

In the plot of "Star Wars"

Snoak: Frame from the movie

Snowball's biography is full of dark spots. It is not known what character belongs to the race, where his native planet. Snok is higher than two meters in growth, all is dismissed with scars and burns. The hero has a skinny body and long hands, the eyes of a pale blue color, and the facial features are distorted due to numerous damage. Injuries also affect the speech of the character - the Snooch speaks in a low voice and slowly. The hero wears a golden robe or a classic black cape of Lord Sith. Snook appeared in the form of a hologram, which turns the hero in a ten meter giant, although the real dimensions of the snowwork is much more modest.

Past character remains a mystery. It is only known that the Snooch gathered students even during the time of the clones wars. The hero is definitely not related to the human race, but what kind of races and from where it happens - it is unknown, as well as the character to the Order of Sitchov.


The fans of "Star Wars" put forward the most insane theories, for example, that the Snooker is Darth Vader, the father of Skywalker. Despite the fact that Darth Vader died and was burned in the funeral fire in Episode VI, some fans claim that the hero could and survive, and burned his empty armor instead. Another no less crazy theory claims that Snook is Darth Phagas, Palpatine teacher.

This assumption looks even more incredible, because Phagas did not resemble the snowy and completely died long before the events of the seventh episode. However, there are even more ridiculous assumptions, for example, that the Snoker is Ja Ja Binx or Mace Windu, which moved on the dark side of power.

Mace Winda

None of these theories is confirmed officially, and almost nothing about the character is still unknown. The age of the character is also unknown, but he is definitely old, wise, calculating, a lot knows about strength and knows how to manipulate approximate, can penetrate into the mind of people and read thoughts. At the same time, the Snouk was still unable to cope with Kylo Renom in the "last Jedii" and as a result was killed by his own student on board his own flagship - the star destroyer "Superiority".



- Supreme leader, sample in the fuel cell. Planet on the verge of destruction.


- Leave the database immediately. I am waiting for you here with Kylo Renom. Complete his training. "


"Even you, Master of the Ren Knights, not exposed to such a test."


- I am your student, and it is impossible for me to break.


- See, see. "

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