Cattlenin - biography, lifestyle, quotes, appearance, characteristics


Character History

Character of the play of Denis Fonvizin "Lady". The brother of the spacelock is simple, a big fan of pigs. It dreams of marrying Sofje, the heir of the rich uncle of the Storagan.

History of creation

The idea of ​​the Comedy "Nepodlyan" was born at Denis Fonvizin in the winter of 1778, when the writer returned to Russia from France. Abroad, Fonvizin met the local legislative system, philosophy, studied the social life of France and estimated local theatrical productions. The writer used all the experience gained experience to work on the play.

Denis Fonvizin

Fonvizin worked on the text for three years and in 1782 tried to put a play in St. Petersburg. Here the writer is denied, and Fonvizin, together with the actor Ivan Dmitrevsky, who later performed the role of the Stool, leaves to Moscow to try to achieve permission to produce there. In Moscow, however, the play does not miss censorship again. Fonvizin needed a few more months to "break through" the staging of the play. The premiere took place on the stage of the Volga Russian Theater in St. Petersburg. The image of cattle in the premiere performance embodied the actor Sergey Rakhmanov.

Piece "Lady"

Taras Skalinin is a character with the talking surname, which reflects the uneducation and rudeness of the hero, "Skotsky" character and love for a cattle, which is interested in the hero much more than people. The description of the appearance of cattlein in the play is not given, but the idea of ​​it can be compiled by the illustrations of the artist Nikolai Muratov.

Characters comedy

The character falls by the brother of Mrs. Prostaya, the main negative heroine of the Roman, and her son's uncle, her son, inexpressing Mitrofanushka. The hero served in the guard and retired in the rank of Croral. The accurate age of cattle is unknown, but it is exactly a small man.

By origin, cattle is nobleman, and he believes that it gives him the right to bother servants when he wants. The hero always finds what to blame the peasants, and punishes those with cruelty. Cattlenin "shakes" from the peasants everything that only can and "jumps" with them all the loss incurred by him. At the same time, the character from the character is not so much, as I would like. Sottorin-owned village brings a small profit.

By nature, the character is calculating and ready for any price to take someone else's property to hand if such an opportunity is introduced. Catignin is striving to marry Sofye, the niece of the Starugum, although "girl" is indifferent to him - the hero wants to take possession of Sofa owned by his property, which he says, not hiding.

Taras Skodinin on the theater scene

The only object of love for cattle - pigs. In the village owned, the village of Pigs feel better and live luxurious than the peasants. This love is so great that the character calls himself "Pork Son". In the family of spacecraft, this passion of the hero is well known. Sister, Mrs. Prostakova, one day with tenderness and approval, declares her brother that a good pig he needs his wife.

Cattlenin is unequrugated and does not shine intellect. The character himself admits that "never thinks" and "nothing he reads nothing." In the family of cattle children did not teach anything. Moreover, a person who wants to learn was considered unworthy to belong to the noble last name.

According to the plot of the play, Sophia - the distant relative of the spacen, cute and kind girl - lives in those in the house, as in captivity, and constantly tolerate the resentment and humiliation. Prostaki are going to organize the marriage of cattle on Sofye, although the girl is frankly against this idea. The opinion of the heroine, however, does not interest anyone, and Sophia is going to marry forcibly.

Illustration for play

Mrs. Plans for Sofia are changing when the girl comes a letter from Uncle Starugam. That rich and appoints Sophie a big dowry. Now Prostakova is going to give sophia to marry not for his brother, but for his own son Mitrofanushka.

The plan breaks down because of the arrival in the estate of the Starodam. The girl complains with a uncle on simple and admits that long ago and mutually in love with a young Milon officer. From the blessing of the senior, young people enclose. Having learned about this, Prostakova is trying to kidnap the sophia to marry the same with Mitrofanushka, but the villager fails to take away the girl. In the final of the play, the cattle and prostakov are deprived of the estate, and the further biography of the heroes is unknown.

Pavel Chichikov

In the school curriculum on the literature of Natilin, compared with Chichikov, the character of Roman Nicholas Gogol "Dead Souls".


"The man was a tall, the gate is low, forgot to lean. As the forehead is enough for his forehead, Indo, I missed the uncle to the wonders of the battle, and the vigorous horse took it out of the gate to the porch. I would like to know if a scholar forehead in the world, who would not fall apart from such a tumak; And uncle, the eternal memory of him, trusted, asked only if the gate is well? "" I did not read anything with back. God went rid of this boredom. "

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