Alphonse Fly - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Pictures



Alphonse Fly - Czech artist and schedule, realized in the direction of decorative and applied art. He was among the founders of the new genre - ar-nouveau, or modern. The works of flies were distinguished by the lack of direct lines and the preference of the bends characteristic of the natural outlines. A new trend gained followers among artists, graphs and architects.

Childhood and youth

Alphonse Fly was born on July 24, 1860 in Moravia, in Ivanchitsa, in the family of a judicial officer and daughter Melnik. The boy demonstrated a craving for creativity from the small years. He liked to sing and draw. He successfully showed the skills at school. After graduating from the gymnasium, Alfons decided to enter the Prague Academy of Arts. It was not possible to pass the exams from the first time of the young man, so the father identified him as a writer in court.

Portrait of Alphonse Fly

The work of Mukha Jr. combined with interest in the theater. At first he tried himself as an actor, but soon realized that his soul lies to the visual arts, and began to engage in graphics. During this period, the first posters came from under the pen of Alfons. He worked as a theater decorator and pondered over what business he wants to tie his biography.

In the 1879th, the artist got a job in the workshop of theatrical fittings "Kautsky-Brioši-Burkhart". Two years later, she burned down in a fire, and Alphonse moved to the tiny town of Mikulov. A happy accident was the reason for the invitation of flies into Count Cong-Belassi Count. Welject ordered the artist painting of the walls and was delighted with the talent of the painter. So Alphonse found a patron who promised to pay his studies at the Munich Academy of Arts.

I watched 2 years, the young man decided to go to Paris, which became the place of concentration of talented beginner authors. Here he planned to continue his studies and entered the Academy of Julien, as well as to the KolasSi Academy.

In the 1889th, the polystenate, sponsoring the needs of Alfons, and he remained without livelihood. To write pictures required money, because brushes and paints were worth a lot. Alfons decided to start earning independently and started from the manufacture of printing products: calendars, posters, posters and invitations. He became a designer.


One of the scheduled posters made it famous. The artist made an order magnificent french actress Sara Bernard. Alfonso created the poster to the "Zhismond" play. The actress was in such admiration, which recommended him as a decorator of the administration of the Renaissance theater, and from this moment the order stream did not dry.

Alfons Poster Fly with Sarah Bernard as Jismond

In addition to posters, posters and signs, fly wrote pictures. During this period, he was able to organize his own exhibitions. The first one took place in 1897. For Bernard Muha subsequently created a number of posters to the production of "Lady with Camellias", "Tosca", "Hamlet", "Medea", etc. He collaborated with the publications "Figaro", "People's Life", "Parisian Life".

The fly held a number of venice in Paris and Europe, using growing popularity. In 1898, he brought acquainted with George Fuka, the heir to Jeweler. The result of their friendship was the created joint collection of jewelry. Success turned out to be deafening, and Fuka ordered Mukhe design of the facade of his own home, as well as creating an interior for the store.

In 1910, the fly again arrived in the Czech Republic. Here he decided to realize his big dream and began work on the cycle of paintings "Slavic epic". At that period, the artist visited Moscow and St. Petersburg, which inspired to create the so-called Russian custodials of the series. Work on the works took 18 years and was completed in 1928. Parallel flies worked over orders.

The author handed over to the Czech people of 20 paintings on the history of Slavs. In Prague, there was no place where such large-scale canvases could be stored. Their faes were kept in the palace, then in one of the castles, only in 1963 the paintings were put up for everyone to see. The project was one of the main creative ideas of Alphonse Fly, but his works of "precious stones", Zodiac and others turned out to be equally demanded and loved by the public.

Alphonse Fly - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Pictures 11040_3

In 1918, after the formation of the Republic of Czechoslovakia, the Government appealed to the artist for creating a design of cash bills, brands, state coat of arms and formal documents. In addition, during these years the fly created a stained glass sketch for the Cathedral of St. Vita in Prague.

The fly dedicated all his life to creativity. The works of the author are impregnated with romance and dreametime. His heroines are like nymph, whom the audience caught at the time of anem or coquetry. The work of the schedule for a long time remained in demand, but after the 1930s the popularity of the artist went to the decline. The era dictated other ideals. By the beginning of World War II, the painter fell into opal of the Third Reich, was included in the list of enemies and imprisoned as a suspect in anti-fascist and nationalist activities.

Personal life

Having moved to Paris in a mature age, the fly fell in love with Maria Chietil's Czech. The age difference between them was 20 years. But it did not embarrass the girl, and she became the wife of the artist. The wedding took place in 1906. In marriage, spouses had two children: daughter and son. Together with the family of Alphonse Mukha, for some time lived in the United States, where he wrote portraits and created posters. He was happy in his personal life, but dreamed of returning to his homeland, which happened later.

Self-portrait Alphonse Mukhu

It is curious that the descendants of the artist went to his footsteps. The daughter and grandchildren were realized in applied art. Yarmila, granddaughter of schedule, created a project, in which decorative items were made according to the alphasons sketches. The son of the painter became a journalist.


Pursuit and arrests who had to survive the author, who used to bathe in the love of the admirers of his talent, affected health. In 1939, Muha died. The cause of his death served pneumonia. Before death, Alfons managed to publish memoirs.

The grave of the famous painter is located on the Vigiserad cemetery in the Czech Republic. In Prague since 1998, there is a museum dedicated to the artist's work and a designer. In memory of Alphonse, the fly remained his work and several photos made in life.


  • 1891 - "Woman surrounded by flowers"
  • 1896 - "Salamambo"
  • 1898 - "Medea"
  • 1897 - "Fruits"
  • 1897 - "Champagne Calendar"
  • 1898 - "Lily"
  • 1899 - "Our Father"
  • 1900 - "Topaz"
  • 1902 - "Red Cloak"
  • 1920 - "Fate"
  • 1938 - "Age of Love"

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