Flash - character biography, comics, strength and abilities, appearance, actors, filmization


Character History

Character from the fictional Universe "DC Comics". Superhero, is able to develop the prosecution speed, move in time and travel between the worlds. Under the name Flash in comics, several different characters are hidden, the most popular among which is Barry Allen.

History of creation

Harry Lampert.

Flash came up with the artist Harry Lampert and Writer Gardner Fox. For the first time, the hero appeared in the first room "Flash Comics", which was published in January 1940. The main feature of Flash is the ability to accelerate up to speed, which is higher than the speed of light. In the forties of the twentieth century, a "ultra-speed" character, which was hidden under the pseudonym Flash, was Jay Garrik - a scientist who has gained superconduble, accidentally hurting heavy water vapors in the laboratory. The hero struggled with crime and founded the society of America's justice.

Barry Allen became the second Flash, who first appeared on the comic pages in 1956, in 1985 disappeared, in the plot sacrificing his life for humanity, and in 2008 he was revived and became the main flash in the Comic Series "The Flash: Rebirth". Comics "The Flash" with Barry Allen as the main character are published to this day.

Barry Allen.

Barry Allen was also a scientist and collaborated with the police. Friends and colleagues knew Barry as a slow man who was constantly late, because of what the character constantly arose in the Hero's life. Superpackers Barry found after an accident at work, when lightning accidentally got into some chemicals, and they sprayed Barry. The hero called "Flash" in honor of Jay Garric, the previous flash, which in the plot was the idol of childhood Barry.

In 1986, Wolly West became the main Flash - the nephew Barry Allen. According to the plot, the hero was superpicable in childhood, and also as a result of an accident in the laboratory. While Barry Allen was alive, West fought with crime under the name of Kid Flash, and later took the place of uncle. In 2006, another flash appeared - Bart Allen, Barry's grandson.

In comic books

Flash in comic books

Biography Barry Allen in comics is designed in detail, but it is somewhat confusing. The hero was born in a small town in Iowa and since childhood he was read by comics about Jay Garric - Flash, who became for the young barry hero. When the child was eleven years old, his mother died, and the murder accused Father Barry. The boy dreamed of prove the innocence of his father, and this has formed a desire to justice in it.

At the University, the hero studied organic chemistry and criminology. Later, the hero moved to Central City and began to work at the Scientific Bureau of the Local Police Department. Studying the next crime scene, Barry met a journalist Iris West, and the characters had a relationship.

Flash (ART)

Once Barry worked in the laboratory during a thunderstorm. Lightning struck in the flasks with chemicals, and Barry turned out to be lured by them. After this incident, the hero has gained the ability to move with super-speed. This ability was useful Barry on the next day when the hero saved his girl Iris from a random bullet.

Barry decided to use newfound opportunities for the benefit of humanity and become a superhero. Back in college, the hero developed a new material from which the costume was now created. In honor of the hero of Childhood, Jay Garric Barry called himself Flash.

Barry Allen has several enemies - the hero opposes Professor Zuma, Captain of Cold and Savitar.


Ezra Miller as Flash

Flash performed by actor Ezra Miller appears in the film "League of Justice" (2017), where hero wants to pull Henry Allen from the prison of his own father. Later, Barry meets Bruce Wayne, and he offers Flash to join the "League of Justice". The hero takes this proposal and subsequently helps the team to revive the deceased Clarker Kent - Superman.

In 2016, Flash flashed in the films "Batman against Superman: at the dawn of justice" and the "suicide detachment". In "Batman", the hero appears only for a few seconds, and in the second film the character is neutralized by the Captain Boomerang.

In 2020, a film about Flash should be released - "FlashPoint", where the main role will also play Ezra Miller. A more accurate film release date is still unknown.

Barry Allen performed by the actor Grand Gastina appears in the second season of the series "Strela" in two episodes, where the character has not yet become a superhero and has the usual level for a person. Lightning falls in Barry, and he falls into whom, and later appears in different projects already as a flash.

In 2014, the TV series "Flash" - Spin-Off project "Strela", where the role of the main character is still performing Gastin grant. According to the series, the flash itself and other meta-people appeared due to the accelerator of the particles over which the outstanding scientist named Harrison Wells, killed by the villain by Eobard Town, who stole the identity of Wells.

Flash in cartoon

In the thirteenth episode of the first season of the TV series "Flash", which is called "nuclear man", Barry Allen with the team is trying to neutralize a dangerous meta-person. And in one of the second season episodes, Jay Garrik appears - the first flash.

Barry Allen also repeatedly appeared in the cartoons of the series "League of Justice" and in several episodes of the cartoon series "Batman", which was published in 2004-2008.

Barry Allen appears in the Invasion traveler's crossover, where the heroes of the TV series "Strela" and the "legends of tomorrow" are united from the super highlights and the Flash team to confront dominators together - the hostile race of aliens who invaded the Earth.

Interesting Facts

  • Flash image is so popular that is often mentioned in pop culture. For example, in some series of the "Simpsons" multiplication series there is a comic book - a character that was a flash fan and dressed as a hero.
  • The name "Barry Allen" uses Frank Abigneal Character in Ribe "Catch me if you can" (2002). To escape from the FBI agent who pursues his agent, the hero is a young fraudster - seems to be an American secret service agent named Barry Allen, who was supposedly the first to appear in the crime scene.
Full Nathan Pirillion.
  • In the third season, the series "Stay alive" characters argue whether the superman is able to compete at speed with Flash. In the television series "Theory of the Big Bang" also periodically send references to Flash. The character appears in some episodes of the robot parody cartoon series, where Flash is voiced by actor Nathan Phillion.


"- Barry Allen? Bruce Wayne.- Your greeting does not explain why a person unfamiliar to me sits without light at my house in my second most beloved chair. "" Let's do it. I decided everything ... one of the dead policemen had a son. At his age I lost my mother. Now one more child will have to grow without one of the parents, because Flash could not stop this monster. Giving your strength Zuma, I left the city without protection. I allowed him to rule this land. I have to return strength! I'm ready! Let's start the particle accelerator! "" - And what kind of supercopiness do you have? - solvency. "

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