Jimmy Chu - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Fashion 2021



Jimmy Chu is the designer of shoes, whose creations make women from many countries of the world dream of elegant shoes and leave whole conditions in boutiques. The fashion designer offers beautiful gender representatives. Elegant sandals, shoes and other wardrobe items, the cost of which is often equal to a decent financial investment.Embed from getty images

In the shoes from Jimmy Chu Popular actresses and models are removed for fashionable TV shows and covers of glossy magazines, it is worn for a red carpet and the most memorable moments in life

Childhood and youth

By nationality, Jimmy Chu - Malaysian. He was born on November 15, 1961 in Pinang. The full name of the boy sounded like this: Jimmy Chow Yang Kit. But when the documents are cleaned, the mistake was made, and the name Jimmy since then was pronounced as Chu.

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The son of the shovel, which had small production, independently made the first pair of shoes at 11 years old. His father was a talented master and handed the son of knowledge and skills. The workshop of the chow-older lacked the scope, the income from it was minimal, and even with the support of the Son, who wanted to continue the family case, was not observed prospects.

When Jimmy was 20 years old, his father helped move to London to study at Cordwainers Technical College. The young man chose the profession of designer shoes. In 1983, he received a diploma diploma.

It is curious that the financial support of the Father lacked for the payment of training, and the beginning of the fashion designer had to earn independently. He worked as a cleaner at a shoe factory, and then became an employee of the restaurant. The young man managed not only to pay for education, but also to make small accumulations. Thanks to them, at the end of College, Jimmy rented an old abandoned hospital, which was upgraded under shoe production.

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The work of a talented enthusiast was not ignored. The potential of Jimmy Chu was obvious, so it was not surprising that representatives of the fashion magazine Vogue were interested in his creations to 1988. Shoes from the collection of the designer appeared in the photo shoot on the pages of the publication. It helped him to become recognizable, and famous clients became interested in the brand name. Among the fans of the shoes from Chu was the princess Diana itself.


The beauty and fashion industry is famous for how quick rumors spread. Glory Jimmy Chu is strengthened, although it was still far to world popularity. The production of Jimmy became interested in businesswoman and assistant editor of Vogue Tamara Melon. In 1996, entrepreneurs created a collaboration. The girl took away from his father, the owner of the Holding Vidal Sassoon, money to promote the brand Jimmy Chu. The team started with the initial capital of £ 100 thousand.Embed from getty images

It was planned that Tamara would deal with financial issues while the designer will lead the creative process. In fact, she became the creative director of the company. Jimmy did not draw the models on their own. To this area in the trendy house also made the hand of Mellon and the niece of Chu Sandra Choi.

In 1998, a presentation of the first brand store Jimmy Chu in London took place. A week after discovery, sales amounted to 3 thousand pairs of shoes. Boutiques began to open in the USA. The first Showermas appeared in New York and Los Angeles. The popularity of the brand added actresses using shoes from Chu on the set. Solid advertising Fashion designer made Carrie Bradschow and assistants in the costumes of the series "Sex in the Big City". The main character turned out to be a fan of designer's shoes.

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In 2001, Jimmy Chu decided to move away from everything that is associated with financial planning, and sold the right to mark, as well as 50% of the shares for £ 10 million. The media called such a decision between the founders of the company and focusing Jimmy's founders to create individual work for private clients. Pack of shares of Chu handed over to Tamara Melon, as expected, but to third parties. In the same period, the brand expanded the range of interests, and bags and accessories in the form of glasses and belts were added to the shoes.

Mark has developed rapidly, and by 2004 its cost was £ 101 million. After 7 years, Tamara sold the company Austrian Jab Holding for £ 500 million about how the relationship between Jimmy and Tamara was built, it's hard to judge how they did not apply About them in an interview with the media. The only source for assumptions became published memoirs that Melon released, selling brand.

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Going down from fashionable business, Jimmy Chu did not become a rejection. On the contrary, in 2009, he opened Maximini, its own restaurant in London. This institution has enjoyed the big interest of guests and local residents. The fashion designer often flew home to the family and focused on the support of novice designers. In 2011, the first fragrance under the neuring Jimmy Chu was appeared on the counters of the boutiques. Information on the release of spirits from the famous designer conquered Malaysia, and these data were submitted to history textbooks. The biography of the Malaysian luckyon is now studied in schools.

The Creative Director of the company Jimmy Chu is still Sandra Choi. It leads the release of all collections that makes a brand.

Personal life

Jimmy Chu appears in front of the world closed personality. The public almost does not know anything about his everyday life. The fashion designer prefers not to advertise what is happening in his personal life. The media does not have information about the availability of wives and children from a famous designer.

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It does not lead personal accounts in social networks under its own name. Pages registered in "Instagram", "Twitter" and "Facebook" on behalf of Jimmy Chu, - commercial profiles devoted to the brand activity, therefore there are no personal photos and information here.

Jimmy Chu Now

The brand created by the designer together with the partner is developing successfully. It produces shoes, accessories and perfume. Special attention is paid to objects of wardrobe for men, as the brand was created with an emphasis on the female fashion. The holding now includes 29 companies. Brand products are sold in the USA, Japan, Great Britain and other countries.

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The brand released capsule collections, without fearing to scare away rich customers, and began to actively move through social networks, demonstrating accessibility not only to the elite public. Learn more about new collections Buyers can on the company's official website and accounts on the Internet.

In 2019, the name of the fashion designer appeared in the media thanks to the release of the wedding collection of the shoes. In the shoes of the brand Jimmy Chu, Ivanka Trump, Kate Middleton and other media persons were published. In the spring, the brand presented a new model of sneakers, decorated with rhinestones Swarovski. The cost of a pair of such shoes in Russia is 250 thousand rubles.

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