Dmitry Matveyev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Battle of Psychics" 2021



On September 28, 2019, the anniversary 20th season of the "Battle of psychics" was started - the most mystical program on TNT TV channel. Among the 13 applicants for winning, the best of others coped with the tasks filed, there was a lot of bright personalities. For example, Irina Ignatenko, familiar to the audience on the "School of Psychics", which won the same Wilma Henry, Japanese Providar Astrid, and the young tattooker Dmitry Matveyev.

Childhood and youth

The participant of the show "Battle of Psychics" was born in mid-July 1997, the 15th, in Togliatti. Unfortunately, there are few family biographies, except that he began to get involuntary by magic, thanks to the grandery and he has the younger brother Misha.

But in the personal account in "Instagram" a young man occasionally lays out children's photos. For example, on one of them he is captured with a long-time Maxim Uvarov. There will also be no mature reflections on the topic of fathers and children:

"I would like to ask all the parents in the world to be a little wiser and patient to children, because they grow on your words and form their thinking, based on your opinion. Love them, because through love you find happiness, peace and sense to live on. "

About your education, the guy also did not hurry to tell, but on the page in the social network "VKontakte" most of the subscriptions occupy medical publics - the online library of the Medica student, "Operational", "Medicine", "Plastic Surgery", which pursues The conclusion that he may have studied for a doctor.


In real life distant from mysticism and psychic, Dima mastered a completely ordinary profession. The guy draws nicely, which allowed him to become a tattoo master. Moreover, he claims that the most important thing is not the resulting image on the client's body, and the energy promise with which it was done.

Therefore, they categorically refuses to do "the punges" on religious and magical topics. Also, Matveyev willingly takes and for the painting of walls to order, enthusiastically engaged in sculptures from clay.

At this, Tolimattinets talents were not over - the young man possesses good vocal data. In 2017, under the creative pseudonym TRVUR, he revealed the world Debut mini-album "366 day", consisting of seven tracks, and the next year - EP Paranormal.


According to the guy, the presence of something other in his life, he began to notice since 2016, when she accidentally discovered and began to study the manuscript of the Prapradashki. Himself calls the "paranormal drug addict" because it does not represent life without magical practices who try to collect throughout Russia and Runes.

Dmitry's cherished dream hit the mystical show on TNT was carried out in 2019, when he passed the casting of the 20th season.

Personal life

Details of the personal life Togliatti to reveal at night. In his social networks, there are pictures with representatives of the opposite sex, and comments to publications eloquently read that Dima has or, in any case, there was a favorite girl. There, now you can see the "hearts" from a certain Anna mutzova, which he meets reciprocity.

Dmitry Matveyev now

In the first test of the "battle of psychics", those present should have guess what was hidden behind the shirma on the improvised scene. And there I installed the world record among women "Snow Queen" Osman Delibash, who lasts in a cube with ton ice for 1 hour 20 minutes.

28 participants approximately felt what was happening, Dima managed to understand that the girl was the main character of the experiment, to determine its age, awkward and uncomfortable state.

Further, according to the tradition of "contestants" I had to look for a hidden person in the trunk. Once again, I coped with an impressive Japanese Japanese Chefan Lee. Dima moved in the right direction, even chose the desired yellow car. But then, yielding to doubts and provocations Sergey Safronov, changed the opinion, stopping at the next car. However, he succeeded so much to impress the audience from the hall that they decided to give him a second chance that became victorious for him.

Mr. X - Anastasia Volochkovo - Matveyev correctly described with closed eyes. But when he was allowed to remove the mask, it was difficult to call, who in front of him than led the ballerina to rabies. However, this did not prevent extrasensuance to get into the number of fought for the title of the finalist of the anniversary "battle".


  • 2017 - "366 day"
  • 2018 - Paranormal.

TV project

  • 2019 - "Battle of Psychics"

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