Casey Jones is the story of the character, appearance and characteristics, adaptation, "Ninja Turtles".


Character History

Character of the Ninja Turtle Universe. Friell O'Neill friend and ally Ninja Turtle. In the fight against the criminal world, hesitates golf clubs, hockey sticks and other sports equipment. Appears in comics, television serials, films and video games through the Ninja Bugs Universe.


Casey Jones

In the 1987 animated series "Turtle-Ninja", the role of Casey Jones voiced the actor of Pat Frani. In the series "Casey Jones: Outside the law", Casey appears in the animated series for the first time and immediately causes a stir in the city. The new hero helps the bugs in the fight against Schirdra.

In the cartoon "Ninja Turtle" 2012, the hero looks like a sixteen-year-old teenager in a torn hooded sweatshirt and with a hockey mask on his head. A skull is drawn on the Czechi Jones mask. But in peaceful circumstances, the hero can be seen without a mask. The hero goes on roller skates and carries the baseball bat and two sticks. In the arsenal, the hero has a homemade electric shock, bombs made from paint cans, and washers that Casey rushes in opponents.

Casey Jones (2003)

Casey saved the life of Eypril several times, but with Ninja turtles made friends not immediately. At the first acquaintance, the hero found the turtles with madmen and evil, but then changed his point of view.

In 2016, the film "Ninja Turtles 2" came out, Sicvel "Ninja Turtles", which came out two years earlier. The role of Casey Jones in this film was played by actor Stephen Amell, famous for the main role of Oliver Quina in the "Strela" series.

In the first film, the image of Casey Jones is missing. And in the film "Ninja Turtles 2", Casey Jones is represented by one of the warders who accompanied the Schredder's criminal during the crossing of that of one prison to another. The shredder plans to escape, and Ninja Turtles are trying to stop it on a super jammed garbage truck, equipped with various technical rims. The villain still manages to flush at the last moment, and Casey Jones is removed from the case, because the bosses do not believe in the story of the hero on the events accompanying.


Jones does not lose and decides to play a detective alone. Arrangeing two thugs, who drove with a shredder in one car, Jones turns out to be in the bar, where most recently this couple met and agreed with Schroeder. By tapping a bartender, Jones enters the scientific laboratory, where they are engaged in the development of Mutagen. In this laboratory, the shredder just turns two thugs into a couple of anthropomorphic animal animals, and Journalist Eypril O'Neill tries to get data from a computer scientist and alien Mutagen.

Eypril pursue hostile ninja, but Casey Jones meets those in the alley with a stick and hockey mask on his face and enters into battle. As a result, Mutagen turns out to be in the hands of the police, and Eypril and Casey appears a chance to get acquainted closer in a quiet stop. Then the ninja turtles appear, whom Casey takes for evil aliens-cannibals. Heroes quickly find a common language and how the allies are sent along with Eypril to the shelter of the turtles.

Turtles ninja

Later, the turtles learn about the properties of Mutagena, and some of them decide that with the help of it you can become people. Another part of the team against this venture.

As a result, Rafael persuades Casey and Eypril to help him penetrate the police station to pick up Mutagen from there. This idea ends that the turtles run away with the Mutagen, but Eypril and Casey are arrested.

Mask Casey Jones

In 2011, the short 35-minute spin-off, dedicated to Casey Jones, came out. The role of the main character here is performed by actor Marty Moreno. The film was removed by Polanis by Banks for money donated by the fans of Casey Jones.

The film tells a brief background of the hero. The guy is expelled from a hockey team, and that in upset feelings go home. In the evening, Gopnik's gang attacks the hero who beaten him. The hero comes to the idea that the streets are time to clean up, begins to train and becomes Casey Jones - a superhero in a hockey mask.

Casey Jones also appears in mobile games through the Ninja Bugs universe. In 2016, the "Ninja Turtle: Legends" came out, where Casey Jones is present as one of the characters. And in the game "Casey Jones against Ninja Robots", the player manages the hero, beating from the army of robots.

Casey Jones (ART)

Although in the cartoons of Casey Jones invariably serves as a friend of Rafael, the fans are wondering who will win if the hero opposes Rafael, and even create appropriate videos.


"- We do not need us. We are not food. We are residents of land! We are not your enemies. Clear? - We sent here a supreme leader, to enjoy a man, loyering her in a creamy sauce ... Yes, I'm joking! I Vegan. But what is the pizza without cheese and hassle ?! "" - What are your plans for the weekend? - As always - to drive in hockey. Come cheating. - Will it? Play one on one. And I will do you. - I'm not against. "

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