Dmitry Revyakin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Kalinov Bridge" 2021



The founder and permanent leader of the Kalinov Bridge group Dmitry Revyakin occupies a prominent place on the Russian rock scene of decades. The musician goes through constant spiritual quest, which is reflected in his work. In the early songs of the artist, folklore and pagan motives were clearly expressed, from which he over time he moved to convinced Christianity, even refusing to fulfill the songs of past years at the concerts.

Childhood and youth

The singer was born in 1964 in Novosibirsk, but his childhood passed in Transbaikalia. The family lived in Pervomaysky, the village of the Chita region. Childhood of revolk is inextricably linked with books and music. He loved to listen to the records and sing, and still engaged in the Music School in the Bayan class.

Boy's addiction covered a wide range - from Mussorgsky to Soviet pop. But the passion for Western rock came only in high school. Previously, progressive records in the outback was not to get.

After graduating from school, the guy went to Novosibirsk, where he entered the electrical institution. In the student years, Dmitry did not leave music classes, began to actively write poetry, and also stood on discos for the DJ console. In the youth, the revolk took several attempts to play musical groups, but they ended in failures until he collected the Kalinov Bridge group with which he decided to fulfill its own material.


Inspired by the movement of hippies, guys sang about youth, freedom and love, gradually faster than more complex themes. The texts of the revolk were obtained by figurative, saturated specific vocabulary - satelms and the new words composed on their manner. "Logging", "Darza", "inching" - the listener has to guess what values ​​are the names of the first albums "Kalina Bridge".

Dmitry is considered to be a master of lyrical and touching love song. "Fly", "native", "saved" full of pure images and light feelings. The musician with the group begins to tour, holds concerts in the capitals, where professional session musicians help when recording the next album, thanks to which the sound of Kalinov Bridge becomes more complex and diverse. By the end of the 1990s, the group's popularity was so great that Dmitry is solved on moving to Moscow to facilitate the logistics of touring life.

In the early 2000s, the path of spiritual quest led Revyakin to Orthodoxy. He did not just stop writing about the pagans and shamans, but also to sing old songs at concerts refused. Now in his lyrics sprouted the motives of faith, the feat, war and history.

The ideological layer did not affect creative fertility - Dmitry still writes a lot, and the material does not even fit in one project. Therefore, in parallel with the "Kalinov Bridge", the musician began to carry out solo intentions.

On the account of the Contractor, several albums that he recorded separately from the group. Plus, Revyakin willingly experiments and cooperates with other musicians. The result of a successful collaboration was the song "Ship", "Plantain", created jointly with the Rap-group "25/17". An attempt to rethink the heritage of Alexander Bashlachev poured into a whole album: "Silver and Tears" came out in 2014, and in its creation, the most prominent representatives of Russian rock were treated. Dmitry performed here the track "Time of Bells".

Personal life

With the future wife, Dmitry met at the time of the student. It was Olga Revyakina that invented in 1986 the original name of his group. The girl became a muse and the main criticism of the musician. At first they lived in Novosibirsk on removable apartments, where their son Stepan (1986) was born. There were no more children in the pair. In 2005, a tragedy occurred in the personal life of the singer: his spouse died suddenly from a heart attack. He devoted the memory of his wife "Heart", published 4 years later.

Dmitry Revyakin and his wife Olga

Dmitry remained a widower and does not seek to change the status, keeping the memory of Olga as love of the whole life. Son Stepan became the director of the Kalinov Bridge group and helps his father in organizational work.

Since 2000, Revyakin confesses Orthodoxy, with which the change in its worldview and creative transformation is related. With journalists, the musician prefers not to speak not about the facts of biography, but about the problems of the world order and the depths of the human soul, which is more like his interviews more resemble philosophical conversations.

Dmitry Revyakin now

Many years ago, the musician moved to Moscow, where he lives now. For several decades of creative activity, Dmitry does not lose the fruitfulness, the release of fresh releases is hardly every year. In 2019, Davinov Bridge's discography was replenished with Dauria album devoted to the small homeland of the author - Transbaikalia.

Revyakin called the project to tribute to the native edge, where he grew up and adult. Means for recording the team collected through the planet's crowdfunding platform so that connoisseurs of their music felt involvement in its creation.

The same way, Dmitry went and in the work on the next solo plate "# Snebhecheng", declaring July 1, 2019 on the opening of the collection. At the same time, the musician with the group does not stop touring, giving several concerts per month. Poster performances are available on the official website of Kalina Bridge. Fresh photos - in "Instagram" and other group social networks. Dmitry personal accounts do not lead.


  • 1997 - "All sorts of different songs"
  • 1997 - "Calm the board"
  • 1997 - "Ohta"
  • 2007 - "Harvest"
  • 2013 - "Grandi Canzoni, Opus 1"
  • 2015 - "Grandi Canzoni. Opus Magnum »
  • 2017 - "Smeaker"
  • 2019 - "# Stenleheneg"

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