Ronan prosecutor - character biography, image in "Galaxy Guards", photo


Character History

The Universe "Marvel" introduces fans of comics and fantastic militants with unprecedented villains, whose biographies are saturated with amazing colleses and the peripetias. Ronan the prosecutor from the comic book "Guardians of the Galaxy" refers to the number of similar characters.

History of character creation

Ronan Prosecutor in comics

The first appearance of the hero on the pages of drawn publications took place in 1967 in the comic on the fantastic four. History told about how the Heroes on vacation visited the Pacific Island. They were attacked by the watch 459 - a bot, which Million years ago left representatives of the race of Cree.

By defeating the enemy, superheroes did not take into account that he had time to sign aliens from the native galaxy about the evolution that occurred on Earth. Ronan Prosecutor, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Empire Cree, crossed the universe and arrived at Earth to shiver mortals for the death of the subordinate. The fantastic Four defeated the potential invader and provoked a number of unpleasant events with his triumph.

Ronan prosecutor and his hammer

Many millions of years ago, humanoids settled on the planet. They were called scrulls. Beings were peaceful and harmless. Traveling on the planets, they were taught, mastered space and shared developments with new acquaintances. Scrulls wanted to speed up the creation of a trading union between the planets.

Long before the emergence of people on earth between Cree and Kotati, a dispute arose who should belong to the native planet Cree. Scrulls offered two races to face forces in creation. Reasonable humanoids delivered opponents to the moon and left there. Cree created a beautiful city, distinguished by the workshop of architecture, the presence of gravity, airspace and beauty. Kotati broke the delightful garden with an ideal ecosystem. Returning, the scrolls found the achievements of Kotati more significant.

Image of scrulls in comics

In anger, Cree was killed everyone who humiliated them, and capturing the scrull ship, they got access to their developments. Returning to the native Planet Hala, Cree began to build an empire. The war between the scruillars and cree lasted hundreds of millennia, making hostile warriors from peaceful creatures.

"Guardians of the Galaxy"

Dave Batista as the Drax of the Destroyer (film

Ronan was a cruel knight. He had the necessary abilities to achieve the vertices of power, therefore became a commander of the race. Hateing the planet Xander and everything connected with him, Ronan Argent for his relatives, whose death occurred due to the fault of the inhabitants of this planet. I realized that I was closely truce, Ronan captured the Ship of the Cree "Black Astra" and decided to attack the Nova Empire. He won the planets one after another, leaving a lot of victims even on his native land of Drax of the destroyer. Ronan was the reason why Drax craves revenge and ready to perform against Tanos.

Wanting to capture infinity stones, Tanos has enlisted the support of Ronana Prosecutor. Ronan was to help in search of the sphere, and Tanos guaranteed the destruction of Xanderdar. Gamora and Nebul accompanied Ronana.

Ronan and Star Lord

The hero carried the ritual murder of the representative of the new, using the hammer. A detachment sent by him by the sphere on the Morag Planet, did not find anything, as Peter Quill, Star Lord, ahead of aliens. Quill was going to sell the sphere. Hamorra was sent to Xander to prevent the sale of the sphere. The girl who was planning a betrayal was going to transfer her collector. Together with the queen, she was in Kiln prison. Tanos called for Hamber on the sanctuary, knowing about her intentions.

Tanos gave Ronan a new chance for the return of the sphere. Arriving in prison, the squad found that Gamora managed to escape. He ordered the nebule to kill all kilna workers. Focusing on the challenge of Drax, thirsty for revenge, Ronan Nastig Hamorra. He and Nebule managed to get the sphere and return to the ship.

Having betrayed Tanos, Ronan broke the sphere and found an infinity stone inside it. Subsequently, hero used him as a universal weapon that increases its power. Now Ronan could destroy Xander without any help. On the planet, he was greeted by the Guards of the Galaxy. They won the fight with the villain and became the enemies of the whole race.

Ronan Prosecutor and Crystal

Ronan is a brave and fearless warrior with secret knowledge. The punisher focuses on his own superiority, conquering new planets. The owner of a huge strength, he is sure that he can create Samosud. He is pragmatic, so goes to a deal with Tanos. As a truth in the last instance, Ronan kills innocent and believes that thus restores justice. Bloodthirsty and contemptuous, he enjoys violence.

Ronan is invulnerability. Showned to regeneration and demonstrates incredible agility in battle. Excellent strategist and fighter, he kills victims by a hammer. In his arsenal armor and helmet that can resist the rocket.

Interesting Facts

Ronan Prosecutor (ART)
  • Ronan the prosecutor, the son of the race Cree, became the acting face of cartoons, art fan fiction and cinema, as well as a character for cosplay. He repeatedly appeared in animation projects: "Silver Surfer", "Fantastic Four: the greatest heroes of the world", "Superhero Detachment", "Avengers: the greatest heroes of the Earth", as well as "Hulk and agents S.M.S.H." and "Guardians of the Galaxy."
  • In the film "Guardians of the Galaxy", released on the screens in 2014, actor Lee Pace performed as Ronana Prosecutor. The hero concluded a union with Tanos, but he took possession of the magic crystal and in the final was defeated by the star Lord. The resurrection of the hero is expected in the film "Captain Marvel", the premiere of which is scheduled for 2019. The photo of the artist in the image of his hero is already decorated with the covers of thematic publications.
Ronan Prosecutor B.
  • Ronan Prosecutor is also a character of video games created based on the "Guardians of the Galaxy" and other Marvel projects.

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