Firs - Biography of the character, play "Cherry Garden", image and characteristic, filmization, photo


Character History

The works created by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov are deservedly inscribed in the list of writings that make up the basis of classical drama. The Piece "Cherry Garden" is present in the repertoire of most dramatic theaters and is considered one of the often selected for the stage.

The work represents the reader of characteristic characters inherent in the philosophy of Chekhov. Against the background of the first plan's heroes, secondary actors are allocated. Takov belongs to Vamdiner Firs.

History of creation

Writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

The old man serves in the house of Ranevskaya more than half a century. He personifies the past of Russia, since his biography is closely related to the long time. Firs was a servant at the grandfather of the main characters, when the trees of the Cherry Garden were young. Old lifestyle shapes the glands of the chamener, indulging old orders. The prototype of the image of the company can be considered Ipata, Lacey described by Nekrasov in the poem "Who lives well in Russia." As well as Firs, Ipat renounced personal freedom after the abolition of serfdom and preferred the role of the servant, to which the prince during the years of work in the house.

Like Ipat, Firs recalls his gentlemen, their whims and obsessive ideas. Contrary to the satirical characteristics of Ipat, Firs gets support from the author. Chekhov understands his hero and favors him. Frames that describe the thoughts of the playwright and the idea of ​​the play are escaping from the mouth of the valet. Firsa distinguishes love for the order manifested in actions and in everyday life. In the elderly, he analyzes the surrounding atmosphere in the country and in the house and understands that the usual way of doing things disappeared that everything came into the fragmented state. The instability is felt by other heroes of the work.


The author of the tired of the company calls him and other characters "Temptices", people who are unable to take life. This is clearly depicted in the description of the attitude towards the Cherry Garden. Firs sees it young, as in the past, Gaev - the possibility of visor, and the lopahin cuts out the trees, trying to save. Anya and Petya think about the device of new gardens, and not about the preservation of the old one.

Fate fours is tightly connected with the estate. Chekhov described his faithful servant. Such a type of hero is found in the works of "inexpensive" Fonvizin, Evgeny Onegin Pushkin, "Oblomov" Goncharov. A representative of the old Russia, her spirit, culture, traditions and faith, a multifaceted deep character compared with the heroes proclaiming the ideals of the new time.

Piece "Cherry Garden"

Illustration for play

Fans of serfdom, the old Firs demonstrates the inefficient, for centuries a petitioned connection of the servant and a barin. The cancellation of the habitual bondage destroys his life, as now he becomes superfluous and unnecessary in society, where he recently relied on him all life. Therefore, a chaos incomprehensible to him reigns around the man. Firs acts as a kind of keeper of the family nest, follows the economy, remains a nanny for the Barchuk grown in his eyes, continuing to follow their appearance. Despite the removal from life realities, Firsa retains the ability to think rationally.

The attachment to the owners is connected with the hero with sincere experiences, as he spent his life on them. Therefore, he is touchingly crying when meeting with Ranevskaya and continues to change the clothes of Gaeva. Having remained in locked up for the winter house, before his death, Firs does not think about his needs, although the acquired freedom has acquired. He is more concerned about how his wards feel, who forgot about him.

Ranevskaya and Gaev

The unbelievous franger is contrasting, consisting at the notchless young Ranevskaya, against the background of a solid company. The old man dies without attention, because before him there is no business, although those surrounding see his condition.

Chekhov conducts peculiar parallels between owners and servants. In comparison with the Dunchaeza and Yasha, the gentlemen of the Merse, the Firs personifies the qualities that are not enough for the current nobles. The wise, loyal and dear people, a devotee and kind fierce cause respect for the author and reader.


Piece "Cherry Garden" is in demand among theatrical leaders. Each director sooner or later addresses the work of Chekhov, melting ideas, the relevance of which is not lost over time. The philosophy of the playwright is interesting and film stanners, so the work is often shielded. The "cherry garden" could be seen on the screens since 1936. The first director who focused on the play was Tieko Khagiamia. Then, colleagues from Britain and Germany offered the attention of the public from multi-sized television projects based on the plays.

The first full-length work based on the works of Chekhov appeared in the second half of the 20th century.

Igor Ilinsky in the role of Firs (frame from the movie

Actor Igor Ilinsky embodied the image of an old chamener in the 1983 picture. He poked the film director. Paul Carran played the role of a servant in the 1991 tape. Alexander Greveva made an example of Anna Chernakova "Cherry Garden to Firsa in 1993. Fantasy on the topic. " In the film Mikhalis Cuboyanis, 1999, Michael Hoff played. Igor Yasovilovich depicted Campner Gaeva and Ranevskaya in the picture "Garden" Sergei Ovcharova, shot in 2008.


The phrases of the old firs are broken by phrases characterizing his worldview and image. He lost landmarks after the cancellation of serfdom, so the world of the chamener is in a state of chaos and confusion:

"The men with gentlemen, gentlemen in men, and now all the battle, you will not understand anything."

Firs acutely feels the need for his presence in the house where his life has passed.

"Previously, the cherry was dried"

He cannot leave the estate due to attachment to the mature owners. Its significance is exaggerated by the hero, but the business and the foundation with which he follows the domestic, confirm the point of view of the company:

"I'll go to bed, and without me here who will give, who can do? One house "

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