Anatoly Slotko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Maniac



Anatoly creptly lived a double life. So he is a well-deserved teacher of the school of the RSFSR, the head of the cigide tourist club, famous throughout the country, the drummer of communist labor. But - the maniac and the serial killer, from which 7 boys died, more than 40 guys received mental injuries and physical injuries.

Childhood and youth

Anatoly Emelyanovich was born on December 28, 1938 in the Dagestan settlement Election. The area was famous for oil deposits, and the head of the family, considering the work in mines promising, in 1935 he was transported to the eleven wife and children: Anatoly and his older brother Andrei.

Department of Anatoly Slivko

Childhood chickens called difficult, and his family is unfavorable. In an interview, he argued that parents often quarreled. On this basis, Anatoly's mother allegedly tried to interrupt pregnancy, so the boy was born prematurely, and, in principle, I was alone, I was alive: he was almost strangled by Pupovina.

People familiar with Emelyan cream, say that he was not like Tirana. He worked a lot, he walked behind the products, worked in the garden on the weekend. Apparently, the story of a serious childhood "Honored torment" tried to cause pity at the court and soften the sentence.

Generic trauma imparted a print imprint: He suffered from headaches, and in adolescence, the boy had the first symptoms of epileptoid psychopathy. People with such a type of psyche "get stuck" in the traumatic event, as a rule, they are prone to aggression and sadism.

In 1959, Slotko went to serve on the Flot of the Far East. In 1961, he witnessed an accident, which irrevocably changed his biography. That day Anatoly described in detail in the diary:

"The boy died 13-14 years old. He was in school uniform with a tie, in a white shirt and in new black shoes. There was a lot of blood, gasoline spread across asphalt. I suddenly had a feeling, the desire to have such a boy, to make him hurt, bad. "

From the seen creamy experienced sexual excitement. After scared himself, a man ran from the Far East to his parents to Nevinnomyssk, Stavropol Territory. The change in the situation helped caustically forget about the accident, but in 5-6 months this attraction resumed.


Anatoly, who did not have pedagogical education, communicated with children. In 1963, he settled in high school No. 15 of Nevinnomyssk with a pioneermen. Under his leadership, even from a one-day campaign, the guys brought knowledge about therapeutic herbs, dangerous insects, precious stones.

Anatoly Slotko and his wife Lyudmila

School management limited the activities of the tourist club. A man changed several institutions before in 1966 the opportunity to open his own club. He got the name "Romantic". The organizational abilities of the creamy legend even went to Gorono. Numerous patrons helped "Romantic" with tourist equipment and food. Sometimes children dropped for rent backpacks or tents.

Pupils "Romance" recalled that she asked himself to call himself to Tolik because of a small difference in age. He was distinguished by cruelty in the establishment of discipline, which, however, never reached physical injury or moral humiliation. The cry did not break down - one glance was enough for young tourists to understand him.

In 1968, a new club Chergid opened cream - a reduction from "through rivers, mountains and valleys". Over a thousand young guys annually went on a campaign in the places of military glory and carried out excavations (the club contained a collection of the items of the military era).

In 1977, Slotko received the title of "Honored Teacher of the RSFSR School" thanks to the 3rd Secretary of the CPSU PCSU Lyudmila Kostina. Having learned about the crimes of a man, she committed suicide.

Personal life

Anatoly Slotko had problems with a personal life, which wrote about in the diary. At 22, he had a half-blood for the first time. In an effort to repeat a pleasant feeling, the young man is resorted to masturbation.

"If in the process of masturbation recalled a woman, the erection disappeared. He began to notice increased attraction to the boys ... "- wrote Anatoly.
Anatoly creamy with his wife and son

In 1967, the creamy in the insistence was married. With the future wife, Lyudmila, he met at work. She became the first and only woman Anatoly, but they did not enter the sexual connection immediately.

According to personal confessions, the spouses entered into an intimate relationship for 17 years of living together a dozen times. Nevertheless, two sons were born in the family: Igor (1971) and Eugene (1975). After the birth of the younger Anatoly lived in a separate room.


In the books according to medicine, Slotko read about retrograde amnesia, when the stroke leads to short-term memory loss. The first "experiment" maniac committed on June 2, 1964, in fact, in fact, it is painful about 42 such cases. He suspended the victims - boys from a cigide aged from 10 to 15 years old - on a tree or put on the head plastic bag, bringing to suffocation. Mauded on the agonizing body, ejaculated on the shoes of the victims. After he led the boys in the feeling.

Real evidence found from Anatoly cream

The guys did not remember what happened to them. Young tourists walked for the counselor consciously. Someone was cateringly invited to participate in an experiment for survival. Someone offered to work off the penalty points. Someone paid money, from 10 to 25 rubles.

Crimes "Honored tormenting" shot on camera. Guys knew it. They thought they were filmed in the film about the brave pioneer, which was subjected to various trials, including torture. For the victims, the maniac has always been preparing a suit: a white shirt, a pioneer tie and the black shoes cleaned before the brilliance.

In 1965, the first murder was typing - did not have time to return the 15-year-old Nikolay Dobryshev, choking in the loop, to life. Frightened by the deed, the council dismembered the body of the boy and dropped into the river. The film on which the maniac traditionally removed the process, destroyed.

On November 14, 1973, the 15-year-old Sasha Nesmeyanov died, the cause of death is suffocation. The investigation appealed to creamy to take a photo of a boy for the ads. The counselor even organized search work from Culture, in which more than 200 pupils took part.

"Experiment" May 11, 1975 ended the death of 11-year-old Andrei Pogasyan. According to parents, the boy was going to the forest "on filming". This information did not give this information, as well as the fact that the yard and nonsensean were pupils of Culture.

Victim Anatoly Slivko

In 1980, the 13-year-old Sergey Flynev was returned home. From now on, it was painted particularly brutally. He did not just stifled the boys, but also played with the corpses, saw them and studied. Sliced ​​genitals sued in ordinary banks.

On July 23, 1985, Slotko made the last murder, the victim of which was the 13-year-old Seryozha Pavlov. Parents The boy said that she was fishing, and neighbor-Rovenitsa - that the head of the club Chergid would photograph him for the "illustrated magazine".

Arrest and death penalty

Tamara Languyev, assistant prosecutor, the first noticed the system in the murder of boys. The main link in the chain was Culture. During the interrogation, several pupils mentioned the films that Anatoly Slotko Removes. The subjects of filming was a lot of surprised Languyev: torture, blood, suffocation. Children also spoke about "medical experiments."

Officially, "Experiments" told Vyacheslav Tailing. His creamy also suspended in the loop. Heard shocked not only Languyev, but also the whole city, because the head of Culture was an exemplary citizen. There were no other suspects in the case, and the prosecutor gave an order for the search of the apartment of creamy and the premises of Turklub. The evidence was found outside the door with a sign "Do not climb - kill!": Photos of strangled and dissected children, children's boots with scales, cassettes with films.

Anatoly Slivko in 1985

Maniac arrested. Slotko confessed to the murder of 7 boys (the names of five of them are known), the remains of six found in the forests. The trial took place in June 1986. The forensic psychiatric examinations conducted in his course showed that we can't be caught, but prone to pedophilia, necrophilia, sadism, uncrosadism, fetishism, vampirism and pyromania. The sentence was made unequivocal - the death penalty.

"Honored tormented" spent 3 years in the death row chamber before the sentence was performed. Anatoly Slotko shot on September 16, 1989.


  • 1965 - Nikolay Dobryshev (15 years)
  • 1973 - Alexander Nemeyanov (15 years)
  • 1975 - Andrey Pogasyan (11 years old)
  • 1980 - Sergey Fatenev (13 years old)
  • 1985 - Sergey Pavlov (13 years old)

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