Vishnu - Biography of the Divine, incarnation, commandments, attributes, photos


Character History

Hinduism is an ancient religion leading a huge number of people. It is considered the third in popularity on the planet and follows Orthodoxy and Islam. Hinduism is a compilation of philosophy, traditions, knowledge and ancient rites. This religion allocates several directions, among whom - Vaishnoism, or Vishnuism. The cult of God Vishnu and its incarnations is considered the main goal of Vishnuism.

History of origin


Vishnuists are considered monotheists. Most of the adherents of this religious direction live in India. Statistics show that Vishnu and his avatars worship about 200 million people. Maha Vishnu became the first embodiment of the Divine.

Vishnu is a representative of the Sacred Trinity, which also includes Brahma and Shiva. According to legend, it appears on the ground to restore the balance between good and evil. The appearance of God every time entails a change of appearance - Avatar. Hindu sacred books repeatedly mention Vishnu, describing it as an accuser justice. Myths tell that Vishnu visited the world to nine times, and the tenth coming will occur shortly before the end of the world.


Iconography draws a deity in man's image. Skin color is blue, and the body has not two, and four hands, symbolizing the physical and spiritual resources of a person. According to this logic, a person's deed reflects his inner world and soul. The mind, ego, consciousness and intelligence are combined in these symbols.

Most images describe Vishnu in a duet with his wife Lakshmi. Couple sits on a lotus flower. Vishnu is also drawn flying on Orel by name Garuda. The head of the Divine often decorates the crown confirming his status. Changing the appearance, Vishnu is achieved goals and carries love and good to the world. In the hands of usually sink, disc, lotus, cream or chakra. Each element symbolizes something. So, the lotus personifies freedom and purity, the disk is the mind and wisdom, a boulava - the power, and the sink - pristine.

Character History

God Vishnu.

In accordance with mythology, the Earth exhausted its resources due to sinners who overwhelmed it, and asked for help to Brahma. He consulted with Vishnu, and his avatar arrived on Earth, Krishna, designed to restore harmony. The messenger fell into the royal family, the father of which was a dishonest person. He killed her sister's children, fearing to die from the hands of nephews, as predicted prediction. Krishna was given to the upbringing of the shepherds. The wise kid brought happiness to everyone around him, lived as commoner and was not afraid of animals.

Returning to the royal chambers in the junior years, Krishna defeated Tirana-Uncle. Through the throne, thanks to him, cared, and the Kaurava family and Pandava received power. Some began to manage the army, and the second were embodied the commandments of Krishna. Krishna himself became an ardition of caught and Arjuna. On the day of the important battle of Krishna, Savior Commander-in-Chief, uttering a speech for him, witnessing on a successful battle.

Vishnu and Lakshmi

Death overtook Krishna from the hands of a hunter who took him for a wild animal. Avatar Vishnu died. Krishna's doctrine allows you to find support and peace of mind, find the way to the immortality of the soul and know yourself.

Myths and legends

Vishnu and his riding bird Garuda

Vishnu is considered the Deity, Most High. It is described in the legends as the Supersoul and the Supreme God. He wisely treats the past and anticipating the future, can reunite and destroy all the universe, manages life in the universe and is a stronghold of life and spirituality. Vishnu Purana describes the blue color of the skin of Vishnu, reminding that it is the color of the clouds. It is no coincidence that the riding bird Vishnu is called Garuda. This name is translated as the "Sun".

Vishnu is capable of simultaneously reincarnate in several avatars and this proves its versatility. Mattsiya is a fish in which Vishnu has turned during a worldwide flood. Curma - Turtle, the shell of which became the basis for the Maundra Mountain. Vasaha - Wear, in whose appearance God killed Hiranyakshu-demon and returned the land from the depths. Narasinha - a man-lion, a bridge of a demon who became the ruler on earth and heaven. Vamana - Dwarf, appeared before the ruler of the world of Bali. Parashurama - the appearance of a frame with an ax, which was embodied by Vishnu, killing the warriors of Kshatriev.

God Vishnu in the image of the Buddha

The most famous images of Vishnu became Rama, Krishna and Buddha.

Rama - Prince and Warrior, perfect ruler. Krishna - a child sent to the royal family and became a mentor. Buddha - the embodiment of religious doctrine. Each particular avatar has a finished biography and history, which all Hindus knows.

Vishnu in culture

Statue of God Vishnu.

Adherents of Hinduism and Vishnuism create temples and decorate them with statues depicting idols. Ashrama is easy to find even in small settlements. These are ordinary houses, decorated with photos and paintings with images of a guru and Vishnu. Here they conduct classes with spiritual practices and arrange sacrifices, study philosophy and are looking for themselves. Such places are protected by Krishna, so their name is translated as "protection". They can look for their essence and harmony with the inner "I". Usually the ashrama decorate the statues dedicated to Wife Vishnu: Radha and Lakshmi.

Even those who are not involved in Vishnuism know the most famous mantra "Hare Krishna", who shakes a deity. Written on Sanskrit, it consists of only 16 words, and they all represent the names of God. Created in the 16th century, this mantra glorifies Vishnu in the appearance of heroes and is considered popular thanks to the spread of Krishnaitis. They believe that regular chants purify, make karma bright.

God Ganesh

Bhagavad-Gita - Sacred Scripture, readable by Vishnuism's adherents. It describes the features of Indian philosophy. People who are interested in it will learn popular centuries-old traditions inherent in the religious beliefs of the East. Vishnu is often confused with Ganesha, Siva's son. God in the image of an elephant also has several hands and is depicted with a human body with blue leather.

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