Laert - Hero's biography, play "Hamlet", character, appearance, quotes, photos


Character History

16-17th century made dramaturgy an integral part of the literary heritage. Visualized on theatrical layouts, it was also available to aristocrats, and a common people. The authors did not bother on words, denied to the public their thoughts and ideas, by refringing the modern system and society. William Shakespeare is the famous playwright of this era, whose works are full of philosophical background.

History of character creation

The tragedy "Hamlet" was written in 1601. England was not the best time of the feudal system, so the play is full of gloomy and severe pessimism. In accordance with the artistic tradition of romanticism, the author affects a wide range of issues. Shakespeare describes the heroes, giving them an unequivocal characteristic. The main character of the work is out of the time frame and restrictions.

Ophelia and Laert.

The son of Polonia and the brother of Ophelia - Laerti became a curious act. He personifies the usual type of hero-avenger. This is not the first character with the name in classical literature. So the name of Odyssey's father, Tsar Itaki, who participated in the campaign for the golden rune. The meaning of the Great Greek is not decrypted in the literature, but many interpreters disassemble it, based on the combination of letters. As a rule, Laertom call an active active boy, a creative person belonging to the "best" layers of society.

Laerta's biography is unknown. The author paints the hero of the second plan by a hot-tempered, emotional representative of a secular society. His line intersects with the line of Prince Hamlet, and this image of Laerta is interesting. Shakespeare offers the viewer to familiarize himself with three sons: Hamlet, Laertom and Fortinbras. The latter plays an episodic role, but its image is important. Fartinbra's father was to blame in the misfortunes that happened to him. Claudius killed him in an honest battle. Son was interested in lost lands, and not revenge. Thirst for fame and recognition moved to them.

Death of Gamlet from the hands of Laert

Hamlet is not a fan of revenge, like Fortinburgh, but the ghost of circumscribed to a serious fate. Polonium death provoked a case. Unlike Laerta, Hamlet is judged and inclined to doubt. Laert sowing head rushes into the puchin of feelings and chopping. As a typical feudal, he equates himself to the royal genus, while Hamlet sees the role of the father as a guardian of order in the state. Fortinburg - ambition, and the crown satisfies its low-lying ambition needs.

Piece "Hamlet"

William Shakespeare playwright

Shakespeare conducts a peculiar comparison of Hamlet and Laert characters. The first bowed to his father, the second to strive to get rid of the parental edges. At this point, the reader and meets the hero. Poloniy is located to the son, but sees that his admonition can be in vain. The second phenomenon of the hero occurs after the death of the Father. The circumstances in which the death of Polonia was not known to Laert. He suspects Claudia, and even Hamlet does not allow such spelling conclusions.

The thirst for revenge drives Laertes, breaking into the Elsinora castle to take revenge for the killing of the parent. Allowing himself to finish justice, the hero considers it to honor the death of his father. It is worth mentioning that external details a lot distract the young man from the main goal. The absence of the necessary preparations in the burial of polonium and the abbreviated funeral of Ophelia cause his indignation.

Figure Laerta

Lanert is able to enter the sin for the sake of their mission and causes Hamlet to fight right in the church. He goes to deception, neglecting his honor, and uses poisoned blade, while the sword of the Hamlet is designed for exercises, and not for battles. The cunning of Laerta is replaced by a suicide repentance. The nobility of the hero is manifested in the last minutes: he asks for reconciliation and receives forgiveness. Such an act is characteristic of the heroes of Shakespeare. The forgiveness of guilt in the name of nobility and previously undertaken actions against the Family Polonia turned out to be fair.

Shielding and setting

Alexander Porokhovshchikov in the play

The play "Hamlet" is among the dramaturgical works that make up the basis of the classical theater repertoire. Often, artists perform in this character, whose dramatic talent allows you to later appear in the image of Hamlet. It happened to Edwin Bott and Henry Irving, famous British theater artists.

The premiere of the play in Russia took place in 1837. Full Ivan Samarin performed the role of Laert on the scene of the Small Theater and was not successful in it, although later became a recognized dramatic artist and played in many productions on the works of Shakespeare. Many artists embody Laerert on theatrical stage. In the main play of the Soviet era, the famous Gamlet, Yuri Lyubimov in the theater in Taganka, Laerta played Valery Ivanov and Alexander Porokhovshchikov. The photo of the performers still decorate the walls of the theater.

Stepan Olekshenko in Laerta

The shielding of "Hamlet" is not a few. In 1948, Laerta played Terens Morgan. In the Russian film of 1964 he was portrayed Stepan Olekstenko. Nathaniel Parker appeared in this role in 1990, and Michael Maloni - in 1996.


Laert is explained to Vitievo and highly, demonstrating a tendency to the most sophisticated and his sister Ophelia:

"Nature, ripening, multiplies in the Nasha only power and statomes: with the growth of the templesterats the serving of the Spirit and the mind. There are no powerful in desires ..."

Hot-tempered and sharp in statements, Lahert Vedod desire to take revenge and in the heat of anger will not bother to loud words:

"In Geenna, loyalty! Oaths to black demons! Fear and the sodel in the abyss of the abyss! I am not afraid of death. I declare that both lights are condominized to me, and whether it will be; If only for chosen as it should ".

Nobility returns to Laerert late. He is sincere in the last words, asking for forgiveness and giving the sin to his opponent Hamlet:

"Forgive each other, noble Hamlet. Yes, you will be in my innumene death of my father, like me in yours!"

Laert's tragic fate is such that the flowers on his grave to impose no one. Lotting a family, he remains loser in the fight, which he also started.

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