Danila Master - Character Biography, Fairy Tale, Photo


Character History

Taja Bazhov's Tajas makes a national flavor, descriptions of ordinary Russian people and combine reality with fantastic start. In the composition of the "Stone Flower", the master hero was the master artisan named Danil. About the adventures of the man the author and leads it in the work.

History of character creation

Danil Zverev - prototype of the literary character

The character Danil Masters had a prototype. It turned out to be Danil Zverev, who worked virtuoso with a stone. Of course, a man did not work with Malachite, who read by gem, and the mistress of the copper mountain did not get acquainted with him. But this person introduced a writer with the mysterious world of natural stones.

Describing the hero-artisan, the boxes combines in its image several characteristics immediately. A master is considered a man who has a great luggage of knowledge and skills. Experts who worked at the Urals have adopted skills in foreign colleagues.

Being workers, they caused deep respect. Without a break, the worked Danill demonstrated the quality typical of workers in this area. Perfectionist, he tried to create a memorable creation. Communication with paganism in Russia is another nuance, which is noticeable by the author of the fairy tale. To learn the great secret, Danilla goes to the mythical hostess of the copper mountain, and not to Divine Providence.

Writer Pavel Bazhov

The writings of the writings of Pavel Bazhov unites the stories of simple work of the Urals, who were learning to feel the "soul" of the stone and clean it from the shackles of coarse material, creating unique things. The author mentions the severity of such labor, how hardly the life of ordinary iron trucks and those who sculpt from the soulless stone of the unique works of art take place.

It is curious that on a par with fictional characters and heroes, whose images are painted on the likeness of familiar Writer masters, there are also personalities in the plot, whose names were known to readers. A separate role was assigned to Ivanko Krylychko, under the name of which Ivan Vushyev, famous Kamnerise, was described.

Image in fairy tales

Danila master in a fairy tale

The fairy tale "Stone Flower", published in 1938, was created with a loaf to the Ural Folklore. The tales of local residents complemented the compounds of the Bazhov traditional flavor. Along with fantastic details, the author focuses on the dramatic population of the plot. Dream and reality, art and life are faced in the work.

The biography of the main character is described in detail and becomes the basis of the storyline. Danil since childhood was called "Nedochemma". Slender boy was distinguished from peers with dreaming and thoughtfulness. He was observed. Adults, realizing that hard work he was not on the shoulder, sent Danilushka to watch cows. This task turned out to be difficult, because the boy often watched the items around him, was fond of insects, plants and everything that came across.

Danila Master and Katya

The habit of looking towards the details was useful when Danil was given to the master proofing. A teenager had an amazing feeling of the beautiful, who was asked in the profession. He knew how best to work with a stone and saw the shortcomings of the product and the advantages of the material. When Danila grew up, his taste, work style and talent became arrival in the towns. Patience and return with which the master lady was very valued around and caused the appearance of its uncomfortable products.

Despite the praise, Danil sought to more. He dreamed of showing people the true power of the stone. The young man remembered the fairy tales who heard from the lead. They read about the stone flower, revealing the essence of the beautiful and bringing misfortune. To get an unprecedented miracle, Danil went to bow to the hostess of the copper mountain. He went to meet the master and presented a wonderful flower. The Consciousness of Danil was bold, he lost his head. The master threw the bride Katya and fought without anything. There were rumors that he went to the service to the hostess of the copper mountain.

Danila Master and Mistress of the Copper Mountain

The subsequent life of Danils is described by the author in the works of "Mountain Master" and "Fragile Twig". These fairy tales were published in the collection called "Malachite Casket". The main task of Bazhov was the idea to show the flour of the search for truth and harmony in creative matter, thirst for comprehension of the beautiful.

Interesting Facts

Vladimir Frienders in the image of Danil Masters
  • The shooting of the fairy tale was first held in 1946. Remove the film decided the director Alexander Ptushko. The film has become a symbiosis of fairy tales about a stone flower and about the mountain wizard. Vladimir Motherhouses performed in the picture in the image of Danil Masters. The author of the script was the Bazhov himself. In 1947, the project was awarded the prize at the Cannes Film Festival and received the Stalinist Prize.
  • In 1977, Oleg Nikolaevsky created a cartoon based on Bazhov's fairy tales. Puppet teleposta included and actors.
  • In 1978, Inness Kovalevskaya took off the cartoon on the work of the "Mountain Master". The hand drawn tale is broadcast on television and today.

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