Ares - biography, god of war, image and character, aphrodite, photo


Character History

Ares is God in which the inhabitants of ancient Greece believed. Romans called him Mars. The patron of war and aggression, he repeatedly influenced the course of history. The legendary lover and the advocate of the strife, he appears in these roles in mythology and in works of art left by the ancestors.

History of origin

God of war (Ares)

Greeks, not inclined to recklessness and unplanned fights, loved Ares less than other gods. A passionate fan of Drak and deadly fights was not so much in demand in Greece. The Romans attributed to him praise and read a little less than Jupiter, the Supreme God. In the mythology of Scythians, the God of War also mentioned.

Ares was the only common son of Zeus and Gera. Myths say that he turned out to be the fruit of magical soy. Gera became pregnant from touching the magic plant, which emphasized the miracle of fruiting even in difficult cases. Details are not described in legend.

It is known that in infancy, Ares was forced to resist the twin-old alouds. The descendants of Poseidon, they threatened to move the mountain of the Osse on Olympus and get to the sky. The plans of the giants were also the overthrow of Zeus. Being children, they fucked Ares and immersed in a bronze container, where the baby was more than a year. The liberator of the child was Hermes, who said about the imprisonment of Ares from the age of twins.


After the return of Ares, the mother instructed his training of Priapa. The first skill who gained the god of war was the dance. The next step in the upbringing of the boy was acquainted with the Military Wisdoms.


God Ares with a spear

The Biography of Ares is described in the myths of the ancient Greeks. God lived at Olympus and often appeared in public accompanied by Enio or Erides. The first goddess easily caused the rage of rivals, and the second personiced himself with a distinction and enmity. Attributes are considered a spear and a burning torch. He often accompanions dogs or leaders.

Ares was famous for the use of tricks in battle. He did not be brushed with insidious eyes and treachery. In the arsenal of the Divine - power and severity, the ability to cause fear and bloodthirstiness. His character was distinguity. The volitional temperament and the persistence of the hero did not cause respect among the fellow. He was not loved for the tendency to the aggressive way to solve problems.

Ancient Greek mythology is replete with the legends about Ares. The warlike singers became a member of the events in which death and enmity appeared. Ares is a real symbol of masculinity and unshakable, but even such a serious enemy came across the characters who could repulse.


Being a patron of battles, God often put a threat to his own life. Like other residents of Olympus, he possessed immortality, but was not injured by his side. During the Trojan War, Diomed was Heril Ares with Athena Pallades. Hercules inflicted injury to God in the battle for Pilos and fight against the son of Ares, Kikna.

It is difficult to present legends about battles and wars without mentioning their patron. Negative character, Ares proclaimed the principles that did not encourage good and decent residents of Olympus.


Contrary to unpleasant reputation, the Ares used the incredible popularity among the representatives of the fine sex. He was famous for his attractive appearance and gifted the love of mortal women and goddesses. Nymphs and Erinia were also in his list of love victories. Ares was against connections to coercion, which highlighted it among other Olympians. Passionate lover left behind 50 offspring.

The novels of God were vehicles. The only connection that remained for many years existed between him and Aphrodite, Hephaesta's wife. Ares did not intend to fade himself with marriage, but his love with Aphrodite brought the world of seven babies. Eros and harmony, anteros and phobos, hymeronos, Dimimos and Pofos appeared in secret from the legitimate husband of the goddess.

Aphrodite and Ares.

Hefest decided to teach lovers. Hoking a thin bronze network, he pulled her over the aphrodite bed. Ares, who applied to the delay, was confused on the net. The witnesses of the treason were all the gods designed to the court with Hephaes. The offended cuckold demanded from Zeus to return wedding offerings, but Thunder refused.

The union of spouses retained, and the children of Ares and Aphrodites became famous characters of myths. Three sons swam for the golden rune. The daughter of Ares and Aphrodite became the leadership of the Amazons. Its image used the film company "Marvel", removing the film "Wonder Woman". God loved her children and helped them if possible.

Interesting Facts

  • Athena was opposed to Ares, as she ratified for honest rivalry. Ares also preferred to take an opponent with cunning. Wisdom and justice were the main covenants of Athens, so she constantly entered the dispute with the opponent. She and Ares constantly defended their own beliefs and fought for a place on Olympus. The ancient Greeks loved the goddess more, because they opposed evil intents.
  • Ares is mentioned in a duet with Artemide. The goddess of fertility, family hearth and chastity patronized hunters. The bloodthirsty of the goddess was manifested during the punishment, during which she used the arrows. Anger of Artemis provoked all sorts of troubles and cataclysms. The cruelty of the goddess in a bad arrangement of the spirit is comparable to the bloodthirsty manifested by Ares.
God Ares B.
  • The god of war penetrated the series, computer games and comics, in which it was about Xena - the Queen of Warriors and the amazing adventures of Hercules. In the hero television series, named as the ancient Greek God of war, played an actor from New Zealand Kevin Smith.

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