Jupiter - Jupiter's biography, Roman myths, character, appearance, photo


Character History

The character of the mythology of ancient Rome, the Supreme God of the sky, the father of the gods, the patron saint of thunderstorms and daylight.

Character History

Name Jupiter ("IUPITER") originated from the Archaic Latin "IOVIS PATER", which in turn goes back to the Pyranceo-European name of the Dyeus PHTER father's father. In addition, the thethime is the names of other supreme gods and daylight gods in the religions of the Indo-European peoples - Greek Zeus, Ancient Indian Dyuses, etc.

Jupiter in Greek Mythology

Jupiter has absorbed the features of a number of other Italian gods, and at the same time appropriated their spheres of influence. This God was attributed to many features and, accordingly, various epithets were given. Jupiter "Radzing" sent rain with thunder, "bleaching" threw lightning, to Jupiter "Viktor" addressed the victory in the war. Roman commander, defeating the army of the enemy, went to the Capitol Hill in the Temple of Jupiter and there brought God to God from the mining taken in battle.

This God was also considered a champion of freedom, the patron saint of agriculture and viticulture, the keeper of the borders. Jupiter guaranteed that those who gave an oath would be true to her, patronized the Tribal Union.


Jupiter in ancient Rome

Ancient Romans Everything that happens in the sky was regarded as a manifestation of the will of Jupiter. Lightning was considered the attribute of this God. Places where the lightning was struck in the ground, became for the ancient Romans sacred. Other symbols of Jupiter were eagle and scepter.

When it was raining, it was believed that this Jupiter fertilizes the Earth, and only in the grace of this God the land is capable of producing plants. It was believed that Jupiter sees everything that happens at the bottom on Earth, so every criminal will certainly be punished. The man who swore the name of Jupiter and did not restrain the oath, also waiting for the Divine Cara. Jupiter headed the change of seasons, changing the day and night and all of the world order.

According to the myths, Jupiter was the Supreme Divine and held the Council with him, which included twelve gods. "Representatives" of Jupiter on Earth were the priests-August, through which the Supreme God intervened in earthly affairs. You could know the will of Jupiter in the signs that he sent.


Jupiter is the son of the ancient god of agriculture Saturn, who devoured his own children born from Him the goddess of fertility Ope. Jupiter was born the third and overthrow father from the throne. Jupiter's brothers and sisters are the God of the Underground Kingdom and the death of Pluto, the god of the seas and streams of Neptune, the goddess of the harvest and fertility of Ceres, the patron sacrifices of the sacrificial fire of Vesta, as well as the goddess of Marriage and Motherhood of Juno, who became the wife of Jupiter. In the mythology of ancient Greece, Jupiter corresponds to Zeus, and Junon is the spouse of the thumbnail.

Jupiter (ART)

Children of Jupiter - God of War Mars, God of Fire and Patron Kuznetsov Volcano, Goddess of the Hunting, Animal and Plant World Diana, God of Trade and Wealth Mercury, Patron of Arts and Healing FEB. It was believed that the volcano was forgotten by the Father Lightning. Jupiter once in the attack of rage dropped his son from Olympus, and since then the volcano fuse on both legs.

Jupiter had many mistresses. Alcman, the daughter of the Myklensky king, gave birth from God Heroles Heroles (in the Greek version of myth - Hercules). The son of Jupiter Mercury was born from Maji mountain nymph, which became the wife of the god of the volcano. Laton's Titanide gave birth to Jupiter of the son of Fea and daughter Diana. Among the Greek myths there is also one about how Zeus (the Greek analogue of Jupiter), turning into a bull, kidnapped Europe, the daughter of the Phoenician king. From the connection with Zeus-Jupiter, three sons were born, one of which, Minos, became the legendary king of Crete.

Interesting Facts

  • In the Roman calendar, the days of the full moon, which fell to the middle of the month, was called "Ida" and were dedicated to Jupiter. On these days, the Romans brought the victim to the tops of the hills and the mountains. On the northern vertex of the Capitol Hill in Rome, the Jupiter was sacrificed to the White Sheep.
  • On the Capitol, the central hill of Ancient Rome, stood the temple of Jupiter, where the king of the gods was revered together with his wife, Juno and the goddess of Miner Wisdom. Together, these three deities constituted the Capitol Triad - the top three of the most important Roman gods.
God thunder and storms
  • An analogue of Jupiter in the mythology of the ancient Germans is the God of Thunder and the storm, the eldest son is Odin.
  • The State Hermitage in St. Petersburg stores the ancient Roman statue of Jupiter from marble and bronzed gypsum, which is dated end of the first century. The image of the Supreme God of Romans has repeatedly inspired artists. The image of the Grozny Jupiter and the crankshaftic goddess of Fetyda is present on the French artist's canvas Jupiter et Thétis 1811.
Statue of Jupiter in the Hermitage
  • Separate gods in ancient Rome had their own priests - Flaming. Flamine Jupiter was considered the eldest among them and was certainly elected from Patrician genus. The chosen flare has remained in this position for life. Flamine Jupiter had to adhere to the mass of the rules and taboos, which in our time seem strange. For example, to sleep this priest could only be on the bed whose leg was filled with mud. It was impossible to ride the ride, touch the Ivy, raw meat and a living goat, go out on the street with a uncoated head. Flaming was wore a special hat from the cortex of olive tree, which no one had the right to wear.

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