Yemereir - character biography, image in saga, film design, photo


Character History

Character Cycle books about the authorship of Angeja Sapkovsky, also appears in the manufactured goods and screen vendors created by these works. Mentor in Caer Morcher - Fortresses of the Witcher, teaches Montstrology and fencing. Replaced the father to the chief hero of the cycle - Heralt. Also taught cursions, a young Queen of the Cultra. Died, protecting the cursions, during the battle with elves in Kaer Morcher. These events are not described in the books, but they occur in the plot of the computer game "Witcher 3: Wild Hunting".

Role in the series of books "Witcher"

Yevmere (ART)

Elemere is an experienced old Witcher, a wolf school master, whose accurate age is unknown. The students of the hero replaced his father, because each was treated with warmth and did not refuse to those who appealed to him for help. Elemere is no longer young, but is still unusually strong as a witcher and has an unusually fast reaction. At the same time, the hero loves at times to assure a weaker and old.

For the fortress of Caer Morcher, the Citadel of Witcher, attacked the religious fanatics that the slaughterhouse arranged there. After that, Yevmere remained the only experienced witcher, whose qualifications allowed to further teach those students who survived after the attack.

Yemereir in a computer game

After the defeat of Caer Morkers, the Witches as professional monsters hunters began to disappear. The reason is that the witches turned ordinary boys who were subjected to mutations, and specialists who are able to carry out these procedures and transfer knowledge - not left.

The name of Yemereir comes from the Polish WYSZOMIR and translates as "the one who value the world is primarily", which emphasizes peaceful character nature.


Yemereir - character biography, image in saga, film design, photo 1078_3

In 2002, the Polish TV series "Witcher" was released, the film was filmed by the two books of the Sapkovsky of the same name - the "sword of destiny" and "last desire". The role of Yezhemir in the series was played by actor Jerzy Novak.

Elemere in the series differs from how the character appears in the books. As well as Kaer Morcher - Witch Citadel. In the world of Sapkovsky, this is a fortress, in the screening, the cave system. Elemere himself in the film is an ordinary person, not the Witcher, Elder and Priest, who has an authority among witches. Spectators see Elemere in episodes dedicated to childhood and adulthood Gerasta, and then the mentor dies from old age.

Netflix is ​​going to release another series on a witch saga. According to forecasts, he should come out already in 2018, but the cast is still unknown. For the role of the main character, the witcher Geral, the Danish actor Mads Mikkelsen is invited. What an actor looks like in this role, you can already see in the trailer, but who is chosen on the role of Velsere, it will be possible to find out later.

Interesting Facts

  • Elemere appears in the computer games of the "Witcher" series. In the first game of Herasta series from Rivia, Kaer Morhin is delivered to the fortress. According to the plot, the hero loses his memory, and Elemere becomes the first character in the fortress with whom Heralt says. When Chimera, Yevmere and the rest fight with her attack on the Witches in Kaer Morchen. A player manager heralet can join this battle.
Yevmere and Heralt.
  • After the battle, Yevmere says once again with Heralt and warns the danger that can be threatened by the Witcher Berengar, and also transmits Heralt useful resources - a jacket and a steel witch sword. Weesmere is associated with a number of quests. For example, a character helps Heralt to create an elixir for TRISS.
  • From the prologue to the game "The Witcher" it becomes known that Elemere defended Kaer Morcher fortress when religious fanatics arranged there. Of all the witches, who were then in the fortress, Elemere is the only one who survived, and it happened by chance.
  • In the game "Witcher 3: Wild Hunting", Elemere is set up more space. The hero helps Heralt in search of his beloved Jennifer. Together with Elemere, the player travels, gets to the White Garden and hunts to Griffin. Later, the old mentor goes to the fortress of Caer Morcher, where Heralt helps again. With the help of Yemereir, the player splits the mind - Dwarf, who became a victim of a curse.
  • Elemere helps the player to prepare for battle with a wild hunting and then defends the fortress of the Witcher when the wild hunt attacks her. The old mentor protects the cursions, but he dies himself - the enemy turns his neck. Together with Elemere - the only one who knew all the secrets of the creation of witches, "dies and the hope that the Ras Wismacs will ever be reborn.
Mod in the form of Leonid Yakubovich
  • Elemere's face in the third "Witcher" was not to taste to many Russian-speaking players who saw in him similarity with Leonid Yakubovich, TV presenter. Therefore, modes were created that allow you to change the appearance of the character.
  • Among fans there are rumors that the hero can be saved along the game or that Yevmere is risen, but in fact it is not. However, many fans of the hero write on this topic of fan fiction, returning Velsemire to the plot, and also draw art.
  • It is known that in the youth of Yemereir was not indifferent to the "Trends" and wore a hat with wide fields, which was then at the peak of fashion.


"The famous ceases to be a nightmare. What you know how to fight, is not so scary ... "" Yes, Yemereir was really old. Who knows, is not older than Kaer Morker. But he walked to her fast, energetic and spring step, his handshake was strong, and the hands are strong. "

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