Sekhmet - Biography of Goddess, Legends, History, Anubis, Photos


Character History

Character of ancient Egyptian mythology, patroness of the city of Memphis, the goddess of the scorching sun and war.


Sekhmet (ART)

The name sekhmet is translated as "mighty." The goddess was also called the "master of the desert", "Great" and "Mighty." The sacred animal of the goddess was considered a lioness, and herself Sekhmet was depicted as a woman with a lion's head. Other cats were also considered dedicated to Sekhmet. Because of the lion's head, the goddess was identified with the Bastet - the goddess of beautiful women, fun and fertility, which was depicted in the form of a woman with a cat head or cat. Bastete was also depicted with a lioness head, but in this form he began to express an aggressive principle.

The center of the goddess was the city of Memphis. In the middle of winter, when the sunny day began to increase, the goddess Sekhmet dedicated a festive day.

Goddess Bastet

"Official Responsibilities" Sekhmet extend to war and destructive sunny heat. Drive on the head of Sechmet - Certificate of Communication of the Goddess with the energy of the Sun and the heat. The goddess is also responsible for healing and has the ability to heal and impart diseases with the help of magic, and doctors in ancient Egypt were considered priests.

The goddess is called the Grozny Okom of the Republic of Armenia, the God of the Sun. According to the legend, he originally went to the goddess Hathor - a patronage of femininity, love, dances and fun. However, then Amon Ra was angry with people for the fact that those ceased to obey him, and decided to punish dismissed. For this RA, he turned Hathor in Sekhmet - an evil lioness.

In this form, the goddess began to massively exterminate people and drowned the earth in the blood. From this spectacle of Ra came terror and changed his mind to kill all people. The next day, God drove away to Skhmet of a hundred-thousandth jugs of the bloody-red beer, which the goddess-lioness took the blood, and thus saved the human genus from the final destruction.

Sekhmet in anger

The nature of the goddess Sehmet was unpredictable, and it was impossible to control it. At the same time, the fierce sekhmet was considered the guard of Pharaoh. The pharaohs themselves were compared with Sekhmet. This goddess was engaged in the extermination of the enemies of the gods, and Pharaoh was also considered a defender of Egypt from external opponents. As an attribute of the Schmet Fighter, the burning arrows were depicted.

Despite the fact that Sekhmet severely dealt with people by order of the Republic of Armenia, the goddess consider the defender of the human race and the custodian of the world. In minutes of danger, the ancient Egyptians turned to Sekhmet. Epidemics and Mi were explained by the anger Sekhmet. When at the time of Amenhotep, the Third Egypt covered the plague epidemic, Pharaoh commanded to make seven hundred statues of Schume, so that the goddess would change the anger to mercy.


Egyptian myths about the creation of people argue that Sekhmet created Asians and Libyans. The temples of the goddess were built on the edge of the deserts inhabited by wild lions - animals Sekhmet. In Heliopolis, too, there was a temple of the goddess, and the sacred lions lived right inside this temple.

The details of the biographies of the goddess are revealed in a variety of ancient Egyptian texts, among which the "Book of Earth", "Gate Book", "Cave Book", "Pyramid Text" and others.


Spouse Sekhmet - Ptah, God Creator. Ptah was depicted in the form of a man tightly loan in clothes with a staff in his hands. It was believed that ptah is outside the created world. Ptah was considered the Creator of Souls, the Lord of the Other Gods, the ruler of the Earth and the sky. The center of the captain of Ptah, as well as the cult of Sekhmet, was in Memphis. The Temple of Ptah in Memphis was located outside the city walls, thereby emphasizing the mysterious character of God himself.

God of Ptah (art)

From Ptah Goddess Sekhmet gave birth to Nefertum - God of vegetation. This God was depicted in the form of a young man who has a lotus flower from his head, or in the image of a baby who sends on the lotus flower. God also portrayed in the image of a lion or young man with a lion head.

Interesting Facts

  • Sechmet - the character of the Egyptus animated series. There the goddess is depicted in the form of a woman with a lioness head. On the hands of the heroine clawed metal gloves, and the legs are protected by knee pads. It is dressed in a purple skirt with a train and top. The animated series shows the other gods of ancient Egypt, for example, Seth, Isida and Anubis, whom will sekhmet in the plot dislikes.
  • The temple of the goddess Sekhmet is present in the computer game "Assassin Creed" in Locations Imaau. There you can take the quest "Carrying Death", when executing which the hero receives a suit Skhmet. Also in this game you can go through the test, during which you have to fight from the goddess of Sekhmet.
  • Thanks to the prevalence of the image, it will go in a popular culture, the goddess have a lot of fans. Fans create arts, depicting the goddess in all sorts of options, and even write fan fiction with the participation of Sekhmet.
Statue of Sekhmet B.
  • In the State Hermitage in St. Petersburg, a huge temple statue of Goddess Sekhmet carved from black granite is kept. The statue dates back to the middle of the XIV century BC.

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