Group MUSE - Photo, History of creation, Composition, News, songs 2021



Muse - Rock band from the UK, whose popularity does not subscribe for decades. The team compositions invariably occupy the top lines of European charts and the USA. Their performances are distinguished by spectacular technical training, high-quality musical sound and sensual vocals of Frontman Matthew Bellamy. The group regularly goes to touring tours and participates in festivals as a chadliner.

The history of creation and composition

Now the MUSE group is a soloist Matthew Bellamy, Basist Chris Walsthenholm and Drummer Dominic Howard. The team has been acting as a constant composition for several years, inviting concerts and to record albums of session musicians.

The history of the creation of a collective originates in the English town of Tingmouth. Life in the province was measured, so young people were looking for classes in various fields, and the work turned out to be one of them. All team members know each other from school times.

Having become acquainted with adolescence, young talents realized that they were united by interest in music, but first were occupied in different teams. Combined to create your own project, they came up with the name Gothic Plague and worked under it for a while. In the future, the team has repeatedly changed the name and by 1994 he performed as Rocketbab Dolls.

Few people were interested in the work of the group, but during the release of the first single "Small Minded" the musicians had already fans from among friends and loved ones. The debut was the singing competition held in his hometown. Typical participants of the event became pop performers, so young people were vividly distinguished against the background of others. The guys managed to win the victory, and it pushed to the birth of the new mortar name Muse.

The path to success was not cloudless. At first, the musicians performed in clubs and bars, performing cauls. As the ideological inspirer of the Bellamy team worried about this. The group failed to attract the desired attention until one of her concerts visited Producer John Leki.

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He suggested a cooperation team and signed a contract with a Dangerous Records label. A mini-album was released at the team's concerts with a modest circulation of 1 thousand copies. The recognition and popularity of Muse has found after participating in the in the city festival. Famous labels in vains began to invite musicians to cooperate.


The first Muse concerts took place in Manchester and London. Musicians noticed Dennis Smith, Head of Sawmills Recording Studio in Cornwall. The group concluded a contract with him. In 1999, a presentation of the Muscle Museum plate was held. She had songs that are considered today hits: "Uno", "Unintended" and "Sober".

Music journalist and DJ Steve Lamak first put the compositions on the National Radio. Success was guaranteed. Dennis Smith founded Taste Media, aimed at developing the team. Together with her, Muse was recorded 3 subsequent plates.

Despite the obvious talent of the participants, the group turned out to be innovative for the music industry and rarely received support from radio stations. Critics compared the style of the team with Radiohead and doubted her uniqueness. The team was lucky to cooperate with Maverick Records, who organized several concerts in the United States and signed a contract with Muse.

In the same period, successful transactions with several European and Australian labels took place. The team released the "Showbiz" album and went on a tour, speaking on heating from groups like Red Hot Chili Peppers and Foo Fighters. The plate received the status of gold, since more than 700 thousand copies were sold.

In 2001, the release of the album "Origin of Symmetry" took place. In total, it was sold 1, 3 million copies. And a year later, Muse presented a b-sidel collection with a concert record in Paris. The group began to cooperate with John the confilnce and the floor of the River, then the producers changed the manager of the rich bone. The musicians worked on the album, full of positive melodies and a light mood, but the situation in the world was such that it seemed inappropriate.

The political debate of the United States and Iraq played a great influence on their work at this moment. So the light saw the drama album "Absolution", released in 2003. Change the sound of a plate with a major in minority led to the appearance of lyrical compositions in the team's work.

2006 was marked by the release of "Black Holes and Revelations", literally blowing the musical industry. Muse loudly declared her album, which was divided into 1 million disks. Two years later, the team released a collector's edition called "Haarp: Live From Wembley Stadium". Fans were able to see the video and photo of the group with live performances.

In 2008, the frontman team stated in an interview about the work on a new record. Arrangements for her were created together with the symphony orchestra, and the songs were recorded in a dance format and when the music of the classical format is sounded. Artists independently engaged in the album producing. Critics were delighted with the sound and texts of works.

The disistance called "The Resistance" was sold in the amount of 451 thousand copies, which was the Record of the Year for the UK. Songs "SuperMasive Black Hole", "Uprising" and "Starlight" were a team visiting card during this period.

The wave of popularity MUSE was associated with the creation of soundtracks for a cult film "Twilight" vampires. The compositions also sounded in commercials. So, Space Dementia was used in the Christian Dior Midnight Poison Promotion.

In this song, some fans and criticism saw a reference to the work of the Russian composer Sergei Rakhmaninov. Atmospheric and inspirational melodies MUSE became an ideal background to promote many products. Clips were constantly broadcast on music TV channels, and the group went to the world tour.

For his creative life, Muse has repeatedly received awards that became recognition of their demand and talent. Musicians noted the prizes on MTV Europe Music Awardas and NME Awards, and in 2011 and 2012, the team was awarded "Grammy". The team regularly pleases fans with live performances and arranges touring Europe, USA, Canada, Australia and Russia.

Muse now

In 2018, the team presented the "Simulation Theory" record, and for her promotion Muse went to tour, which lasted all 2019. The team performed in the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Singapore, France, Russia and other countries. June 15, 2019 a concert in Moscow took place.

The musicians have a personal site, which published the latest news from their life, as well as a verified account in "Instagram". The profile lays out photos and videos from concerts and rehearsals, personal pictures and promomers to new albums and tours.

Today, Muse is known for original sound, bright show programs and high-quality alive performances. In the repertoire of the team, in addition to the author's compositions, there are also several camvercils performed in an alternative variation. The song of Nina Simon "Feeling Good" relates to the number of Nina's song, which, thanks to the performance of Matthew Bellamy, has gained a new sound.


  • 1999 - "Showbiz"
  • 2001 - "Origin of Symmetry"
  • 2003 - "Absolution"
  • 2006 - "Black Holes and Revelations"
  • 2009 - "The Resistance"
  • 2012 - "The 2nd Law"
  • 2015 - "DRONES"


  • 2006 - "Starlight"
  • 2010 - "Hysteria"
  • 2012 - "Butterflies and Hurricanes"
  • 2013 - "SUPREMACY"
  • 2014 - "Plug in Baby"
  • 2015 - "Mercy"
  • 2018 - "The Dark Side"

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