Peter Griffin - Character Biography, Character and Appearance, Family, Photo


Character History

The cartoon series "Griffins" describes the life of a family from the American province. Parents of three children and dog owners, Griffins are unusual neighbors. Their dog meets with girls and periodically encourages philosophical thoughts, smoke and adopt human habits. The younger son of Stewi builds plans to conquer the world, although there are still diapers. The main characters are partly reminded by the characters "Simpsons", but the series is authentic and unique.

History of creation

The idea of ​​creating a multiplication project came to the head of Setu McFarlene in 1995. At that time, a student of the College of Arts was engaged in animation. The graduation work of McFarlene became a short-drawing, from which a full-fledged project called "Larry and Steve" increased later. The plot was in the interaction of a typical American American American and his dull PSA. The cartoon premiere took place in 1997.


The project was attracted by the interest of the company "20th Century", and the producers offered the author of the idea to embody her again by creating a cartoon series. After half a year, McFarlene presented a project called "Griffin". Larry and Steve served as prototypes for Peter Griffin and Brian. Homer Simpson inspired the author to the image of the family of the family. Sitters, who were on the wave of popularity at the time, helped to mature not one idea embodied in the project. The premiere of the animated series took place in 1999.

20 million viewers saw a pilot release of a cartoon, which turned out to be competitive in comparison with the most demanded television programs. The permanent audience of the project has numbered 13 million Americans. To reduce passions of passions, the producers tried to experiment with the time of the project's release on the ether, and the ratings declined noticeably. By 2002, the cartoon was excluded from the broadcast grid. He was officially closed.

Peter Griffin and Homer Simpson eating donuts

In trying to resell the project producers appealed to different TV channels, but no one was interested in the proposal. "Adult Swim" began broadcasting a project in 2003 in the night air. The audience of the channel rose twice. Released discs with a record of the show separated by a circulation of 400,000 copies in a month. Seth MacFarlene became famous. His voice says male characters show. He was the executive producer of the show and the creative consultant.

Appearance and nature

Peter Griffin and Iraq Lobster

Peter Griffin, the head of the family, made a character who was given a leading role in the animated series. Its image combined a lot of shortcomings and rare advantages in the form of positive character traits. Fat man 40 years old, bad, with glasses on full face, Griffin comedian, and appearance is a determining factor in this regard.

A stupid and rude hero loves spending time on the sofa in front of the TV, lazy and having fun. Lois's wife, a dream girl, randomly becoming his beloved, seems incredible luck in Peter's life. The seeming idiot, a man often shows non-standard thinking and cunning, trying to realize ambitious ideas.

Pitter Griffin Crist

Negative qualities of the hero are constantly annoying. For example, learning that he mentally retarded, Peter, leading the car, thinks and knocks on the feet of a friend.

A man does not know how to concentrate, differs by madness, unpredictable reaction. Judging by his behavior, the psychologist would suggest the presence of a deficit deficit syndrome in the Griffin. Jealous Peter is constantly trying to prove his superiority and masculinity.

Peter Griffin on Dolphin

The artistic hero dances with his wife at the moments of the tide of tenderness and sings the song, even with its own reflection in the mirror, not wanting to give her, and crying, fearing to lose his beloved. At the same time, Peter is proud of a short-term communications of his wife with a soloist of the Kiss Group, whose Yarym Fan is.

A sarcastic character who loving clownade and anger, Griffin-senior constantly forces his spouse to shove him, making stupidity and showing aggression. Among his sins is a tendency to drink alcohol and dressiness, idleness and sarcasm. Golf and fishing - Favorite Hobby Peter.

Series "Griffins"

Peter Griffin and Lois

The biography of a man is uncomplicated, at least at first glance it seems that he does not differ from thousands of typical Americans. Griffin was born in Mexico. He could become a victim of an abortion, but apparently, at the last moment his mother changed his mind. He studied the boy in Central School Providence.

Spectators get acquainted with the main face of the animated series when he is 42 years old. In his youth, working around a towel pedestal, he met a wonderful girl. She was Lois. Love arose between young people, but Father Lois, the secured industrialist, was against this connection.

He tried to bribe and kidnap the Griffin to divide himself with his daughter, but he could not succeed. Settling in the provincial town of Queachog, Peter got at the factory of children's toys and built a family with his wife and three children.

Peter Griffin with friends in the bar

The work of Peter Griffin is simple and understandable. He works on the lowest paid position at the toy factory, and then changes the position by setting up a brewery. Although he managed to be sheriff, the school director and changed a few more professions. Most often, Peter can be found in the "Drunk Oyster" bar, where he loves to spend time with friends.

The animated series describes many curious situations in which Griffin falls. These are comedy plots, based on banal humors like those when the hero slipped on the skirt from the banana, fell, and behind the screen is a laughter of viewers. The audience thinks like Griffin, putting himself in his place. Episodes, where Peter wins in the contest of costumes of the 80s, enters the shipwreck on the ship and so on, make the audience laugh.

Interesting Facts

Peter Griffin in real life
  • In the animated series, the mass of curious facts about Peter Griffin is mentioned. A man rarely thinks in advance and is not aware of the consequences of his actions. Proof is the fact that Griffins had another child, but he died. Peter shook the baby too much, hoping that he would no longer cry.
  • The best friends of the hero seem to be called upon to satisfy all requests to the television truck, relevant to the American audience and familiar stereotypes. Glenn Quagmir is a concerned man, although not gay. Policeman Joe Suonson - a man "without bones": he has paralysis of the bottom of the body. Cleveland Brown - African American.
Peter Griffin thinks
  • Peter is not just fat. He is diagnosed with clinical obesity.
  • Griffin is cool refer to children and does not find mutual understanding with them. The less than all of him is close to Meg.
  • Popular episodes, fans consider the execution of the Gryffin composition "Iraq Lobster", dressing up in Joker in nurse clothes, skating on dolphin, a fight with a rooster, a kiss with Quagmir and a series called "Bird-tit". Scenes from episodes with Peter Griffin are posted on the Internet in the form of photos, video and memes.

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