Veronica Roth - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Veronica Rot is a star that has been taught on the literary chaise in the early 2010s of the 20th century. The books of the writer, written at the junction of fantasy genres, anti-nightopias and teenage literature, were successfully fused by Hollywood. The works of Veronica takes close people as heroes and struggles with fears and demons living in her soul.

Childhood and youth

In August 1988, the family of Germany from Germany Edgar Gustav Rotava and the artist from Poland Barbara RIDZ replenished with a new member: Veronica was born to Karl and Ingrid. After 5 years, the Union of Edgar and Barbara collapsed, and the mother of the future writer married Frank Ross's business consultant.

If you turn to the values ​​of the names of the husbands of Mother Veronica, then you can see that the place of the "red" man in her heart took the "pink". It is no coincidence that colors and shades play an important role in the works of the writer.

Grandfather and grandmother Prosaika survived the horrors of the concentration camps, but remained convinced Christians, who pushed the mother of Veronica from religion with their fanaticism. With Christianity, the girl met at school and since then he considers himself a believer. In an interview, the writer says that he was a disciplined teenager, always returning home on time, but spent a lot of hours on a psychotherapist couch to defeat the "inner demons."

Veronica composed stories from 11 years old, but did not belong to literary experiments as a serious one. The idea of ​​becoming a writer came to the girl in the graduation class, when the teacher suggested writing an essay to enter the university.

The debut novel "Favorites" Veronika began writing in the Minnesota Carlton College, where he studied at a psychologist. A year later, the girl was translated into the North-West University, located in Illinois. When transferring Veronica was guided by two reasons - the desire to study near the place of residence of the family and the desire to master the art of fiction, because at the university there was a branch of a creative letter, absent in college.

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During the first winter holidays in a new university, a girl, working for 10 hours for 40 days, completed the book that made it known. Even before the end of the University, Veronika concluded a contract for the publication of the work. Six months later, a proposal of the film was adopted by the writer.


In the first book of the series "Divergent" - "Favorites" - Heroine Beatris Pricior marks 16 years. She, like all girls and young men living in a postpocalyptic Chicago, must pass the test on the tendency and either stay in the Caste fearless, to which belongs from birth, or to join one of the other fractions - "sincerity", "Friendliness", "Errudia "Or" Altruism ". But here is the problem: the heroine turns out to be a divergent man with a variety of abilities whom the government does not like how poorly manageable management.

The idea of ​​the work - virtues can be confronted with each other, and the absurdity are converted to their opposites. The prototype of the mother of the main heroine was the mother of the writer. The novel was among the American bestsellers 2013 and 2014. In 2014, the book was released with the same name in which Beatris played Sheilly Woodley, and its antagonist Janin, the leader of the Erudition faction - Kate Winslet, glanced by the fulfillment of the main women's role in Titanic.

The further adventures of the heroes are also devoted to the screening continuations of the "Dievengent" - "Insurgent" ("rebellious") and "Elligent" ("devotee"). Writing the second book was far from the author much harder than the first, since the mouth had a reader audience, having its opinion regarding the development of the plot. A number of fans condemned Veronica for the "murder" Beatris in the novel "Elligent", but the writer remained adamant in the vision of the biography of the main character.

The disclosure of the chief male character of the "Divergent" series Tobiasov Formant is devoted to the stories of Veronica "Transition", "Neophyte", "Son" and "Traitor", as well as the work of "Free Four", in which the events of previous books are told on behalf of this hero.

The novel "sign" the writer began a new dilogy, the action of which occurs in an alternative solar system, and the young man and a girl from the opposing peoples of the planet Tuva are struggling for love, like Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet. Readers and critics state the lower level of the book compared to the series about Divergent.

Personal life

Veronica believes that the most important feeling is friendship, because love is impossible without it. An ideal friend writer considers Heroes Joan Rowling Hermione and Harry Potter, who, without being together, can rely on each other. In 2011, Veronica married Nelson Fitch's photographer.

Prose the height, flocks of birds, high speeds and errors. But, despite phobias, Veronica would enter the fraction of fearless, because he loves black in clothes and thinks that without courage and courage, it is impossible to benefit people. The mouth encourages not to confuse the concept of fear (a natural response to a real or alleged danger) and anxiety (anxiety on trifles that prevents person to live). One of the famous writer quotes:

"It's easy to be bold when it is not your fears."

Veronica Roth now

Now the writer and his spouse live in Chicago. Veronica does not indulge fans with details of personal life, but she has accounts in Facebook and Instagram. The pages of the mouth in social networks are filled in predominantly photographs of the covers of Veronica books and writer photocutrists, made thanks to the specialty of her husband at a professional level. Judging by the photo, the writer outwardly differs very different from the main character of the trilogy "Divergent" - miniature tris.

Hobbies of Veronica - Cooking, Contemporary Art, Theology and Fashion. However, the fans of the writer's creativity do not lose hope that numerous hobbies will inspire her to new plots The Rot Bibliography will be replenished with a new book.


"Those who crave for the authorities and get it, live in a constant fear of losing her" ("Favorites") "Probably, it is on this that is capable of love: she makes you be something more than you are" "Sometimes to learn The truth, it is necessary to demand "


  • 2011 - "Divergent" ("Favorites")
  • 2012 - "Free Four"
  • 2012 - "Insurgent" ("rebellious")
  • 2013 - "Transition"
  • 2013 - "Elligent" ("devotee")
  • 2013 - "Initiated" ("Neophyte")
  • 2013 - "Son"
  • 2013 - "Traitor"
  • 2013 - "Mercy"
  • 2017 - "Sign"

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