Sylvester Andreevich - Character Biography, Series, Actor, Photo


Character History

Character of two Russian sitcomes - Sashaatany and "University". Oligarch, Father Sasha Sergeeva.

Series "Univer" and "Sashatany"

Sylvester Andreevich in the series

Sergeev Sylvester Andreyevich appears as a character in two Russian sitcomes - "Univer" and "Sashahatany". This is the father of the chief hero of both Sasha TV series. In the dashing 90s of the last century, Sylvester Andreevich worked at the Research Institute. In this difficult time, a wife escaped from the hero, and Silvester was left alone with his son Sasha in her arms. The hero was not broken under the pressure of circumstances, and seriously took commerce. Cases went, and Sylvester Andreevich scalled a state.

At the time when the events of the series "Univer" occur, Sylvester Andreevich lives in his own house on Rublevka, and the state of the hero is three billion dollars. By character, the hero is quick-tempered and quinic, it is inclined to swear a lot and filigree, but has a good sense of humor and often demonstrates a smile.

Businessman Sylvester Andreevich

Sylvester Andreevich attached his son to study at the University in London - to study finances. But ungrateful Sasha ran away from there. The young man is not interested in business and wants to associate his own future with science, so he entered the Astronomical Faculty of Russian University. Sasha seeks to seek everything on its own and refuses to take money from the father-oligarch.

The independent character of Sasha grieves the Sylvester Andreevich, who does not understand why the Son does not want to use their father's money and live as the oligarch is relied. Sylvester Andreevich is constantly trying to make the life of the Son "Normal" from his point of view, help Sasha and make his student life easier. At the same time, Sasha's independence is still for the Sylvester Andreevich the reason for pride.

Sylvester Andreevich in the series

In the series "Sashatany", the audience see Sylvester Andreevich even more rich even more. The condition of the hero is now four and a half billion dollars. Sylvester Andreevich travels on the chic machine of the Rolls-Royce brand.

The son of the hero by this time managed to marry his former classmate Thane, and Ta gave birth to Silvestra Andreevich's grandson of Alya. A young family shoots a two-room apartment in Altufyevo. Sasha works as a manager in an insurance company and is still trying to remain independent of the Father. Sylvester Andreevich does not leave attempts to make the life of the Son better and help his family, even sachet it does not like it.

Sylvester Andreevich and Eve

In the second season, Sashitani, Sylvester Andreevich finally took up his own personal life and married Eve, a stewardess from Krasnoyarsk, whose role to fulfill the actress Alina Lanine. Soon the hero's daughter is born, which is called Milan. Sylvester Andreevich loves his wife and gives the cafe where the Tanya's administrator works from the third season, Sasha's wife.

Before the meeting with the Eve, hero was in love with Pavlovna faculty, a teacher of the philological faculty. The fatal passion led to the fact that Sylvester Andreevich stopped paying attention to the business and burned. The financial affairs of Sylvester Andreevich became so bad that the hero was forced to move from the house on Rublevka to the hostel, because of which he fell into depression and almost died, trying to commit suicide. The hero came to hell, realized that he was not waiting for nothing good in that light, and, returning to life, for a while even decided to become an honest person.

Sylvester Andreevich and Gene

In addition to the son who does not want to touch his money, Sylvester Andreevich also has a father, Andrei Kazimirovich who spends money hero with pleasure - mainly to drink, women and entertainment. Sergeyev-Sr. tested a certain asphaorder on a hundred million dollars and drew in Mexico, where he hides from Interpol agents.

Sylvester Andreevich has a personal security guard and the head of the security service of the Gena of Vinogradov, which Sylvester Andreevich constantly releases jokes. In the past, the gene was a paratrooper and externally produces the impression of the sullen, deprived of the children's intelligence. In fact, the gene is a kind, friendly and devoted person, a high-class specialist in the protection of the security. In one of the episodes, the hero offers the gene together together in the bath.

Actor Alexey Klimushkin

The role of Sylvester Andreevich in both TV shows performs actor Alexey Klimushkin. In real life, the actor is not as rich as a character, and has lived in a communal apartment twenty.

Interesting Facts

  • In the 11th episode of the first season of the series "Univer", which is called "Double Pope", Sylvester Andreevich hires a twin. He must protect the hero from unpleasant surprises. This twin becomes a milling machine from Romania.
  • In the 31st series, called the "naked dad", the hero invites the sculptor to be the naked statue of the Sasha's favorite son in full growth. However, to pose Silvestra Andreevich himself, because Sasha is categorically against participation in this check.
Sylvester Andreevich (homeless)
  • In the 19 episode of the first season of the Sashahatany series, Sylvester Andreevich is having fun, playing the favorite extreme game of oligarchs - change clothes in the homeless and "to test" on the lumps.
  • In another episode, the hero suggests with her son to the club, where he drinks a sea of ​​alcohol, screaming and dancing until he drop. These frills were removed on the video and posted on the network, so Sylvester Andreevich wonders to buy "YouTube" for the sake of rescue their own reputation.
  • The hero loves pink color and often appears in a suit with a pink shirt or pink tie.
  • The age of the character as the plot develops in both TV shows increases from 41 to 50 years. The growth of Sylvester Andreevich - 177 cm.


"Sasha, the body is not Kazakh partners, he will not be deceive." "Do not be at me! I have already done everything: the house built, the son raised, who had to plan! "

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