Christian Pulisch - biography, personal life, photo, news, football player, "Chelsea", "TransferMact", "FIFA", trauma, beard 2021



Christian Pulisych is an attacking midfielder FC Chelsea and the US team. A young promising athlete is the most famous and most expensive American soccer player of modernity.

Childhood and youth

Christian Mate Pulishich was born on September 18, 1998 in the US state of Pennsylvania and most of his childhood spent Hershey in the city of chocolate candies. Mom and father of the future sports star, Kelly and Mark Pulishić, were athletes, and then coaches at George Mason University. They influenced the biography of the Son and appreciated to play football.

At 7 years of age, the boy lived in the UK during the year and played for the children's team of Berkeley. But when the Father began working as the general manager of the Detroit Ignition team, Christian began classes in the sports section in Michigan, and in the mid-2000s, he became a member of the PA Classics football development academy, training as part of the Penn FC Youth Club.

In 2015, the talented guy was called to the national team, he was the captain at the World Cup for Youth Teams. There, he was noticed by breeders from Borussia and offered to sign a trial contract. Christians needed a long-term visa for work in Germany, so he, using the grandfather, was a representative of Croatian nationality, received the second European citizenship and began training on the "Idun Park signal".


In 2016, Pulishich first appeared mainly in the main composition of Dortmund "Borussia" and in one of the friendly matches opened the scored goal. And then the official debut took place in European competition and in German Bundesliga, where in several meetings the American won the time.

In April, performing at the home stadium against Hamburg and Stuttgart, 18-year-old American became the youngest foreigner who had scored in the German Championship winning ball. In 2017, Christian broke the record for the same indicators in the Champions League, adding a series of efficient transmissions to points.

In parallel with the Clistian club tournament, he was in the application of the US national team to the global football championship. Refusing the right to speak in the qualifying tournament in Croatia, he played in qualifying with Guatemala, and on Copa América Centenario scored the first ball.

Despite the fact that the Americans did not get to the chief football tournament of 2018, Pulisch held a brilliant series of games and became the best scorer of the US national team.

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Club career during this period was marked by the extension of the contract with Borussia and the emergence of the German Super Cup and the playoffs of the Champions League against Munich "Bavaria" and the Portuguese "Benfica".

In January 2019, it became known about a multi-million agreement with the representatives of Great Britain and the Pulishić's transition to the Chelsea football club under the contract, which made € 64 million. However, the spring part of the football season Christian spent in Dortmund, playing in Borussia on rental rights.

At the beginning of the 2019/2020 season, Winger completed his transition to the Stan of "Blue" - United Presentation of the new player took place on May 21, 2019. Immediately after the Transfer "Chelsea", the footballer received the nickname "Captain America" ​​from the fans.

On August 11, Christian made his debut in the English Premier League, scoring 9 goals for the season and making 6 successful heads on the positions of the left Winger and the attacker midfielder.

The athlete provided assignments when attacking the Gate "Grimsby" at the AFL Cup and "Liverpool" in the final of UEFA Super Cup, scored a goal of Arsenal in the Final of the Cup of England. In the Games of the UEFA Champions League, Left Winger added a command of 2 heads and goals to the piggy bank.

In the 2020th Pulisych, together with Mason, the Mount was included in the list of nominees at the award "Young Player of the Year" in the APL, but the title received the defender of Liverpool Trent Alexander Arnold.

Dribarging, two working legs and high velocities of the Americans are not only the advantages of the player, but also the cause of its high trauma. For the first season in Chelsea, the player came out on the field in 34 matches, and 14 missed injuries.

In an interview with media representatives, the midfielder spoke about his dream to take part in the Olympic Games in Tokyo. Chelsea let go of Christian to the US national team, but in November 2020, Winger returned to the location of the London Club, to recover after injury.

Personal life

Now that the name of Pulisych has become more common to appear on the pages of sports publications, fans are interested in the question concerning the parameters and the personal life of the young player. According to official information, the growth of Christian is 173 cm, and the weight is 70 kg.

The salary of a young football player allows you to make a comfortable existence and with time to start my wife and children, but at present, judging by the photo and video published on accounts in "Instagram", "Twitter" and Tiktok, Christian goes well without a girl, spending time in the company Parents and closely communicating with brother and sister.

Christian Pulisich now

According to the portal "", the current value of Winger is € 50 million.

In the season 2020/2021, the footballer provided a team of 2 goals and 2 assists in the Champions League Games. In the match "Chelsea" - "Porto", the Portuguese folly in Pulische 11 times - American broke the record of the star "Barcelona" Lionel Messi, where 10 fouls were recorded in the semifinals during a meeting with Real.

In the Games of the Premier League, the midfielder improved the statistics of FC on 4 goals and 1 head gear. In the Cup of England, the athlete did not distinguish itself, the team reached the final and lost to Leicester City.

In March, the athlete played for the US national team in friendly matches against Jamaica and Northern Ireland (scored a goal with a penalty).

Awards and achievements

  • 2016 - Young Football Player of the Year in the USA
  • 2017 - the winner of the German Cup in the Borussia
  • 2017 - Football Player in United States
  • 2019 - Best Young Gold Cup Konkakaf
  • 2019 - Member of the Symbolic Gold Cup Konkakaf

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