Bernard Cornwell - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Bernard Cornwell - a English writer, who brought the cycle of novels, united by the name "Adventures of Richard Sharpe." Behind the author's shoulders are not only works telling about the adventures of the soldier of the royal troops, he also released several historical literary series and separate works. Some books of Cornwell were published under the pseudonym Susanna Kelles.

Childhood and youth

Bernard was born in London on February 23, 1944. The boy's father worked in Canadian aviation, and the mother in the auxiliary parts of the Air Force. Parents could not educate him on their own. The child adopted the Vighins family, in which four adoptive children had already. Magic and stepfather Bernard were members of the religious sect "Special People".

Writer Bernard Cornwell

Cornwell studied at the preparatory school, then in the boarding school. Bernard did not plan to return home, where there were any pleasures under the ban, so I entered the University of London at the Faculty of Theology.

The first work of a young man was the post of reporter at the Air Force. He experienced increased interest to cinema and television, since they were banned at Wiggins. After the death of the stepfather, Bernard took the pseudonym Cornwell. For the reporter, the surname was meaningful because her native mother wore. 10-year-old career on TV Bernard completed on the position of the head of the news bureau of Northern Ireland news bureau.


Bernard Cornwell fell like a sympathy for the work of Sisil Scott Forester. In the novels, the author described the adventures of the captain of the Royal Fleet. Bernard has developed this topic by creating a land character of Richard Sharpe. The cycle of books about him consists of 24 works written in different years.

According to chronology, the biography of the hero began at the end of the 18th century, when he, commoner and a former thief, was at the front. This period of the Life of Sharpe describes 4 books, which posted the beginning of the Bibliography of Cornwell.

On the secret missions of the hero in Spain, Denmark, the following 6 books are narrated on the Iberian Peninsula. The three novels tell about the adventures in France, and in the story "ransom of Sharpe" describes Christmas, which a soldier spent in Normandy. In 1993, the work of the "Devil Sharpe" was published. In it, the main hero had to go to Chile.

Bernard Cornwell in 2019

The historical Chronicles of Cornwell narrate on Nathaniele Starbak, hero, who had seen the war of the North and the South of the United States. Its life peripetics are described in 5 writings. The series "Selling Grail" about the adventures of Danish Viking Utonga. They are told in the books "Last Kingdom", "Poor Horseman", "The Lord of the North" and the next 7 novels that came up until 2016.

The interest of the public to the work of Bernard Cornwell is justified by the fact that the author with trepidation refers to the genre of historical novel, conducting research and carefully selecting the desired material. The likelihood of events, the accuracy of the description of the characters and their individuality attracts the public of any age, as well as an easy language and the dynamics of actions in the work.

Personal life

At 50, Bernarde managed to get acquainted with his parents. It turned out that the Father is alive and, like the mother, started a new family. In an interview with Prosais, he said how unexpectedly for himself had for himself six brothers and sister.

Bernard Cornwell and his wife Judy

In his youth, the writer was married, but divorced his wife in the 1970s, becoming the producer of the Air Force. After 8 years, he met a tourist agent Judy, which he later called married. The personal life of the pair has developed successfully.

Bernard Cornwell Now

The writer has a profile in Facebook, where he lay out the video, shares a photo from promotional new books. Now Folloviers can receive news about his work directly.

According to the books of Cornwell, the series "Last Kingdom" and "Vikings" were shot. In 2019, novice authors operating in the fantasy genre are equal to the work of Bernard Cornwell.


  • 1981 - "Eagle Sharpe"
  • 1992 - "Devil Sharpe"
  • 1993 - "Rebel"
  • 1995 - Escalibur
  • 1996 - "Bloody Earth"
  • 1999 - "Sharpe Fortress"
  • 2000 - "Harlequin"
  • 2004 - "Saving Sharpe"
  • 2006 - "Sharpe Rage"
  • 2012 - "1356"
  • 2014 - "Empty Throne"
  • 2015 - "Warriors of Storm"
  • 2018 - "Wolf War"

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