Lebesian - Hero's biography, "Crime and Punishment", image and characteristic, its theory, photo


Character History

The secondary character of Roman Fyodor Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". Officer, ward and german lawyer.

History of creation

Raskolnikov and Marmaladov

Lebesites are introduced into the book "Crime and Punishment" as a caricature on the heroes of Chernyshevsky. In the arguments of the hero about the commune and social structure, you can see a parody of the dialogues that lead the heroes of the novel "What to do?".

The first appearance of Lebesyatnikov occurs in chapter I fifth part of the novel, although the first mention of the hero is found at the beginning of the novel in the Marmaladov dialogue and Skolnikov.

"Crime and Punishment"


The full name of the character - Andrei Semenovich Lebestechikov. The hero serves as an official in a certain ministry under the beginning of Mr. Luzhina. This is a young man of little growth, skinny and painful on appearance, with light hair and ridiculous babenbards similar to cutlets. Lebesyatnikov has a bad eyesight and constantly hurt.

Lebesyatnikov has a valid character and manners of a self-confident man. Such behavior in the eyes of other characters looks ridiculous because it does not correspond to the appearance of the hero. Luzhin calls Lebesyatnikov a cute young man. Lebesyatnikov - "Doblen", with a mild heart.

Lebesyatnikov himself considers himself an enlightened and educated master, but at the same time he does not own foreign languages. The character does not know how to clearly explain even in Russian, and the law work is not enough for him. In fact, the hero is rustling and even foolish, inclined to lie and vulgarity. The hero rarely explores money, the connections in the society of Lebestechikov do not have, although it is easy to demonstrate the opposite. Katerina Ivanovna Marmaladova believes Lebesyatnikova "Burning Mercy" and "Pearl Leets".

Illustration to the novel

The hero is trying to look "relevant" and impressions, therefore it exposes itself with a supporter of trendy in the medium of progressive youth of flows, a nihilist, a supporter of progress and the "accusable". Lebesian believes that it is able to engage in propaganda progressive ideas. But in fact, the views of the hero do not belong to him, and it turns out to "promote" new ideas.

The favorite theme of the hero is to create a new "commune" in society. Lebestechikov also promotes a sober way of life and does not drink himself. The apartment hostess believes Lebesyatnikov a decent person, because he regularly pays for housing. The place where the hero promotes the "fashionable" ideas, became the house where he lives. In his "protest" activity, the hero is limited to reading "free-industrial" books to neighbors, for example, Sona Marmaladeova. In practice, the hero is not able to precipitate her own friend of the nudge and an independent person only seems to.

Sonia Marmaladova

When Sonya begins to make money on the life of prostitution, the leaders are taken to pester her, but it receives a refusal. After that, the character comes out of himself, says that it is not going to live "with Takovskaya" in the same apartment, and "survives" Sonya from the house. As a result, the heroine moves to another place. The hero shows full indifference to the fact that the girl made the life more difficult, and even claims that it belongs to Sona "Regards".

Lebesyatnikov adheres to the mass of "progressive" theories. For example, it believes that the cleaning of the messenger people is "useful" work of the artist, that art does not need to society. The hero nominates other ideas. He opposes the Institute of Marriage, believing that the marriage deprives a person of freedom, and advocates the "free relationship" when the spouses are openly at the side of the side. The hero claims that he would lead his lover to his wife, if she did not start him.

The vital principles of the hero include idea of ​​the ideal society that will come in the future - about a kind of communism. At the same time, the character believes that there should be no compassion in society, and charity is harmful, and secured people should not help the poor.

Katerina Ivanovna on the street

A unpleasant incident occurred between the hero and Katerina marmalady. The character went with a woman rudely, she rushed to him, did not bother offense, and Lebesyatnikov beat her in response. The hero justifies his own behavior by what is a supporter of the idea of ​​equality between a man and a woman who should be equal in a fight.

Lebesyatnikov is called the "twin" Romannikov, the main character of the novel, due to the fact that both amoral acts under the influence of their own ideas.

Lebesyatnikova - talking surname, which indicates that the character "Lebesht" before fashionable ideas, wanting to look in his own eyes an advanced man.


Yuri Medvedev as Lebesyatnikov

In 1969, the Drama of Leo Kulidjanov "Crime and Punishment" came out. The role of Lebesyatnikov in this film was played by actor Yuri Medvedev. Later, in 1980, the actor played in the biographical drama "Twenty-six days from the life of Dostoevsky" the role of assistant bailiff.

Another film is a "crime and punishment" directed by Dmitry Svyatozarov - reached in 2007. This is a dramatic series of eight 50-minute episodes. The image of Lebesyatnikov here was embodied by actor Sergey Bekhterev.


"What is" noble "? I do not understand such expressions in the sense of the definition of human activity. "Noble", "generous" - all this nonsense, absurdities, old prejudice words that I deny! I understand only one word: useful! "" The horns are only a natural consequence of any legitimate marriage, so to speak, the amendment of him, protest, so that they are not even degrading in this sense. "

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