Dimmu Borgir Group - Photo, History of Creation, Composition, News, Songs 2021



Dimmu Borgir is called one of the most contradictory and ambiguous Norwegian groups, which brought black metal from the underground into a large arena, making this genre of the property of broad masses. For his long-term career, the musicians presented the public not one album, and although not each of them was very popular, they still acquired his audience of listeners.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the creation of the Dimmu Borgir team is connected with three people - Shagolat, Silenos and Thodalv, which united for this purpose. Such a name was chosen in no coincidence, it translates as a "dark fortress", this lava formation, located in Iceland, is the status of sights. According to the legend, this place was considered to be gates to the underground world and even mentioned in the trilogy of John Ronald Tolkina "The Lord of the Rings".

Before Dimmu Borgir was created, Shagat worked as a guitarist in the Fimbulwinter group, and also played keyboards in the Black metal group Ragnarok. However, in 1992, the former team collapsed, and the guy decides to arrange their own project, finds like-minded people and begins to play in a new style.

Another member of the Silenos team, before becoming a musician, worked in kindergarten. Now he is the author of most reefs and melodies, and part-time it is a back vocalist and invents texts for songs. The public remembered it with long hair, but in 2012 a man dramatically changed the appearance, having acquainted the head of the head.

Todalv also with guys from the very beginning, and the original musician played exclusively on the guitar, and then changed the tool to the drums and continued to work on shock until 1999. But for a number of reasons (family circumstances and disagreements in music), the guy of a friendly left his colleagues.

By the time he founded the Susperia group, which plays it to this day. The place of the drummer was empty short, Nicholas Barker immediately came to the team. The technique of the English drummer is characterized by very fast but neat blast bits. Before getting to Dimmu Borgir, he collaborated with British Cradle of Filth for a couple of years.

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In the period from 1993 to 1996, Brynyard Tristan performed as a bassist with guys, but after the release of the album StormBlast left the team. At the same time, the Norwegian musician was worked with Norwegian musician, unlike the rest, for concerts, he used the minimum of black and white makeup, and sometimes appeared at all on stage without a grima. I wore a cylinder and clothing in the style of Jack Ripper, while he loved his classic music himself. In 1997, he left the guys, numerous touring tours and speeches, he chose the service in the army.

At the change of Tristan, Nagash came to the group, perfectly playing guitar. By that time, he was already glorified by participation in three other musical teams. After the release of the Enthrone Darkness Triumphant album to the team, another new member was joined - Austnna guitarist


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Oh he did not write with the rest of the songs, but only went to concerts. Because of this, Shagata left on vocals. And then the team was replenished Kimberly GOS, which soon replaced Mustis, because it was only a session musician.

Nagash left the guys in 1999, after the release of the album Spiritual Black Dimensions, a musician and a singer came to his place, speaking under the ICS Vortex pseudonym. Then, Todalva and Astanna replaced the galder. And at the end of the summer of 2009, Dimmu Borgir fans waited for unpleasant news - the team left Vortex and Mustis. At the place of the first immediately took the multi-instrumentalist Snowy Shaw, but there he stayed only 1 day, saying musicians, which returns to the Terion.

At about the same time, on the question about the composition for the tour of the tour Tour, Shagat stated that the team was too often the composition, and therefore, along with other old-timers, Dimmu Borgir Silenos and Halder, they decided to exist as a trio and only to concerts to invite session artists. The contract with them will clearly mean the temporary framework of cooperation, and if the artists understand that the guest musician is suitable for permanent operation, then may make an exception.


Dimmu Borgir's musical debut took place in 1994, it was then that the guys released the first record called Inn I Evighets Morke, which is translated as "in the darkness of eternity." Already then they made a contract with the studio Necromantic Gallery Production, and therefore there were no problems with the search for songs and their processing. The team hoped that the listeners would appreciate their efforts, but the disk did not have popularity, and therefore they immediately begin to create a second album.

Debut Full-Format Collection for All Tid The musicians have already created in the modified composition. They brought the real popularity to the StormBlast plate, published in 1996. Then they collaborated with another recording studio Cacophonous Records. Those who purchased the case then expressed enthusiastic reviews, and the guys said about the work done as an important step made for the development of Black Metal. And if earlier they sang solely in the Norwegian language, this time created English texts.

The next album in the discography of artists appears in 1997. Enthrone Darkness Triumphant They recorded under the produce of Peter Tagtgren and did not lose. He diverged in more than 150 thousand copies and gave guys the second wave of popularity.

The song "Mourning Palace" eventually became a real hit, although it is translated as a "sorrowful palace" and filled with gloomy thoughts. Another full-format plate Spiritual Black Dimensions The musicians presented the listeners in 1999. And after 2 years, PURITANICAL EUPHORIC MISANTHROPIA was recorded.

The Seventh Dimmu Borgir disc, released in 2003, was very different from her own sound. This time the musicians attracted the Symphony Orchestra working in Paris to cooperate. True, as the team later divided into an interview, because of the new idea, they had a lot of problems. Two weeks they had to spend on corrected errors in the studio, so they will continue to decide not to use the orchestra music in the music record.

Periodically, the artists produced their own collections, uniting the best songs from different albums. So, in 2003, students were able to acquire hit songs on a single plate called Monsters of Metal. The compositions "Puritania", "Hearts on Fire", "The Edge", "Summernight City" and others entered.

In the same 2003, the Death Cult ArmagedDon plate appears, and in 2007 the album in Sorte Diaboli. The guys decided to present it without standard and instead of the familiar plastic box placed a disc into a book, the lyrics were published there in the mirror reflection and put the mirror in addition. Musicians tried not in vain. In addition to the beautiful cover, the songs also turned out to be excellent, in Sorte Diaboli became the first disk in the world history of the Black Metal genre, which took the 1st line in the Norwegian hit parade.

The care of two important participants in the group in 2009 did not affect her work, the artists immediately started writing new songs for the Album Abrahadabra, the release of which was held in September 2010. To surprise listeners, the team attracts composer from Norway Gaut Storaas and 100 people from the choir and orchestra. They understand that all this is done not in vain, when they see a huge demand for their music and new fans who joined their work. Especially struck by the fans of Dimmu Borgir song "Gateways".

Further, they were waiting for a big concert in Oslo, and then work began on new material, whose release was planned for 2014. Later, Dimmu Borgir report that the album will be released by the end of 2015, but this did not happen, for a number of reasons for the release of the disk faced with numerous delays. In 2017, a CD / DVD disappeared with the entries of concerts in Oslo and the Wake, in which the Orchestra took participation.

And the release of Eonian's record long-awaited for listeners took place only in May 2018. It included songs "Alpha Aeon Omega", "The Empyrean Phoenix" and "Interdimensional Summit", which eventually became hits.

For the entire music career of Dimmu Borgir, not one clip was removed. In 2008, they created a roller on the song "Progenies of the Great Apocalypse", in 2011 - on the "Dimmu Borgir" composition, and in 2018 presented the video "Interdimensional Summit".

Dimmu Borgir now

Successful Norwegian team and now continues to record new tracks, perform at concerts and touring tours, however, no longer with the former enviable regularity.

New photos appear in the "instagram" of the musicians, where they are in full and one by one, outside the rehearsal site. Old songs are still in demand, in 2019, the video game Rock Band 4 came out, and the "The Serpentine Offering" composition was hit to its catalog from the 2007 album in Sorte Diaboli.


  • 1994 - Inn i Evighets Morke
  • 1994 - For All Tid
  • 1996 - StormBlast
  • 1997 - Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
  • 1999 - Spiritual Black Dimensions
  • 2003 - Death Cult Armageddon
  • 2007 - in Sorte Diaboli
  • 2010 - Abrahadabra.
  • 2018 - Eonian.


  • 2006 - Sorgens Kammer
  • 2007 - The Sacrilegious Scorn
  • 2010 - Gateways.
  • 2011 - Dimmu Borgir
  • 2018 - Interdimensional Summit

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