Bushido (Bushido) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



The German musician Bushido is known thanks to its gangster rap-style tracks, and also to constant participation in scandals associated with fights, racist statements, and ties with mafia groupings.

Despite the impartiality of the charges in his address, the rapper is not trying to refute them, remaining faithful to his style - he insults journalists, quarrels with colleagues, grows politicians and continues to write aggressive and obscene texts. All this does not prevent Bushido to sell plates by millionic circulations and remain the most popular performer in Germany.

Childhood and youth

Rapper was born in 1978 in the German city of Bonn. His real name is Anis Mohammed Yusef Ferchichi - is associated with Arabic roots, since the father is from Tunisia. But the mother, the singer Louise-Maria Engel - a purebred German. It was she who alone brought up the sons of Anisa and Serszhan after a divorce with her husband who left them when the future musician was not 3 years old. However, the children visited the Islamic school and studied the Quran.

The family moved to Berlin, where Bushido's childhood passed. The guy grew independent and bold and early began to have problems with the law. Already at the age of 14, Anis gentled by drugs, for which he was detained by the police.

Among other things, the teenager was accused of vandalism and promised a decent period if he disagrees correctional work. So the young man was in the painting workshop, where he began to engage in the varnishing of furniture. The paints became one of the hobbies of the future musician, and that seriously took up graffiti.

At this work, the young man met another "problem" guy - Patrick Lozensky, who will be glorified under the FLER pseudonym and becomes a bushido colleague on a musical label. Forced work did not forced Anisa to take up the mind - he did not graduate from school, the hooligan chassis did not change.


The guy began the musical career in the late 90s, taking the pseudonym Bushido, that in Japanese means "samurai path". Another name, under which the artist knows - Sonny Black.

At first, the singer released a cassette demo-registration, the first full-fledged album "King of Kingz" was released in 2001, in 2003 reissued on the CD, and a year later supplemented by remixes and heading "Exclusive 2004 Edition". The debut did not remain unnoticed, and in connection with the hard content, the record was banned from selling in Germany.

Already here, Anis voiced the topics that have become permanent in his work, and sings about drugs, weapons and prostitutes, not embarrassed in expressions. Starting to cooperate with the Studio Aggro Berlin, the popularity of the Rapper soon opens its own ErsguterJunge label.

There, the performer writes new discs, continuing to work in the style of Gangsta Rap. "VOM Bordstein Bis Zur Skyline" (2003) was also seized from sale, and 3 tracks from it were included in the list of prohibited, since drugs and violence were promoted, insulting women, disabled people and homosexuals.

Bushido works sololy and in collaborations, and the 3rd Album "Electro Ghetto", published in 2005, acquires gold status. Over time, the popularity of the singer is only growing, he wins dozens of European premiums, among which "Echo", MTV Europe Music Awards and Bambi. The GQ magazine in 2010 recognizes his man of the year, which contributed to the exit of the autobiographical drama, where Anis starred along with the stars of German cinema.

On RPER's account, tens of albums written solo and in collaboration with other performers. The release of "Zeiten Ändern dich", "Jenseits Von Gut Und Böse" and "Black Friday" is already preceded by the impatience of fans, and they quickly acquire the status of the most-selling disks of Europe. And songs "ALLES WIRD GUT", "PANAMERA FLOW", "ES TUT MIR SO LEID" and "UNSTERBLICH" continue to tell the story of a coarse guy who knows everything about the gangster life of German outgrows.

In the autobiographical film "Life is changing you" (2010) The musician appears quite a cute guy who escaped from a disadvantaged environment and became successful thanks to talent and work.

Bushido (Frame from the movie

At the same time, the significant proportion of Bushido fame is mixed on constant scandals associated with his audacity and reluctance to obey generally accepted standards. The singer falls on the pages of newspapers by different reasons: exceeding speed and fights, links with the criminal world and insult individuals and entire communities.

At first, the media tried to present the news about the proximity of Anisa to the Lebanon-Palestinian clan Abu-Shaker as a sensation. But he unexpectedly did not deny the information, but, on the contrary, confirmed his involvement, calling the grouping family, and himself was one of her members. The guy is not bent the protection of the "brothers" and emphasizes that they are engaged in real estate and politics business, and not just dubious affairs. It is known that the monetary accounts and the property of the singer are under the jurisdiction of the mafia clan.

The performer has repeatedly become a participant in litigation. In 2005, he was even arrested for applying beatings together with a group of persons. The musician and his friends beat the guy, and he fell into intensive care with a cranial trauma. However, after making a solid deposit, Anis was released, the court also ended with a major monetary compensation.

Bushido is not from those who are particularly worried about the correctness of their statements. Huge fees allow not to take care of what and to say, as they allow you to buy "freedom of speech" by fines. Rapper insulted police and office workers, politicians and televisas, homosexuals and Jews. Attachment and criticism, the artist reacts relaxed and even mockingly, not trying to justify and take his words back.

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For the texts of songs, the guy is incriminated to homophobia, racism, mensenavitricality, Islamism and anti-Semitism, but he continues to make tough music for "bad guys." Quarrel with colleagues on the workshop for Bushido, too, the usual thing. Often these "fights" are held within the framework of creativity when the musicians hide each other in the tracks. So it happened with FLER and SIDO, but the war with Kay One went further, by going to an armed attack, in which, however, Anis denied.

Repeatedly accused the musician and in the plagiarism. European teams applied to him, confirming the fact of theft of creative material. The Swiss metal-group Samael even achieved payments on the suit in the amount of € 2 thousand. In 2010, the French Dark Sanctuary said that Bushido used immediately 11 songs from their plates, and asked for it € 63 thousand.

Personal life

The details of personal life, the singer shared in the autobiography, published in September 2008 and immediately fell to the list of bestsellers. Here Anis spoke about the beginning of sexual experience and the first love - a red-haired spoiled girl from a rich family, who drove a guy crazy. This Mesallians lasted for a long time, but ceased due to discrepancy in views.

Since 2012, the wife of the singer has become the Anna-Maria Lagerblel model, which before that met with the German national football player with Mesil Mesil and even accepted Islam for him. At the same time, her previous husband engaged in the same profession. The woman brought up his son from the first marriage, and in 2012 gave birth to Raper daughter. Several twins appeared in the pair. Now the family lives in the eastern district of Berlin.

Bushido now

In 2018, the singer released the new album "Mythos", which became the 13th in the Bushido solo discography. The track "MEPHISTO" got fame even before the release of the plate, and the video came to the song to the Millions of Views on YouTube.

The musician was negotiated by the release in the "Instagram", where hundreds of thousands of subscribers follow the life of the stars. Here, Anis lays out fresh family photos, demonstrating herself as a happy husband and father. On the eve of the 2019th, the man posted a post where he expressed his gratitude to his wife and friends for supporting in 2018.


  • 2003 - "Vom Bordtein Bis Zur Skyline"
  • 2004 - ELECTRO Ghetto
  • 2005 - "Staatsfeind NR. one"
  • 2007 - "7"
  • 2010 - "Zeiten Ändern Dich"
  • 2011 - Jenseits Von Gut Und Böse
  • 2012 - "Amyf"
  • 2014 - "Sonny Black"
  • 2015 - "Carlo Cokxxx Nutten 3"
  • 2017 - "Black Friday"
  • 2018 - "Mythos"

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