Oleg Novoselov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Books 2021



Russian author Oleg Novoselov conducted a study in the field of modern science of ethology and wrote a book called "Woman. Tutorial for men. " In addition, he developed a project that teaches people to manage his own personal life, fate and happiness, where issues such as creating society, the ruling elite, the evolution of intelligence and feminism are considered.

Childhood and youth

Oleg Novoselov was born on December 12, 1967 in Yekaterinburg and, he said, was brought up in an intelligent and versatile family educated. As a child, Dad and Mom often took the boy in hiking for mushrooms and berries and instead of magical fairy tales told about how the natural world is arranged.

Oleg Novoselov in youth

Having learned to read, Oleg began to be interested in the origin of living organisms and asked for a gift to the book of a cognitive-developing genre. This has determined his further biography, the early hobbies in the naturally scientific region and formed the views that expanded the horizons.

In school years, among other general educational items, Novoselov preferred chemistry, nerds and zoologists, and in his free time his hobbies were chess, making firearms and collecting insects, especially bees.

At the end of the educational institution, which gave in-depth knowledge of physics, the developed young man began to spend the evening with the girls, and its preferences included electronics and the production of homemade tinctures and wines. But this did not interfere with experimenting over invertebrates, covered and many-fashioned animals in an attempt to understand how their organism is arranged.

In 1985, on the recommendation of the teachers, who distinguished the departments of the researcher, Oleg entered the Faculty of Physics to the Ural State University. Providing a diploma called "magneto-optical properties of chalcogenide spinels", got a job in the Diagnostic Laboratory of Sverdlovenergo and studied the heat and share and methods for checking high-voltage equipment since 1993 for 8 years.


In the late 2000s, having survived the unpleasant events in personal life, Novoselov decided to associate psychology with the section of the biology of ethology and wrote a book "Woman. Tutorial for men. " In this work, the author issued a number of negative thoughts about the supposedly prevailing feminism in society and tried to create a leadership that supported the team with him.

The guys from different layers of the population found this work worthy of attention, while the girls considered that the writer is sexist and tech. As a merit, Novoselov was attributed to the competent interpretation of scientific information from the Internet, and the chapters talking about the need to punish women, the majority regarded as "nonsense and a nightmare."

Writer Oleg Novoselov

In order to defend his own point of view, the author replenished the bibliography by journalistic articles and stories "about the horns. The fairy tale for large boys, "" Parable about tolerance "," Why can not marry single mothers "and" a man in Russia has no reason to live and have nothing to protect. "

These works after inclusion in the second editorial office of the "textbook" caused a wave of readership disapproval, but Novoselov did not respond to criticism and gave the "Komsomolskaya Pravda" newspaper. In it, based only on his own opinion and not leading any arguments, the writer insulted women raising children, power and the state and said that it was this trinity that destroys a healthy family.

Personal life

The work of Novoselov leaves the roots in the problems that appeared in his personal life, after the first wife in the early 2000s filed a divorce. After that, the newly friendly bachelor was engaged in the beekeeping business and the sale of thermal imagers, and on the weekend there were in nature, visiting a family hunting house.

In 2010, Oleg joined the so-called "male movement" and began to post the relevant photos on social networks. And then he had a daughter and girlfriend, now the writer's own relationship positions as a civil marriage.

Oleg Novoselov Now

In 2019, Novoselov published a short "parable about the uncomfortable Otare of Baranov" on the literary sites "and the journalistic article" Why this crazy believing around the children is conducted. "

Oleg Novoselov Now

In them, the author compared the society of people with any other animals and presented the reasoning about the matriarchy and slavery, which, together with a pseudo-scientific psychological approach, contained a number of sexist ideas.


  • 2009 - "Woman. Tutorial for men "
  • 2010 - "Etology of a Man"
  • 2012 - "About the horns. Fairy Tale for big boys »
  • 2013 - "Mothers devouring their children"
  • 2014 - "Why you can not marry with single mothers"
  • 2015 - "Prinoraders for 30"
  • 2016 - "How to Stop Floor War"
  • 2016 - "About March 8 and Male Stupidity"
  • 2017 - "How to press outless authors and prohibit books"
  • 2019 - "Parable about the uncomfortable Otare of Baranov"
  • 2019 - "Why this insane thing is being done around the children"

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