Group of Children of Bodom - Photo, History of Creation, Composition, News, Songs 2021



In March 2019, the Finnish Death Metal Group of Children of Bodom released an album called "Hexed" and planned a global tour, including performances in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia, as well as participation in large rock festivals held in the summer on Europe. The most anticipated event becomes the August concert in Helsinki, where the leaders of the national alternative scene will appear together with the Katatonia, Lost Society and Hardcore teams.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the creation of the Children of Bodom group began in 1993 due to the young guitarist and the Alexi Lajo drummer and Jasque Raatikainen. Guys familiar from early childhood were interested in the direction of Hevi Metal and along with the classic performed by Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Black Sabbath listened to the music of such teams as Dissection, Entombed, Cannibal Corpse, AutoPsy and Obituary.

Quiet songs of idols, future participants in the Finnish team mastered the techniques characteristic of this direction, and with the participation of Basist Samuli Mietinena formed the IneartHed trio, which recorded the democomposition of Implosion of Heaven.

The initial composition was unstable and after 2 years broke out due to the move of the Samuli family to the permanent place of residence in the United States. True, finally, the young and talented author composed the songs for "Ubiquitous Absence of Remission", later recorded in the professional studio in Lappeenrant under the guidance of the Anssi Kippo producer.

Having experienced difficulties with the key of keyboard tools, Alexy and Jasqua realized that they would certainly need another musician who would provide full-fledged work in the studio and support on the alleged concerts.

As a result, by 1996, friends were attracted to the cooperation of the rhythm guitarist Alexander Quepalu, who played in the local commercial bend, as well as a familiar Basist Henkku Seppälyal. The completion of the formation of a new composition was the invitation of the session pianist Yani Pirisayoki, with time dismissed due to regular passing rehearsals.

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By controlling Lyhodo, who adopted the role of the author of the texts and Frontman, the new formation participants recorded the 3rd Demodisk "Shining", which once again did not contribute to promotion and was not interested in the leaders of local labels. This led to the need to perform in provincial clubs to accumulate money for an album self-financing.

In 1997, after refusing the services of an undisciplined keyboard player, Alexy found a jazz musician Yanne Virman, who provided a new sound and a breakthrough in a creative biography of the group.

Compositions reflected with an emphasis on the synthesizer gave the team individuality and almost immediately attracted the attention of managers of several sound recording companies.

By signing a contract with a small label Shiver Records, the musicians began to release a debut album, but soon realized that they had to spread and promote this record. Then Lyho decided to terminate the contract and accept the services of a larger Spinefarm Records studio.

For registration of legal documents, the Group had to change the name, and after a short reflection, the participants took the tragic killings of adolescents, which happened not far from the city of Espoo on the shores of the infamous Lake Bodom.

In 2015, the composition of the group that was at the peak of popularity was last changed, and now it is represented by Alexe Lyho, Janne Virmane, Henkkaya Seppälya, Yaskaya Raatikainen and Daniel Freiberg, who came to the guitarist's place after Alexander Cuppala and Rupe Latvála.


Shortly before the release of the debut album, Children of Bodom was heated at the popular Norwegian group of Dimmu Borgir, and Finnish metal fans immediately spoke about this new and extraordinary musical phenomenon.

The head of the studio, with which the starting team signed a short-term contract, listened to the public opinion and suggested adding an item on the European and world release. As a result of the Something Wild plate, which contained the "Touch Like Angel of Death", "In The Shadows" and "Lake Bodom" composition, was released in 1997 in Finland and in a year reprinted for other continents.

Despite the fact that the group tried to promote the first studio work with the help of concerts and video clips on the song "Deadnight Warrior", Lycho was not satisfied with the sound, manner of performance and the semantic content of the material. Subsequently, he tried to avoid technical guitar passages that resembled the virtuoso game of the great multi-instrumentalist Inve Malmstine.

However, the leader understood that this album helped the group to penetrate the European metal scene and organize 2 touring tour that brought recognition and success musicians.

In the interval between the concerts, the group recorded two new songs called "Towards Dead End" and "Children of Bodom" included in the Spinefarm Records collection, which after the release remained at the top of the Finnish charts for 8 weeks. And then throughout the year in the studio there was a work on the project, which at the initial intent was to be called "Towards Dead End".

As a result, the album, in the course, renamed the "Hatebreeder", appeared shortly after the presentation of the "Downfall" single, accompanied by a clip from the popular Finnish director, and Children of Bodom went on tour in Japan, writing the concert version of the Tokyo Warhearts program.

In 2000, the musicians decided to change the situation and work with the producer of Peter Tagtgren in the Swedish studio of ABYSS Group. There they created music to the Third Studio Albom "Follow The Reaper", which demonstrated the elements of the Power Metal genre and attracted a new audience in the ranks of fans.

Songs "Mask of Sanity", "Everytime I Die" and "Hate Me!", Who made up quotes from the artistic film "Exorcist III", differed by an accelerated pace and melodious vocals and were soon reissued for Japan and the rest of the world in a separate set with a bonus track -list.

After the foreign session of the Children of Bodom, returned to Finland and resumed cooperation with Ansesi Kipipo and a recording studio Lappeenranta. In winter, 2002, they released the "Hate Crew Deathroll" plate, which rose to the top of the national charts and the received gold for high sales.

The style of compositions of the 4th release of musicians again has undergone significant changes and became more oriented to Mainstream. Due to the fact that the guitars began to dominate the keys and vocals, the sound of the compositions approached the trash metal and lost the features of the melodicity and simphonism.

Nevertheless, Children of Bodom received a national award as the best group of the year, and successfully conducted all-American concerts, which included European and North American cities.

In 2004-2007, the Finnish team productively worked in the studio and made EP "Trashd, Lost & Strungout" and a full-length album "Are You Dead Yet?". Having written heavy compositions like "Living Dead Beat" and "Are You Dead Yet?", Musicians allowed themselves a small joke, fulfilling his own version of Hit Britney Spears "Oops! I Did It Again. "

This experiment was so successful that after the record of the Bloodrunk plate, Lyao with comrades presented tricks on Alice Cooper songs, Iron Maiden, Slayer, Andrew WK, Billy Idol and Scorpions, combined under the name "Skeletons in the closet".

In subsequent years, the musicians did not stop the concert activities and were permanent participants in the largest metal festivals. In the intervals between performances, they found time to process new material and recording albums "Relentless Reckless Forever" and "Halo of Blood".

Only in 2015, during the next change, the Children of Bodom guitarist took a short respite and closely took up the project "I WORSHIP CHAOS", released on the Nuclear Blast label. After the record took the 1st line in the national rating of Suomen Virallinen Lista, the musicians kept silence for some time, and then in an interview with Noizr Zine magazine announced creative plans associated with concerts and recordings of the 10th Hexed Studio Album.

Children of Bodom now

In March 2019, the discography of the Finnish group of the Children of Bodom was finally replenished with the long-awaited album "Hexed", presented by the singles "Under Grass and Clover", "This Road", "Platitudes and Barren Words" and "Hecate's Nightmare" and a photo of the cover published In Instagram.

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Immediately after the release of the plate, the musicians went to a concert tour in support of new work.


  • 1997 - "Something Wild"
  • 1999 - "Hatebreeder"
  • 2000 - "Follow The Reaper"
  • 2005 - "Are You Dead Yet?"
  • 2008 - "Blooddrunk"
  • 2011 - "Relentless Reckless Forever"
  • 2013 - "Halo of Blood"
  • 2015 - "I WORSHIP CHAOS"
  • 2019 - "Hexed"


  • "Was IT Worth IT?"
  • "Are You Dead Yet?"
  • "Roundtrip to Hell and Back"
  • "Smile Pretty for the Devil"
  • "Hellhounds on My Trail"
  • "Everytime I Die"
  • "BloodDrunk"
  • "Shovel Knockout"
  • "Sixpounder"

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