Group "Speaker" - Photo, History of creation, Composition, News, songs 2021



The "Speaker" group emerged in the 1980s and treated the number of musical groups that brought a new wave of discoveries and experiments on the scene. The composition of the team often changed, but his frontman remained permanent Vladimir Kuzmin. The musician performed as a soloist, and also created songs and participated in the organization of the accompaniment at concerts and in the records of compositions.

The history of the creation of the group "Speaker" is full of peripetia, but at the dawn of his creativity the team has created a number of albums and songs that have become a classic of Russian rock. The team is still successful on the domestic scene.

The history of creation and composition

The ideological inspirer "Dynamics" Vladimir Kuzmin from childhood lived with music, but at first perceived it as a hobby. The organizational abilities of the young man showed at 11 years old, gathering several like-minded people around himself to participate in the first in his life of the musical group. At school, the student's creative inclinations was noticed and began to invite as an artist to planned events. So Kuzmin became the performer of Caverns on the famous European and American rock hits.

In 1975, the young man filed documents to the railway institute, but already after 2 years she realized that he wanted to fully devote himself to music. Kuzmin entered the music school. Having received a diploma, became the guitarist of the vocal instrumental ensemble "Hope", and after a couple of months he was invited to cooperate the legendary "gems".

At that time they were among the most popular groups of the country. The repertoire included lyrical songs of civil and patriotic character, but at rehearsals the musicians played compositions that were really like them.

In 1979, Vladimir Kuzmina invited Alexander Barykin to Create care, a former soloist of the team "Cheerful guys." Frontman gathered a new team called "Carnival" and was in finding like-minded people. Having come to the group, Kuzmin made a significant contribution to it in the form of his own songs, which formed the image of the collective.

"Carnival" performed with concerts in Moscow and was popular among the public. Recording the record "Superman", but in 1981, the team collapsed. Kuzmin and Barykin became employees of the Tula Philharmonic and performed before the concerts of VIA "Red Maki". The musicians of this team knew about the work of two rockers. The liveliness and modernity of their views provoked the union of the former leaders of the "carnival" and 3 musicians of "Red Makov".

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The team existed no more than a year due to discrepancies in opinions and views on the prospects of the team. After decay, Alexander Barykin remained in the "Carnival" group, and Vladimir Kuzmin created a group "Speaker", in which the keyboard player and Saxophonist Yuri Chernavsky, bassist Sergey Ryzhov and Drummer Yuri Kitaev.

"Speaker" was among the artists of the Tashkent circus. By making a tour of the tour and writing the first album, the team found the first fame. On the record there were compositions of different styles from blues to reggae and rock and roll, which attracted the mass audience. Song texts won with lyricity and penetration. They described simple life events close to every listener.

Yuri Chernavsky left the team at the dawn of her formation. In his absence, the "speaker" continued the performances and recorded the song "Roof of your house", which became a hit of several generations. The team also created the phonograms for the fairy tale "Adventures of the Kuzu grasshopper". In the fall of 1982, the composition of the group replenished the brother of Solist Alexander Kuzmin.

The feature of that period of time was that the Ministry of Culture was led by an anti-flow policy, so most groups were ordered for a large scene. "Speaker" was among the teams cut off from perspectives. The musicians for a long time remained without work, because of what Yuri Kitaev and Sergey Ryzhov moved to the team "Merry Guys", and Sergey Evdochenko and Yuri Rogozhin took their place in the "dynamics".


In 1983, the discography of the group "Speaker" was replenished with a plate "Take with you". The musicians continued to shoot video clips, including videos on the song "Ball", "Shine". Compositions "Hood", "on the beach", "fatigue", "yesterday" sounded from radio receivers.

Team concerts still collected a big audience. In 1984, the composition replenished Gennady Rybetsev, saxophonist, guitarist and keyboard player. A year later, the team attracted the interest of Alla Pugacheva, which was in a creative search. She invited Kuzmin to cooperate, but he soon returned to work as part of "Dynamics". At that time, change took place in the team. Some participants left him, others came to their places.

In the 1980s, the team was successful. A large number of performances, recording new plates changed the period of the clutch. The albums "My Love", Romeo and Juliet and others appeared on the store shelves. The creative course of the group was changed. Lyrical compositions began to appear in it more and more. Rock gave way to love lyrics. In the early 1990s, the frontman went to the United States, where he released 2 albums. Musicians "Dynamics" and session participants worked on them.

Returning to the Motherland, Vladimir Kuzmin again worked with the "speaker". Many participants in the former composition of the Group were filed in the United States, others began to work in the teams of pop artists in Russia. Kuzmina had to reinstate the team, and soon the bassist Sergey Tigan was included in its composition, Andrei Glyaev keystrap, Alexander Shatunovsky drummer and guitarist Alexander Goryachev. In 1998, Shatunovsky changed Alexey Maslov.

The 2000s brought a new wave of popularity. "Speaker" produced new albums and clips. Some young groups made remixes of famous hits of rockers. Music experts described the creativity of "Dynamics" as an excellent example of Russian rock with high-quality electronic arrangements and experienced specialists in the team.

The demand for "Dynamics" did not poisoner and thanks to the efforts of Vladimir Kuzmin. The vocalist and the multi-instrumentist took the functions of the showman. The team successfully occupied the empty niche and attracted listeners who were not interested in adherents of philharmonic speeches and did not care about rock urban.

"Speaker" now

Despite the rapid change of musical trends on a modern stage, the "Speaker" group continues to exist. In 2018, the team noted the 35th anniversary. Head with Vladimir Kuzmina team goes on tour. In 2019, concerts in different cities of the country were devoted to the Birthday of the team.

Now the speeches of the musicians collect lovers of classic rock and roll. The team is invited to perform on Bafk-Festa, Rock events and gala concerts. The photo of the group can still be seen in the media, and the frontman "Dynamics" remains in demand by the media person.


  • 1982 - "Speaker"
  • 1983 - "Take with you"
  • 1986 - "My love"
  • 1987 - "Not yet come Monday"
  • 1988 - Romeo and Juliet
  • 1989 - "Look at me today"
  • 1990 - "Tears on fire"
  • 1994 - "My girlfriend luck"
  • 2000 - "Networks"
  • 2001 - "Rocker"
  • 2007 - "Secrets"
  • 2014 - "Dream Angels"
  • 2018 - "Eternal Stories"


  • 1985 - "Hood"
  • 1987 - "Your favorite motive"
  • 1988 - "I returned home"
  • 1998 - "Five minutes to your home"
  • 2004 - "Sparrow"
  • 2004 - "Tale in my life"

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